Are you fed up with your work, don’t have any fun doing it? You wish you had more freedom to do what you want? That’s because you are compromising your potential and seducing yourself to a working machine, a robot. But don’t let the word “work” scare you! Work should be fun, as well as producing revenue for living. That’s what you get when you are working a true work of yours. True work makes you happy and gives you a sense of meaning. Have I got your attention? Then let me tell you how you can find your true work. This is a really simple exercise and it works with the frustration. First, we will try to release some of your current frustration by finding an outlet. Simply imagine yourself doing what you would be doing if you don’t have to work. You have all the freedom and resources. Any ideas? Maybe you’d be watching TV all day, knowing no better. Or maybe you’d find yourself at the beach in a tropical island sipping pina colada, with all the hotties in their sexy bikini, then… Oh well, that’s okay. Coming from a repressed mind, those are natural answers. Don’t feel bad. Just enjoy. Now, here’s the trick. While that kind of fantasies won’t get you anywhere, there is a way to work with one further to find meaningful insights. How, you may ask? Simple. Just fastforward your imagination up to the point of a few month or even years of doing that “fun stuff.” As you do this, you get increasingly bored, frustrated. Because the need was to release your repression, there is no point in repeating for so long if that need is fulfilled. This will get you REALLY thinking. Bored with the fun, what would you do in search of meaning? The frustration sets you afire. You will begin to see, what your true desire is, and in what way that could be represented in the physical world. Keep on working on that blurred vision, until it solidifies. Once you have identified your potential true work, you need to start connecting that with realities of your life today. Start learning more about the subject. Read books, watch documentaries, whatever. If it’s writing a novel, start writing short stories. If it’s becoming a dancer, maybe start taking a dance lesson. It’s important to take that essential first step. The key is to envision yourself achieving the goal and to dig from both ends. Rewinding the success and watch through the steps that took you there in the imagination, and actually following what you discover. When you work your true work, it is no more a forced thing. You’d be doing it anyway even if you didn’t have to. It is fun and fulfilling. It also makes other people happy by spreading your happiness, it grows. You get more of what you reinforce. So, do yourself a favor and take that first step. From then on, it should almost be automatic!
Yearly Archives: 2012
Teen Self Help
Getting through the teenage years is often one of the hardest parts of a person’s entire life. This is a time when emotions run high and changes are taking place at an astronomical rate. Oftentimes, a person doesn’t have the time to catch up with what is happening to them and a lot of big mistakes are likely to happen. The early years of high school and college are also a time where things may not always be as they seem to be on the surface. Those who are largely successful in high school often find that college is a completely different world and the qualities that seemed so important in their earlier years are no longer admired or sought after in the later years. These transitions can be hard for many people and being able to foresee the things that will truly be important when you get older is not always the easiest thing for many people. Even those who can see the future quite clearly will oftentimes be intimidated by their younger peers to get off course and to pursue a less beneficial route over the long term. Later on, we see them suffering for their mistakes but there is little that can be done since life is mainly a training ground for the wise. When you are going through your teen years, one of the wisest things that you can carry with you is an understanding or awareness that things aren’t going to be this way for very long. People around you are all getting older and it happens quite fast so that the things that seemed so extremely important in high school become relatively unimportant later on. A terrible heartbreak or a losing season on the school’s basketball team can often send a teenager into a sense of emotional turmoil unless they are able to see the long term picture of their lives. Even something as terrible as becoming an outcast in high school or getting beat up and humiliated after school is something that eventually can be seen as nothing more than a bad set of circumstances that has very little to do with who you really are inside as a person. Life is much bigger than just the teenage years and yet, these years tend to seem as if they are everything and the newness of emotional experiences as a teen tend to make these illusions seem even more real. It’s best to remember that life goes on for many decades after high school and the people you see around you today will be completely different in only a few short years. They will seem like entirely different people altogether after ten or twenty years. Adults love to say “You haven’t changed a bit!” but the opposite is actually the case when they really look at who they were in their early years. The wisest of the young people will see this and won’t take anything to terribly serious whenever it goes wrong. Set your goals for the long haul and don’t get thrown to far when something doesn’t go quite right. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you and it’s very likely to be impossible for you to comprehend such a large span of time! Teen self help is all about learning to cope with the troubling emotions that are so new and can sometimes overwhelm you and seem like they might just contribute to the end of the world. Looking for the big picture and learning how to move on from a problem is a great ability to have when you are young. It makes it possible to reassess your course as you go and to better determine what you really want to be as you get older. It also helps you to choose your friends more carefully and stand up for who you are. Learning to face your fears and develop a sense of courage is something that can lead you through anything in life and bring you out the other end as a great success. There’s no better time in your life than the teen years and also, quite often, no worse time either. Don’t let the ups and downs overwhelm you too soon as we want you along for the entire ride!
Listen To German Words Before You Speak
The German language has very different pronunciation pattern compared to English. If you have been speaking the English language since you were born, speaking in German could become quite a challenge. But this doesn’t entirely mean that learning German is impossible for an adult. Similar to children, we can still adapt to the changes a certain language requires. Though the learning process of an adult is slower compared to a child’s ability to learn and speak a new language, the possibility is still there. A person’s adeptness to speak a foreign language, specifically the German language entirely depends on how interested and determined he is in pursuing it. There are so many aspects of the German language one must learn. One of the many important areas of the German language which a person must be able to deal with is the pronunciation. To be able to pronounce German words properly, one needs to listen intently. Listening should be used at all times when learning German. The same rule goes with other languages of course. Although the German and English languages share some similar words, there are far more difficult words that require German accent and intonation. Try to think about a set of Spanish words in a phrase. Notice how much you love to hear Spanish words the way it should be properly pronounced by Spanish speakers? Incorrectly saying or pronouncing the words is the last thing you want to do and the only way to do this starts by properly listening to the proper pronunciation of the words. If you think you don’t have a reliable German speaker who can speak for you while you study German, wouldn’t it be nice if you have audio materials for German words? The good source for this is online sites. There are many online websites which has free pronunciation guide of the German language. There are even websites which offer audio samples of each German word. You can take advantage of these unlimited sources if you want to concentrate more on getting the words right. Take your time in practicing the words properly. When you have successfully done so, you can then proceed from pronouncing German words to phrases.
How To Manifest Your Own Destiny And Create A Wonderful Life
Would you like to know how to manifest your own destiny? There is a definite truth to the motto “You can do whatever you can put your mind to”. Anybody who has effectively manifested a goal starts with an awakening thought which fuses into a desire and then through focus, devotion and persistence have realized their desire into reality. Write down your goals To manifest your own destiny you must be absolutely certain about what your goals are. Every minute detail is significant as it adds to your inner experience and the feeling of having what you want. Write down in complete and clear-cut detail exactly what you desire – by writing down your goals your mind executes a ‘mini-visualization’ and produces a subliminal snapshot which it attaches to your goal. Your goal must be written in the present-day tense using an affirmative delivery, for example “It is August 2008 and I have $20,000 saved towards my home deposit” rather than “I am going to save money for my home deposit”. Positively direct what you are saying, thinking and feeling towards your wish and ensure that it is aligned as closely as possible to your essential core beliefs. Focus on your goal To produce the life of your dreams you have to have your heart set on it, be unconditionally immersed and focused, and never give up on the belief that it is yours – continue believing that your dream will be fulfilled. The instant you confirm an intention to manifest a specific thing the universe has already created it, however, you have to persist with a regular focus before it can be realized in your life. In keeping with the universal Law of Attraction: the energy vibration that is circulated from our thoughts manifests itself, and is magnetically drawn towards a corresponding vibration. Whatever you consistently center your thoughts and attention on will be magnetically drawn towards your vibration and will become your reality. Visualize your goal Visualize and create a blueprint in your mind of your intention. This is a terrific way to speed up the manifesting procedure. If you find it hard to create a picture in your mind then collate an assortment of pertinent pictures in a special book or a PowerPoint presentation and spend between ten to thirty minutes fixating your attention on your goal. To improve the effectiveness of this process you should incorporate the use of all five senses if possible – by including touch, taste, smell, sight and sound you will magnify your visualization experience. While performing my daily visualization ritual I have found the Dream Manifesto Wizard program to be a very beneficial tool that helps me to remain focused on my goals and dreams. This software is scientifically designed in accordance with quantum physics principles and uses specialized templates, sounds, and images that appeal to your senses. Believe Believe that what you desire is yours right now – feel your pulse race and the excitement overload from achieving your goal. As you visualize what you desire imagine that it is already yours in the present moment. Don’t ponder “how” your goal is going to come about – just trust that you have put your order in and it is on its way. We live in a Universe which is overflowing with abundance and anything you desire is possible – just believe it to be so in the present moment. The Law of Attraction provides you with the ability to realize anything you desire. The true essence of life is our tremendous capability to manifest, and we all have this marvelous skill. The honest truth is – YOU were born to manifest miracles!
Becoming Magnetic
A woman I know, an extremely spiritual person, recently shared with me the following: ‘I used to have unfortunate beliefs about myself and I received back from external influences unfortunate results. When I decided to take control and raise my resonance, to be the change I wanted to become, to allow abundance and love come flow through me, absolutely everything fell into place. I am now living a life of leisure with a beautiful husband and I can draw what I want into my universe at will.’ What does it take to be magnetic? Can we really draw money, love or health simply by telling ourselves we are magnets for what we want? It’s easier than you think. It simply takes a shift in perception. We choose what we focus on in life. We choose to be miserable when it rains and happy when it’s sunny. Or we can appreciate the downpour as an opportunity to take care of indoor activities or to go splashing through puddles. By putting our focus on good, we draw good to us. Conversely, by focusing on grief, we draw more to grieve. There’s absolutely a place for grief in our lives, I’m not suggesting otherwise, but we need to be mindful that we are not suffering over our own suffering and not continually drawing grief to us. I overheard a girl in a caf telling her friend, ‘I’m a total freak magnet. I can’t leave my apartment without running into someone either clinically insane or whacked out on drugs or fanatical about some weirdness who wants to have extensive interaction with me.’ Her friend responded, ‘That’s strange. Your neighborhood is really nice. I can’t imagine there would be too many freaks around there.’ She responded, ‘I can’t figure it out. The freaks find me wherever I am. They just seem to be waiting for me to leave the apartment so they can scream in my face or get me to join their cult.’ What an awful thing for this girl, I thought to myself, to believe that she is a magnet for freaks, that no matter where she goes, she’s going to draw to her the lowest common denominator. This is really how attraction works. What you think about yourself, you are. What you believe about the world, is your reality. What you speak, is your truth. I was so tempted. . . I wanted to tell her, ‘You’re programming yourself to be a freak magnet. You could just as easily be a money magnet, or a parking space magnet. . .’ but I realized that my intrusion would only further her self-diagnosis. She’d completely misinterpret my attempt at kindness as just another freak, as in, ‘You wouldn’t believe the freak that came up to me in the cafe. . . He seemed normal, but. . . ‘ So whatever your beliefs are about the world, I implore you, take this freak’s advice and adjust it to bring you all that you ever wanted and not the lowest common denominator.