As you can see from the title, I’ve set myself a big writing challenge today! Have you ever set a goal and felt disappointed because you didn’t achieve it? Or set a goal and felt out of alignment with it immediately – or felt bad even if you did achieve it? Or have you ever set a goal and felt like a fraud or laughed at yourself when you said it and said, no way? My hand is up. I’ve done all of those at different times in my life – maybe more than once! Arrrgh! In the past goal setting set me up for failure in one way or another, either because I didn’t achieve the goal or didn’t like myself while working towards the goal. Wikipedia define traditional goal setting. They says “Goal setting involves setting specific, measurable and time targeted objectives. On a personal level, setting goals is a process that allows people to specify, then work towards their own objectives – most commonly with financial or career – based goals. Wikipedia goes on to say, “To be most effective goals should be tangible, specific, realistic and have a time targeted for completion.” Excuse my yawn! What Wikipedia says is however accurate with what I understand most goal setting to be. But I’m left asking, “Where’s the heart in it?” In the past, when I set goals, I was always told to set tangible outcomes – what specifically by when. But I’m sorry, I got fed up with it. It was too mechanical, didn’t allow for flow, didn’t ignite my passion and left me feeling set for failure. The Magical Formula A short time ago, two things fell into place. As a result I’m now setting my goals in a very different manner. And what’s happening is that my big dreams are moving closer to reality every day. This means that my small goals happen quicker. As these small goals happen quicker, something else happens that makes me more daring, which means I take bigger steps, which means my goal happens quicker. Fantastic, isn’t it? So I shared what was happening with a handful of clients who had a few things they wanted to achieve. I got them to enjoy the magical formula with me and guess what? They saw a profound change in what occurred to them. Great things began to happen – quickly. So this got me thinking, how can I help more people, do what I’m doing and start to have the results I’m having. Now I’ll be honest, what I’m doing isn’t stuff you’ll see in the Secret. It’s also not lighting candles and hoping or chanting a mantra until you look like a Smurf, (though there’s nothing wrong with that, if you like mantras and Smurfs!). What I’m doing is effective, practical and fun. So, do you want to know the formula so you can start achieving what you want? All you have to do is click here With love and good wishes Neil
Yearly Archives: 2012
Hypnosis Secrets
Some people believe that hypnosis is generally based on the secret of the law of attraction. In fact, many experts have found that your body reacts to your mind’s wish. In short, if you want to achieve any thing and if you keep your goal always in your mind then you will surely notice that your ambition leads you to travel in correct direction. Hence, psychologists say that the thoughts are your energy. You see, when you think about something seriously, then it means that you are sending your energy to the world to attain your goal. If you think positively you will surely observe that you can accomplish the goal. You should also remember that any negative thoughts will have the same impacts like the positive thoughts. The law of attraction strongly proves that your body moves according to the direction of your mind only. For example, many of your diets fail because when you diet you will always think about the food and as a result you can never lose your weight. But when you think that you want to be strong and healthy, then your diet will start working to make you healthy. Likewise, many people who are addicts to smoking or drugs have the struggle to get rid of such habits. This is because they will always think about what they are giving up. But if they start thinking about what they will receive when they leave such habits behind, then they can achieve their goal much more easily and quickly. If you start a self hypnosis study or if you go to a hypnotist for hypnotherapy, the first thing you should learn is to capture your mind. You should modify your mind to think about what you want rather than what you do not want. Remember that your body acts according to your mind only and so do not focus your mind to think what you do not want. You should learn to use you subconscious mind to move in the direction you want. Your mind has more powers and what you hold in your mind will react in your body movement also. First of all learn to thank for the things you have and do not always think about the things that you have not. Focus on what you want and do not think about what you do not want. Then you can use your energy to achieve your goal. You will see that the goal you have strongly held in your inner mind will lead the direction to achieve it. Hypnosis secrets can be learnt via online. Such courses are offered to conquer your mind to achieve your goal. Many people are getting benefits from this course. You can learn the self hypnosis techniques from Hypnosis secrets easily and quickly. You can get your self confidence increased and you can have lot of fun in learning. Hypnosis secrets can make effective controllers of mind, and you can attain your wishes easily through these secrets. You can modify your mind with the help of hypnosis secrets from thinking about the problems to investing your thoughts to find the solution to overcoming the problem entirely. Easy hypnosis is proven effective and so many people are getting these secret nowadays…isn’t it about time you tried?
What Should You Know About Depression Test?
As depression has the ability to affect our lives badly, there should be early warning symptoms that can indicate whether we do have some form of depression disorder. We need to be able to differentiate between normal depression which passes in a few days to depression disorders which last for sometimes months or years on end. There are a number of depression test sites that you can investigate on the internet. While these tests can indicate if you are suffering from depression, they can’t replace proper medical diagnosing. As these depression tests are conducted online, the level of information regarding your possibility of depression will be gleaned from the answers that you will be providing. Also your emotional and mental states during what might be a depression attack will not be evaluated. Therefore you must remember that any depression test can only help you, they can’t provide the necessary medical aid that you may need. In order for the depression test to work properly you should read the question and click an answer that best indicates your feelings and emotional state for the past few days. You should have an answer for each of the questions that are asked. Any question on the test that you are unable to answer, because you are not quite sure of what to indicate, needs to be guessed at. The questions that will be asked are aimed at your emotional state, your mental condition and your physical fitness level. An example of what sort of question that you might be asked is – I get very frightened or panicky feeling for no good reason at all. For all of the questions on the depression test there are four possible responses that you can choose from on the questionnaire. They are – No, not at all; No, not much; Yes, sometimes; and Yes, definitely. Once you have completed the depression test you will need to click the Calculate Score button that is located at the bottom of the test. When the score has been tallied, you will be informed whether you have the potential for depression or not. Should the results of the test is not acceptable to you, you can click the reset button to take the test again. Even though your depression test may confirm if you are suffering from depression you should seek medical aid and advice as soon as possible. The reason is that a correct diagnoses needs to be made so that the right treatment, medications and therapy can be administered to you. Taking a depression test therefore is only the first step towards curing your depression once and for all.
Affect Change With The Help Of Personal Development Programs
While personal development programs are often discussed, they are sadly misunderstood by most. Frequently they are considered to be a kind of course or retreat that focuses on the development of a personal trait of character to the exclusion of anything else. Conversely, others believe them to be great business tools that help anyone – from the entry level blue collar worker to the top executive of the company – to prepare themselves for climbing that next rung on the corporate ladder by teaching the latest business gimmicks and buzzwords. Neither is completely true while at the same time both contain valuable kernels of truth. Personal development coaching affects both a person’s private as well as business persona by focusing on a specific need the employee may have in a business area which is nonetheless rooted in the personal sphere. The Challenge of Public Speaking Most commonly associated with the realm of personal development is public speaking – the bane of most any business person’s existence. While on the college level this is sought to be conquered, the fact remains that during those years public speaking is accompanied with many nervous giggles and college levity that will be conspicuously absent in the business world. There is much about becoming an adequate and even good public speaker that cannot be taught in a class – there is the mindset, the projection of the voice that is borne from confidence, and of course the ability to reach an audience, any audience. Some aspects may be learned in the classroom, such as the organization of the speech, how to dress, how to stand, how to address a group of diverse individuals, and also the proper use of grammar and language. Personal development coaching picks up where the college level courses left off. In a personal development class that speaker to be will learn how to communicate with the audience rather than just talk at them. She or he understands the nuances of persuading addressees and some business people find that they actually begin to like this aspect of their jobs. Dealing With Anxiety and Self Doubt If public speaking is the bane, then anxiety is the feeling that fuels it. Anxiety is experienced in a wide array of different everyday life situations, such as meeting a date, going to a party and entering a room filled with people, boarding a bus where everyone is looking up, going on a job interview, applying for a loan, and of course pitching a new idea to the boss. Personal development coaching seeks to help individuals deal with their fears and worries and instead focus almost exclusively on the defeat of self-doubt borne from an ability to recall instantly one’s abilities, strengths, and likeable qualities while at the same time remembering that the person across the desk is just as human as oneself. While this may sound like common sense, it is a concept that is revealed, studied, and honed in on during a personal development class. Becoming a Self Starter Nothing impresses a boss more than an employee who shows initiative and is self motivated. As a matter of fact, a perusal of the want ads quite frequently brings up the term “self starter” which is a not so subtle hint that the employers are looking for something who will not wait around to be told what to do, when to dig deeper, how to go further, why to aim higher, but instead want someone who sees a problem and will work on the solution, finds a working process and seeks to improve on it, and notices a job that was left undone and will go ahead and finish it. This kind of attitude is what propels the entrepreneur and the go-getter on the fast track to promotion. Personal development coaching will help you transcend your wait and see attitude and instead enables you to attain a level of self motivation you might not have known was in you. Sharpening Your Focusing Skills If there is one thing the manager detests at a lengthy business meeting is watching an employee doodle and stares out the window. Equally, there are those who seem to be lost within minutes of a particularly boring speaker. On the other hand, much admired is the employee who can sit through even the lamest presentation and concisely grasp the fine points, focuses on the strengths, and hones in on the weaknesses. Personal development coaching offers many mnemonic devises as well as attitude primers that will help you to harness your wandering mind and sharpen your focusing skills. Increased concentration will make you a most valuable asset in your professional life and with personal development a goal easily attained!
Bullying An Historical Perspecitve Is History Repeating Itself?
A Government backed study funded by the Department for Education and Skills located in the United Kingdom has revealed that schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils. The study found that some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial. Can schools be that ignorant? The horrific events that occurred during World War II that involved the extermination of more than six million Jews cannot be denied. An entire race of people was bullied by an absolute megalomaniac, Adolph Hitler, who attempted to wipe out the entire Jewish race/religion. The events started with the denial of Jews’ basic rights, led to segregated housing in ghettos, destruction of their businesses, and ultimately being sent to concentration camps where they were starved, tortured, used as guinea pigs in cruel medical experiments, worked to death, and gassed to death. Based on this recent study, the Jewish population is in imminent danger of being bullied again, first through the denial that the Holocaust never happened, and then by allowing Muslims to bully school systems into submission and remove these historical events from their curriculum. The bullying of a system is not uncommon, and school systems fall prey to this type of tyranny all the time. When I was a school administrator, I remember one parent complaining that her son could not wear a hat in school. The school district actually gave in and changed written school policy. The new policy allowed the students to wear hats in school, but not in classrooms. This was an instance where bullying changed an entire district policy that had worked for everyone else, but not for them. In this instance Muslim students/parents are “offended” by teachings about the Holocaust. They are bullying school systems, and often individual teachers into not including the Holocaust in their curriculum. A fifth grade teacher in New Jersey recently told me about an account of just this. When she was beginning her unit on the Holocaust last year she was shocked when one of her students, who was Islamic and from Pakistan said, “Why are we learning about the Holocaust? My mom told me it’s a big lie, and it never happened.” What’s actually happening here is that we are being bullied into submission by a group of people, and that bullying is causing us to rearrange an entire history curriculum because of the fear of fallout. Parents concerned about their own agenda and special interest groups use bullying as a means of instilling fear and intimidation to coerce school superintendents and board members to meet their unreasonable demands. The result: schools and teachers, in particular are buckling even though this is not good for the population at large. In many instances the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I worked as administrator in one school district that provided a room to all Muslim students so that they could pray everyday for 30 days during the Muslim holiday Ramadan. In the same district teachers of the Jewish faith requested time off to celebrate Rosh Hashanah. Their request was denied and they were docked pay when they decided to take the day off. In the very same district a Christian teacher was given a written reprimand for reading his bible during his lunch hour. He was told he violated separation of church and state. But, provision of a room to pray during school hours is also a violation of the same constitutional amendment. The district chose to take the path of least resistance for fear of the bullying that might occur had they stood up and enforced the first amendment. What group has the power to decide if certain events in history ever occurred? No group should. But, in this instance Muslims are using bullying tactics to instill fear and intimidation into schools and society in order to eliminate facts that they don’t like. History happened; you can’t change it because you’re offended by it. Hitler used his power in his almost successful attempt to wipe the race of the Jewish people off the face of the earth. The world pretty much stood by during the Holocaust and watched while this was happening. It is inevitable that history will repeat itself if we allow ourselves to be bullied into submission by Muslims into not teaching a vital part of history, the Holocaust. This bullying must stop. We cannot change history because a group of people is offended by it.