In a fast paced world, finding free time for yourself is very rare, and finding time to work on your own personal development almost never happens. Although we all understand that we must grow as individuals and as a group of people, as well. Fortunately, with a lack of free time, you can still find information and receive help through an expert on personal development. All you have to do is turn on your computer! There are many great benefits from an online course in personal development. The most important benefit is that it can be structured around your time frame. You can log in and work on it before work begins, during your lunch hour, or even while you are at home in your pajamas, just before you go to bed. You are the course instructor, so you can learn at your own pace and decide how far you would like to go with your success. Many of the individuals who opt for an online personal development course are looking for a change in their present life. The amount of change is left up to you to decide, as well as the areas of your life that you desire to have changed. You can also learn how to gain more self confidence, not only in your business but in your personal life too. You can also boost your self esteem, and learn how to help boost the esteem of others around you. You can learn how to make your life happier and help to make others happier. You may also learn how to reduce the amount of stress in your everyday life that will help you relax more often. Anxiety is another key issue that is covered in online personal development courses. You will learn how to handle anxiety both in the work place and at home. You will be taught how to recognize different forms of anxiety, how to cut down on the amount of anxiety you feel and also how to avoid anxiety in the future. Those who write and teach the online development courses are trained and licensed in the area of self-help and personal improvement. They are trained to help you with retraining your mind towards positive thinking and finding ways to positively change your life. They will help you to explore your own heart, soul and mind and to begin to focus on your achievements and capabilities. Using the Law of Attraction, you will begin to notice that you have a brighter, more positive, outlook on life. You will be able to think positively, plan for your career growth, set and achieve goals in all areas of your life, and to plan for personal growth. You will learn many things about yourself and the world around you through taking online personal development courses. You will be able to feel better about who you are and how you can handle the aspects in life that you control as well as the areas that are beyond your control. These types of course are built and designed to allow you to feel and become more successful than you dreamed possible.
Yearly Archives: 2012
How Intuition And Inner Wisdom Can Strengthen You During Difficult Times
All of us were created with an innate inner wisdom which guides our lives, serves as an inner “truth meter” and helps us to make important decisions at critical turning points in our lives. Some call this natural gift intuition, spiritual guidance or “gut feelings”. Each of us connects to intuition in our own unique ways. Those with artistic or musical gifts may call upon their muse to inspire them with creative ideas. Those whose work involves great physical or mental endurance may connect with their inner wisdom by challenging themselves deeply to break through the barriers that usually stand between themselves and their inner gifts. Some of us may live very busy lives with little time to tune into our inner guidance, but our dreams serve as messengers to share with us the important information we may have tuned out in the midst of a busy day. Our intuition is a profound gift which connects our embodied physical self with our divine spiritual essence. The soul can communicate with our embodied self through this line of light, and we can develop this inner connection over time through meditation, prayer, and the desire to know ourselves more deeply. Our intuition can be of great benefit at all times in our lives, and especially during times of great stress or difficulty. In situations where we are facing unanticipated challenges such as the loss of a loved one or an illness, many intense emotions arise from within us. Our habitual supports are removed or shaken, which can cause us to feel unmoored, adrift, without anything to hold onto. Our intuition can act as a guiding compass, pointing us instinctively towards the supports we need to get through the difficulties we are facing. When our minds fail us because we feel overwhelmed, the voice of our inner wisdom speaks clearly and will repeat itself as often as necessary. If we are accustomed to being in control of our lives, and then suddenly are faced with a situation we cannot manage, we may feel frightened and desperate because our usual methods of coping no longer are working. Intuition however, will always work, even in the direst of circumstances, because our embodied human self in the physical world is always connected with our larger spiritual self. In a time of challenge or crisis, our spiritual support systems are activated from the spiritual realms. Our connection with intuition or guidance is strengthened, and those loving beings in the spiritual realms that watch over us and guide our lives provide extra assistance. If we have become accustomed to discounting our inner wisdom, or have simply shut down the intuitive parts of ourselves through years of neglect, it may feel as though we cannot find the thread of light that would re-connect us to our source. It is important to understand that no matter how disconnected we become from our divine inner wisdom, it is always present and available to us. Even if we have erected barriers to shut out our inner guidance for a time, these can removed by our diligent prayer and intention. If we have been disconnected from ourselves for a very long time, the process of reconnecting will often bring up old emotions, thoughts and memories that we may have hidden from ourselves that we were not ready to deal with. During this re-balancing phase, it is helpful to participate in some kind of regular spiritual or emotional support system that can help stabilize our inner connection with spirit. One of the most challenging aspects of the healing process is remembering that emotions and memories from the past are coming up in order to be healed and released. A support system can help us to anchor in the strength of our inner being, to allow the emotions and feelings to pass through us and to release from our body, mind and spirit. As this cleansing process happens, intuition and inner wisdom are naturally strengthened, for there are fewer barriers between ourselves and our spirit. This deeper inner connection can provide a source of wisdom, freedom, empowerment and comfort during difficult times, and will sustain us throughout life with greater love, joy and peace. Inner wisdom is a great gift, and is intended not only to bless our individual lives, but to share with others to bless all of life by our connection with the divine.
Developing Your Inner Spiritual Guidance
As the world becomes more connected through the technologies of communication, it is also becoming easier to become disconnected from our own selves. The necessary quiet time that develops our natural, inborn connection with intuition and spiritual guidance is no longer easily found in our daily lives, and this can cause feelings of overwhelm, meaninglessness, and an inner sense of disharmony and emptiness. In today’s world as we face unprecedented challenges both individually and collectively, there is also a very high level of daily stress that is constantly affecting our bodies, minds and emotions. Our daily lives are filled with intensity as we witness widespread social, political and climate change, uncertainty about the future, and fear of the unknown. If these weren’t enough, there is also the effect of greater spiritual light expanding on the Earth, which is helping us to awaken spiritually, but is also creating a major cleansing process for us on all levels … spiritually, emotionally and physically. The pain of the past that we may have buried from our consciousness begins to surface into our awareness, bringing old feelings or physical symptoms to light. We are all developing ways to cope with the increased levels of stress in our lives today. There are many spiritual tools and transformational supports that can assist you in reclaiming your inner connection with yourself. Once you create an intention to reconnect with your inner being, you will begin to draw to yourself the people, situations, and supports you need. One of the most useful and simple ways to navigate through these very intense times is to develop a deeper connection with your natural intuitive spiritual guidance. Inner guidance is a gift from our soul to our embodied, human self which we all have access to. Some of us are more attuned to this part of ourselves, especially those who are artists, musicians, athletes, or whose work involves healing. Some of us may have learned to “turn off” this inner gift, because of childhood pressure to conform to social standards. No matter how connected or disconnected you may feel from your inner spiritual guidance, everyone has the capacity to nurture, develop and strengthen this important part of ourselves. Living with an active and awake inner spiritual guidance offers us the opportunity to perceive and experience a whole new creative dimension of life. The universe of spiritual reality is vast and when intuition is activated, new experiences begin to open and create vaster and more meaningful possibilities. In addition to expanding our daily experience of life, developing intuition and spiritual guidance serves to create a depth of connection to inner truth. If you’ve ever witnessed the simple and profound clarity of truth that comes from small children who have not yet learned to censor their inner guidance, you’ll have some idea of what is possible for yourself. In today’s world where there are many sources of information that may or may not be accurate or truthful, your spiritual guidance and intuition can offer a clarity of direction in situations where it may not otherwise be possible to know what is real. As your intuition becomes more highly developed, you will be able to sense the presence of or the lack of love, light and warmth in people. You will be able to more easily discern what feels true or false to you, beyond the words that people say or the appearances that are presented. In today’s world there is much at stake, and many choices are presented to us each day about who to listen to, and where to place our attention, time, and trust. If we are disconnected from ourselves and the center of our own being, then it is easier for us to be swayed in directions that depart from love and truth that we may later regret. Developing our inner spiritual guidance offers the precious gift of discernment, allowing us to see clearly what is true and what is not, and to navigate more easily in the great complexities and challenges that we face in today’s world.
Gratitude Will Improve A Retiree’s Outlook On Life
Thanksgiving week is a perfect time to think about gratitude and to be thankful for the people and the events that have made our lives what they are. But gratitude, practiced daily – all year through – will improve anyone’s outlook on life. When we stop dwelling upon things in our lives that are not perfect or things we’d like to be different, our entire outlook on life changes. Gratitude makes each day better. There was a wonderful song in one of the great old holiday movies. The refrain included this line: “when I’m worried and cannot sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep, and I fall asleep counting my blessings.” It is very easy to be grateful when everything is going well. Many of us find it very difficult to be grateful when we are facing challenges or struggles in life. But gratitude helps us see each day differently. Because Thanksgiving encourages us to be grateful, this is an ideal time to start a habit of gratitude. Here are five areas of life in which we should all be able to find reasons for gratitude. 1.Family. Our families are probably the most important group of people in our lives. Our families may seem perfect, or they may seem far from perfect. But all of us are the individuals we have become, at least in part, because of the influence of our families. If you think about it, you will be able to find something about your family – even being taught a difficult lesson – that inspires some measure of gratitude. 2.Friends. Our friends bring us joy. Friends also challenge us to be the very best we can be. One of the most wonderful things about friendship is that our friends choose to be part of our lives. Think about your friends and the richness they bring to your life. You are sure to find a few reasons to be grateful. 3.Opportunities. Life brings us many opportunities. Most of us are quick to act on opportunities and make the most of them. But it is very easy to become so wrapped up in the activity that we forget to stop and be grateful for the opportunities that have come our way and that continue to come our way. Think about your opportunities. 4.Challenges. Life also brings each of us challenges. Whether we overcome challenges, cope with challenges, or find ourselves defeated by challenges, our lives and our personalities are shaped by them. Gratitude for the challenges of life is difficult. It is easier, however, if we begin with challenges of time past. Think about those events and what you learned from them or how you grew as a result of them. Then, after a little practice, try to find gratitude for the challenges of the moment and try to think about what you will learn from them. The dark cloud might have a silver lining if you look for it. 5.Life. Daily life can and should fill us with wonder and gratitude if we can learn to open ourselves to it. When we stop to think and pay attention to the world around us and to the people we encounter, there are many things to be thankful for in each new day. Try living one day with your eyes and ears – and your heart – open to the world around you. I can almost guarantee you will find sources of gratitude. I hope this Thanksgiving season will be the beginning of a new life in gratitude for every retiree. It is easy to get bogged down in the things that are not perfect. But cultivating gratitude for each day and for the events and the surroundings of each day can help us become happy just the way we are.
Do You Know How To Use The Basic Self Defense Moves On A Threatening Situation?
Self defense is the practice of protecting yourself in a defensive manner in order to reduce any harm caused by another attacker, or to help you get rid of a violent situation. There are many different forms of self defense. Not all self defenses are considered “physical”. If you are researching self defense, it is essential that you understand the basics. Here, you will learn about self defense basics and the steps that you can use in order to protect yourself in threatening situations. When considering self defense, it is important to understand your limitations. It is equally important to be sure that you are able to identify your surroundings at all times to assist in any self defense techniques that you may be forced to use. This is often referred to as “self awareness”. If you practice the art of carefully evaluating your surroundings, and know what you are physical capable of, you are sure to prevent a lot of dangerous situations that you may possibly experience. When alone, it is important to ensure that you display an air of confidence that others can see. If you are faced with a dangerous situation, it is important to ensure that you maintain this level of confidence. Many people get a permit to carry a concealed weapon, such as a gun. There are other individuals that carry items such as pepper spray and stun guns. It is important to ensure that you do not totally rely on these items. It may not be easy to get to these items if a dangerous situation arises. This is why it is important to develop some good self defense moves. The dangerous situation often occurs at unexpected times, in unexpected places. It is essential to have knowledge of self defense techniques to ensure that you are able to take care of yourself. When looking for ways to protect yourself in a dangerous situation, martial arts training is a great way to start. Martial arts training can teach you self defense techniques that are both defensive and offensive. Martial arts training can help you to identify a dangerous situation, develop a plan to remove yourself from the situation successfully, and avoid those types of situations in the future. If you want to be able to defend your self in any situation, it is essential that you do all that you can to learn self defense basics. Knowing these self defense techniques can mean the difference between getting hurt or staying safe, being killed and living life. Discover the most efficient Self Defense Moves and Fear No Man ever again. If you use the techniques that you are about to discover, you can become a human Machine and be an Unstoppable confident Man. Get Access Now by visiting: secretsofmartialartsmasters (dot)com.