Everyone’s been talking about it – heck, you are reading about it right here. What are they talking about? This phenomenon we call the Law of Attraction. People always seem to ask the same question, does it really work? The answer – YES! Absolutely, unquestionably, and eventually it always does when we apply the proceeding principal. . What I am about to offer is what that next step is. It is a very common word, that when applied, along with the attraction principle, will bring you what you desire even faster…the word is – ACTION! All successful people understand that simply ‘wishing’ for something is great. It gets the ball rolling, so to speak, and opens our minds and hearts to the possibility of something special. Now combine that with positive, forward thinking, action steps and you can attain anything you have your sights set on at an amplified speed. It works like this… Imagine someone sitting in their living room and saying to themselves, “I would LOVE a fruit tree in the backyard.” Well, that’s great – and it puts the law into motion. (Let me ask you, what would it take to make that desire materialize right away?) They would go to the local nursery, and pick up a fruit tree, drive it home, dig a hole, fertilize it, keep it watered along with weeds away from its roots….right? Then after an incubation period of about two years, it blooms, and produces fruit….and what do you know? Viola! You have yourself a fruit tree in your backyard. Sure, you manifested it and applied the laws of attraction (heck you are the one who wanted it in the first place); but then you did something many are simply not willing to do …you took action! You put the Law of Attraction INTO action! So many people miss this key ingredient. They may desire wealth, romance, security, happiness, etc…and believe they will receive it overnight. If that was so, everyone would win the lottery that plays each time, or fall in love whenever they left the house. As we know, life does not work that way. We have to take certain steps in order to have our dreams fulfilled, such as learn to budget and open an investment program, or enroll into a dating service, etc… You are a smart person; that is why you are reading this right now…you want to move forward and are willing to open your mind to new ideas. Here is my suggestion. Within these pages, you will find an abundance of ideas to create a vision of what is important to you. Once you have the clarity of what that something is – Write beside it what action steps you could take right now, today, to move closer to making that dream a reality. Then do something crazy – Take Action, and make it so. Your very own fruit tree is waiting for you; now roll up your sleeves, and get to digging…before you know it, you’ll be enjoying the sweet fruit of your efforts, too! Learn more from Greg Reid and Pass It On…and here’s to your success!
Monthly Archives: May 2012
Performance: Turbo-Charge Your Life With Powerful Self-Talk
Self-talk is the inner chatter that accompanies us in most of our waking moments. Your self-talk can be a powerful aid to your performance, or it can be destructive. What do you say when you talk to yourself? If you’re like many of us, your self-talk is a caustic mixture of judgments, complaints, and verbal abuse, in the form of “tapes” – mental recordings – that you’ve imprinted on your mind and play over and over again. No wonder you feel down and depressed. However, you can change the tapes you play, and your self-talk, as soon as you become aware of what you’re saying to yourself. Changing your self-talk will turbo-charge your life and enhance your performance in everything you do. You can change your self-talk right now Let’s try a little test. Say to yourself, silently or aloud: “That was a stupid thing to say. How could I say _________ (pick any verbal blunder you can remember). I’m so stupid.” How do you feel? Perhaps you feel sad, or anxious. Take a moment to track your emotions in your body. Perhaps you have a sinking feeling in your tummy, or your face is becoming hot. Your self-talk immediately affected your body, your mental state and your emotions. Now let’s try some positive self-talk. Take a couple of deep breaths, smile, and say to yourself, aloud or silently: “I’m happy, strong and confident.” How do you feel now? Feel your emotions in your body. Repeat the words “I’m happy, strong and confident” several times – keep smiling as you do so. You felt an emotional lift, didn’t you? You can give yourself an emotional boost at any time, just by changing your self-talk. If you make it a habit to repeat motivating self-talk to yourself, not only will you feel better, but you’ll perform better in everything you do. Self-talk is powerful, and it’s free. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself. Erase old self-talk tapes: make new tapes Affirmations are a form of self-talk, and you can create your own affirmations to use as self-talk. However, the best way to change your old self-talk tapes, is to make a new tape every time you catch yourself replaying an old tape. For example, if you hear yourself saying: “I’ll never get this project done. No one’s helping me with it, I’m always left to do the hard work and others get the credit…” Change your self-talk immediately. Write down your new self-talk tape which will over time erase the old self-talk tape: “This project’s interesting. I’m going to have fun working with it. I’ll ask ___ and ___ for their input right away. I’m taking charge of this project, it will be done in no time, and I’ll claim the credit because I deserve it.” Now repeat your new self-talk to yourself as often as you need to, particularly as soon as you can hear any faint whispers of the old self talk. Boost the new tape with affirmations, like: “I’m confident, capable and strong. I CAN do this!” Start today: use powerful self-talk to enhance your performance in everything you do.
How To Determine The Sum Of Your Values
“Our value is the sum of our values.” –Joe Batten In order to make an advancement in your ability to persuade, I believe it’s necessary to advance yourself. Personal advancement. Personal understanding. Personal growth. These are all incredibly powerful ways to increase every aspect of your life–business, personal and public. This article is about an amazing process that will help begin to accelerate your skills with my material. The goal is to rank our values. It’s fairly painless, and will take you to new levels of understanding and give you a little more insight into persuading your affluent clientиle. Future articles will get deeper into this, but feel free to check out other articles on criteria and values as they relate to influencing the affluent. The following is a list, albeit an incomplete list which you should feel free to add to, of some examples of core values. Please, add your own should they not appear. As you practice this with your clients, you’ll see this list grow. * Honesty * Freedom * Security * Passion * Freedom * Recognition * Integrity * Health * Family * Spouse * Friends * Spirituality * Money * Love * Success * Recognition * Education * Self improvement * Adventure * Fun * Financial independence * Variety * Knowledge * Self actualization * Wisdom * Accomplishment * Power You might notice that ‘happiness’ is not on the list. The reason for this omission is, ‘happiness’ is not a value. Happiness is what will occur once your core value is actualized. The next step is to put them in order. Start with your top ten from the above list. And this is how to determine your top five: As an example, your list may, in no particular order, start out with health, love, money, passion, freedom, knowledge, wisdom, friends, accomplishment, recognition. Start with health and make your way down the list. If you had to choose between perfect health and no love, or a perfect love, but poor health. . .which would you choose? For sake of this example, we’ll choose health. What if you could have amazing health OR all the money you wanted? Which would you choose? Perfect health and no freedom, or absolute freedom and poor health? Choose which better describes what you want. We go through the entire list this same way to determine the top five values. Why is this a valuable exercise? Well, I’ll answer that with another question. If a sales professional had the top values of security, wealth and family, do you think they might be able to effectively interweave security, wealth and family into a conversation about their product or service? We can’t elicit our prospect’s values in this way, but we are eliciting their criteria (which is really more of a context based value. . . i.e. their value about the given situation that we’re asking about). We need to make it relevant to them. As you begin to understand the value of this information, you may also want to check out www.maxpersuasion.com/blog for more articles on how values and criteria can affect the way you sell.
How To Get Rid Of Procrastination
Being successful in life is everyone’s goal. But most of us fail to avail the golden chances and opportunities, life presents us. The major reason behind this is we become victims of procrastination. Procrastination is a synonym for laziness. We get so lazy sometimes that we think that we have a long time to accomplish the task, knowing the task can take more time we assumed. Then we tend to do work in last moments and most of people fail to hold their patience and get tensed to that extent that they make situations worse or do the things in a wrong or ineffective manner. After that we mourn over our procrastination but now nothing can be restored. Thus, to emerge successful one needs to get rid of procrastination and this than be done in following manner: First of all if you feel you are victim of procrastination you need to get organized. Get organized from today. The best way to start is with your room. Organize your room, your time, your life and your things. The sense of organization will bring stability in you and you will tend to stay organized, thus every time you see anything out of order, you will place it in a proper place. Slowly with passage of time you will imbibe a order in you, helping you to overcome your procrastination. The next thing is to make a routine. Take your monthly planner with you and write down your short term as well as long term goals and also jot down ways to accomplish these tasks. Make a habit of doing the things as mentioned in your routine and make sure to mention even minor things like ironing of clothes in your routine. Though initially, you will find it hard to follow the routine but once if you started sticking to it, you will dwell the habit of doing things at specified period of time. This will help you in accomplishing your goals in a timely manner and thus you get rid of habit of not doing work on time. Drawing your future plans holds another advantage too. Earlier you had no work to do and could sit idle for hours but if you know what you need to do before hand, a pressure will always be there on you to do the things in timely manner, otherwise your other work will hamper. Along with planning, managing your time in a productive manner always help you get rid of procrastination. You need to finish the tasks in the allotted time period and this organizes your lifestyle. Moreover, if you start managing your time well you will be always left with plenty of time at the end of day allowing you to carry other activities which was not feasible earlier due to your procrastination. The most important aspect to get rid of your procrastination is to build just do it attitude. Always think it’s now or never whenever you feel like skipping the work or task that needs to be accomplished and you will always get rid of procrastination.
Aligning For Wealth
Someone asked me recently if I could articulate some easy and basic “steps” that a person could do every day that would help them be in alignment with wealth, meaning be “in line” to attract wellbeing, goodness, and prosperity. So, that prosperity would flow easier in life. So, that where they stood emotionally was a reflection of what they wanted to create in life, versus standing in fear and scarcity. My answer to that question was yes! Yes, you certainly create some basic “steps” to do each and every day that would align you with wealth, joy, and goodness. Now, before I go there, I want you to realize that these steps, or perhaps a better word would be “keys”, to alignment are not set in stone. But, they are indeed good building blocks for beginning the journey, your journey, that sets your “keys to alignment” apart from everyone else’s. 1. I would begin with a heaping dose of self-care. What I mean by this – choose at least 10 things to do for yourself each day that isn’t a should or a have-to. This is one of the most essential things. It builds your sense of self worth and you will begin to love yourself in a new way, and this in turn, lines you up with love, wellbeing, and prosperity. 2. Meditate. Every day for at least 5-15 minutes, begin to intentionally quiet your mind. Increase this time as you are able. Close your eyes, breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth 3 times. Then gently focus on your heart and your connection with God. Let fleeting thoughts pass by, with out resistance. Stay focused on your love for God, your appreciation, and your joy. This is Tibetan form of meditation that I have found to be excellent. Why is meditation important? Connection to All That Is, and All That Is a far cry from scarcity isn’t it?! It is good to experience truth and love on a daily basis and move away from the many illusions of life. Meditation also quiets your mind so that you can raise your vibration to it’s most natural and abundant state. In this state, you are powerful attractor of wealth and wellbeing. Treat your self to this each day. 3. Be in charge of your thoughts and feelings. Choose thoughts and feelings that make you feel better, and help you to ease any resistance to wellbeing in your life. If you can jump into joy this is great! But, if joy is too big of a stretch, then take your time and ease your way there. Make the topic of “feeling good” or “feeling better” at the top of your life’s list. Here is an example. I have this little health issue. I could, if I chose, stand here: “This health issue is the worst, I can’t handle it, I have no control over this, my doctors don’t care, feel angry ..etc etc. ” OR, I could stand here, and ease my resistance to it: “Well, I am here. It is better than where I was last week, and I can really feel myself improving a bit. I love my new naturopath and I believe in her. I know I will heal, and I know it will be soon, I can feel it coming. I trust I will have learned something from this, and that my body will be healthier because of it in the end. This thing won’t get me. It’s MY life.” Help yourself move UP the wellbeing scale, versus spiraling down and around, creating more of the same situation you are in. You will be amazed how your connection to wealth and wellbeing seems to just happen…as if it was there all along. Imagine that! Here it comes. Peace, Lori Hamann