One of the key ingredients for success can be summed up with one simple word—Focus! On what? That’s easy—one thing at a time. You see, in this fast-paced, “multitask” society we live in, it seems we are judged by how many different things we can do all at one time; yet in reality, we can only do one thing well at any given time. Imagine being on your computer playing music, checking emails, working on a Word document, Excel worksheet, and PowerPoint presentation, and looking up stuff on the Internet. Your system might move pretty slowly. Right? Guess what? The same applies to us. We can do things faster and better, if we focus on only one thing at a time. To illustrate this point even more, I want to share the following example with you. It’s 4th down, 12 seconds remain on the clock, and your team is down by 3 points. You are the wide receiver in the biggest football game of your life, and you are called upon to win the game for the home crowd. You line up to begin the final play. The ball is snapped and you run down field. As the ball is heaved down field in your direction, you feel the anticipation of the event which is about to unfold. You envision it all in your head, step-by-step, move-by-move. You know exactly what is going to happen. You catch the ball. You tuck it in close with the outside arm to keep from fumbling. You twist left and then right, throwing the defenders off guard. As more people run your way, you spin to the side, and dodge one close call after another, while jumping over the opponents like they are nothing more than simple obstacles. You soar into the end zone. The gun explodes, ending the game. Your team is victorious. Your teammates rush the field and hoist you up on their shoulders. The crowd goes wild, chanting your name in unison. Later that night, you are the talk of the town. Everyone wants to have a moment of your time to tell you “great job!” or shake your hand or pat you on the back. This is your time to shine! All the years of training and hard work have paid off. All eyes are on you. You are the man of the hour. Then BAM! Your mind brings you back to the moment. You were lost in your imagination. You lost focus and redirected your thoughts and energy. The pass is drawing near. You juggle the ball as you start to run for the goal. The ball is never securely in your hands. The ball slides through your hands to the ground. The crowd goes silent in disbelief. The only thing you hear is a voice inside repeating one of the coach’s basic lessons, “Before you can do anything else, you first need to catch the ball. Until you do that, everything else is pointless.” Now, let me ask you—did you catch the ball? How many things are you juggling in your life? Learn to focus on one thing, master it well, and then move on to another. Focus may be the missing ingredient in your recipe for success. Best wishes and whatever you do….. keep smilin’ Greg
Yearly Archives: 2012
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 74 )
The grandest idea in the religion of the Vedanta is that we may reach the same goal by different paths; and these paths I have generalized into four, viz. those of work, love,psychology, and knowledge. But you must, at the same time, remember that these divisions are not very marked and quite exclusive of each other. Each blends into the other. But according to the type which prevails, we name the divisions. It is not that you can find men who have no other faculty than that of work, nor that you can find men who are no more than devoted worshipers only, nor that there are men who have no more than mere knowledge. These divisions are made in accordance with the type or the tendency that may be seen to prevail in a man. We have found that,in the end,all these four paths converge and become one. All religions and all methods of work and worship lead us to one and the same goal. I have already tried to point out that goal. It is freedom as I understand it. Everything that we perceive around us is struggling towards freedom, from the atom to the man, from the insentient,lifeless particle of matter to the highest existence on earth, the human soul. The whole universe is in fact the result of this struggle for freedom. In all combinations every particle is trying to go on its own way, to fly from the other particles; but the others are holding it in check. Our earth is trying to fly away from the sun, and the moon from the earth. Everything has a tendency to infinite dispersion. All that we see in the universe has for its basis this one struggle towards freedom; it is under the impulse of this tendency that the saint prays and the robber robs. When the line of action taken is not a proper one,we call it evil; and when the manifestation of it is proper and high, we call it good. But the impulse is the same, the struggle towards freedom. The saint is oppressed with the knowledge of his condition of bondage, and he wants to get rid of it; so he worships God. The thief is oppressed with the idea that he does not possess certain things, and he tries to get rid of that want, to obtain freedom from it; so he steals. Freedom is the one goal of all nature,sentient or insentient;and consciously or unconsciously, everything is struggling towards that goal. The freedom which the saint seeks is very different from that which the robber seeks; the freedom loved by the saint leads him to the enjoyment of infinite,unspeakable bliss,while that on which the robber has set his heart only forges other bonds for his soul. To get more information visit :
Law Of Attraction: The Power Of Positive Words
In the universe, there are two great forces at work. We know them as good and evil or positive and negative. They are two powerful forces in their own right. In similar fashion, there are positive words and negative words, each causing opposite reactions when used by humans. We all know how positive words can make us feel good and inspire us, and how negative words can bring us down and led us to pain, anger or sadness. We have seen how positive words bring people together, build nations and how negative words destroy friendships, start wars, etc. Positive words and negative words work the opposites and they affect how the law of attraction manifests our thoughts. How do we lift up a disheartened person? Definitely with positive words. We don’t use negative words to lift someone’s spirit up. Our mind works in the same manner. Positive words are food for the mind and they work magic. They send out strong vibrations to make our wishes a reality. Great self-development gurus use positive words to inspire and motivate people to reach their goals. When we use negative words like “can’t”, “impossible”, “maybe”, “if”, “whatever”, the mind will register a negative tone and the vibrations that we get is minimal, if any. When we use positive words like “for the good of all”, “I can”, “I will”, “thank you”, and “I love you” in our daily life, we become creative and magnetic. Our mind vibrates and sends out positive waves to the universe. When we greet someone with “Good morning”, the feeling resonates and affects the other person. Such is the power of positive words. Negative words are like poison. They will wear us down. Negative word is a rejection. Just like in ordinary lives they can break a relationship and they can also do the same with our mind, cutting off our receiving power and negate us. To work the law of attraction, we have to get rid of negativity and start to think and speak differently. To explain in an analogy, negative words are like cholesterol in the blood stream. They hang on to the artery walls and slow down the flow of blood. In the end, we develop health problems like hypertension, which will lead to other complications. We have to get rid of this cholesterol in order to survive and lead a healthy and meaningful life. But unlike bad cholesterol, negative words are easy to get rid of. Just don’t use them! Keeping negative words in our vocabulary is toxin for the mind, for when we start to send our thoughts to the universe, our vibrations get hindered by the presence of these negative words, and as a result we get very weak vibrations. People who use the law of attraction but refuse to get rid of the negativity in their thoughts end up with frustration and blame that the law doesn’t work for them. We can’t make the law work unless we get rid of that stockpile of negativity from our vocabulary. That is the reason why when we are angry, the sooner the anger is released, the lighter we feel in our heads with a great sense of satisfaction. That is our subconscious telling us we have disposed off what is just excess baggage in our heads. We have to regurgitate all those negative words out of our system. From today onwards, let us only use beautiful and positive words. The English language has plenty of them. Get rid of the feelings of hatred, jealousy, bad vibes that we have of others. They are not necessary and they just wear us down. They are just clutter in the brain and block our access to work the law of attraction. With positive words and positive thoughts, the vibrations that we send with our thoughts will get quality manifestations and quality results.
What Is The Secret?
The Secret is a film that was produced by Prime Time Productions. It is actually a series of film that focus on the idea of “The Law Of Attraction”. There are multiple interviews and dramatic episodes that enhance the idea. The controversial film has caused a whirlwind of publicity with famous people like Oprah Winfrey and Larry King weighing in on what they think about it. The film was initially described as being a self-help film. It was created in a documentary style. The actual “secret” is the explanation of the “Law of Attraction” which has successfully been used for centuries. The film is quite dramatic, however the main premises are true. There are many people featured in the film including specialists, feng shui masters, moneymaking experts, spiritual experts, and personal coaches. The principle is that under the “Law of Attraction” the things that people feel and think attract real things in life. It stems from the cosmos to the personal relationships people form with people. The belief is that these things target physical, emotional, and professional aspects of every person’s life, whether they understand it or not. The dramatic aspect of the film includes the notion that those in positions of power have not wanted to reveal this secret to others and strive to keep it hidden from the public. There are three things on the list of The Secret that must be done before can occur. 1) Ask 2) Believe 3) Receive These are the main points of the “Law of Attraction”. The answer portion of the steps is described as being what the universe can do for you, personally. The film shows many interviews with professionals on the topic. There are many authors and experts in fields of physics, metaphysics, philosophy, coaching, finance, and other topics used. People who are experts in feng shui, medicine, and psychology are also interviewed. They are spoken of as the “teachers” of the powerful secret. There are also interesting quotes from historical figures within the film. These people included Buddha, Aristotle, Plato, Isaac Newton, Martin Luther King, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, and Ludwig van Beethoven. Within historical limitations, the foundations of the secret had roots in the New Thought ideas. These began in the late 19th century and are still studied today. The implications of The Secret are mysterious and unusual. However, there are many people today practicing their lives with the intent of using the principles described within the film. The idea may sound strange throughout the movie, but the basic ideas of receiving what you put out into the world is not that uncommon. Using the belief system can help you gain success and happiness within the world. Chapter 1 The Secret Revealed Chapter 2 The Secret made Simple Chapter 3 How to use the Secret Chapter 4 Powerful Processes Chapter 5 The Secret to Money Chapter 6 The Secret to Relationships Chapter 7 The Secret to Health Chapter 8 The Secret to the World Chapter 9 The Secret to You Chapter 10 The Secret to Life Deleted Chapter Science of the Secret Available on DVD. Ask Know what you want and ask the universe for it. This is where you need to get clear on what it is you want to create and visualize what you want as being as ‘real’ as possible. Believe
Public Speaking: Get Rid Of Your Anxiety And Nervousness Once And For All
While having to speak in public, some people are experiencing anxiety and/or nervousness. Their hands are shaking. They can barely say anything. Have you been undergoing the same situation? No need to worry, you’re not alone. There are many out there who feel the same way about public speaking. However, it is best to try your best to get used to speaking in public. A successful person is sometimes asked to do it. So, if you plan to be one, get rid of your anxiety and nervousness. Try these tips below: • Prepare yourself This one is for those who are given the chance to get prepared. If you do, then use the best out of it. Check out what you are expected to talk about. Gather all the information you might need. This helps build your confidence. • Get a drink It is a calming action you can do before getting on the stage. If possible, and if you are about to talk for a long period of time, make sure you have at least a glass of water next to you. Yet, don’t drink too much for it might cause you to make water in the middle of the speech. • Take a very deep breath Breathing deeply can help you feel a little bit calmer. The oxygen can also help your brain work at its best. You can do it once or again and again, until you feel very calm. • You are the star! Keep that in mind. Remember that every star is confident and sure about themselves. So are you. Boost your confidence by acting like a star! If someone asks you to speak in public, never say no. You need to practice. Practice makes perfect. If you keep rehearsing, soon, you will be the best public speaker ever.