It is hard for you to find a place to work that does not have some stress. This explains why you have to come up with a plan to manage your stress. It needs to be easily remembered and one that is able to be started with minimal supplies. Are you looking for one for your company? Are you finding yourself is places that are causing stress but, have no way to deal with it? You will want to continue reading this article! Stress and anger are together a lot and work is the place they are best. Unless you are patient there will be times that you will get angry at work. You will need a strategy for dealing with stress. Some companies that offer the workers a place they can go to rid themselves of the anger in a good way. They are called stress relieving rooms. This room may be sound proof filled with things to break or a room with a punching bag. These places can be found on many call center facilities where the stress levels can build high and the importance of getting rid of this stress is necessary. Some smaller businesses give the employees an elegant lounge where they can have coffee served to them and it has a few soft sofas to rest on. This is more common in the big offices where socializing with other workers is a way to get rid of stress. The leading sport is golf. Tournaments are held for the workers are allowed to play golf while trying to work through ideas is one way for managing stress. These tournaments will include all workers no matter what position they are in. More common is bowling and fishing. Managing stress does not have to be tied to the surroundings. When rooms are not a choice or you do not have any sporting events on a regular basis, you will need to be the one that comes up with your own stress relief. You can try these tips to see if they work for you. For more info see on Stress Management Program. 1. Managing your time will manage your stress 2. Your lifestyle – Review It 3. More Exercise 4. Eat Healthier 5. Sleep Vetter and More Hours 6. Activity will give you a way to fight sicknesses and it will make you feel better in general which, will get rid of your stress. A program that is created for helping you deal with stress is a way for you to learn to take you life back again. You will learn to fight stress so that it will not bring you down again. Because of the damage that stress can do, programs have become popular for those who are dealing with the stress. The results of stress can cause you to feel emotionally drained, physically tired, not able to think and concentrate correctly, and kill your budget. It seems only necessary that you should start to take your life back from the stress.
Yearly Archives: 2012
How To Create A Sacred Space
Do you sometimes wish you could just quit your job, and take off for a week (or more), and just get away. Pressures from finances and relationships can wreak havoc on your hearts and minds. And because of obligations and responsibilities there is often little time (or money) to do anything about it. So, why not create your own sacred space in your own home? There are many things you can do to turn an ordinary space in to a sanctuary. If you do not live alone, pick a room or area that is yours – and put your mark on it. The idea is for you to have your own place where you can go to relax. What you do there is entirely up to you: read a book, practice some yoga poses, write in your journal, etc. To get started you need to know what types of things calm you, and, at the same time, may inspire you. This is very personal, so if you have never thought about this before, it’s time you did. Your sacred place is meant to enliven your senses in a way that makes you playful and creative. This is your time to escape the rat race of the outside material world, and go within to your divine inner world (our inner Source) – where all the goodies lie. Experiment with colors, scents and textures Set the mood with candles, fill the air with the scent of lavender, and lay red silky pillows on the floor. Adorn your space with a stone Buddha statue or a serene yoga figurine. See how their presence affects you. Be patient, and fun with the process. Sit quietly in your space and feel how you are with the silence. Then try a little music in the background. Try Mozart or Deva Pemal (my favorite); musical tastes cover the gamut so pick something you like, which also puts you in a state leaning toward serenity. You may want to have a pretty container with some luxurious and beautifully scented cream. As you settle in your sacred space scoop some into your fingertips, and slowly massage the rich lotion into your hands and on your arms. While you are doing this, breathe. Do not worry about deep breathing or whether you are doing it correctly, just focus on the act of breathing itself. Have a glass of pure clean drinking water nearby. Treat yourself to a sip, and silently express your gratitude of being replenished in such a natural way. Look around you. Give yourself no expectations or goals to accomplish. This is your time to rest. If you feel the urge to write, pull out your journal or your big yellow pad and write. If you feel like laying on your back and letting go, do that. Listen to your intuition, and honor this divine message. This time, this space is for you. You not only deserve it, you need it – we all do. All too often we think of our needs last. You may think, “It’s okay, I can handle it.” The truth is when you ignore self-care, it becomes harder and harder to recover from the damage. And then the ways in which you implement your care will require more time (and more drastic methods) to be effective. Don’t wait until the universe forces you to focus on your needs. Stop, right now, and begin the process of envisioning your sacred space. Close your eyes, and visualize what your room will look like. Surf the net to get ideas, go to a nearby mall or art gallery, and call your friends and family. Inspirational items for your home don’t need to be expensive. Check out my website (our Inner Source) for a wonderful selection of unique and calming pieces to adorn your sacred space. Just click on the inspirational gift shop. Have fun, and approach your task like an adventure. Create your own little sanctuary with your new best friend – you. , Avenstar Enterprises, Inc./Our Inner Source
How To Be Supremely Smart
If you’ve just graduated college, you’ve probably begun hiding away all those books and papers. Finally: freedom!! It’s time to get really rich and make a name for yourself. Career. That’s the real world, right? Wrong. Graduation is no excuse to stop the learning process. Failure to study is folly! The new information your constantly process determines your edge in life. School learning is static and often decades out of date. Here’s how to grow your IQ by 50%- after college. 1) Keep a book handy. Thousands are released every year. Pick two close to your passions every month. Update yourself. Build your skillset to make yourself interesting and indispensable to to your associates. 2) Maintain a “To-Learn” List Break out of your comfort zone! It’s fine to develop your core competencies, but too much of one thing makes you a dull boy. The most dynamic thinkers and leaders maintain a list of new challenges to tackle: like learning a new language, to scaling Mount Everest. Having new goals will revitalize you! 3) Expand Your Base of Intellectual Friends Hanging out with dullards is contagious. Notice how being around folks who spout nonesense forces you to lower yourself to their level? Upgrade your companions and their skills, ideas and passions trickle down to you. More than reading books, I achieved mastery of everything from dancing tango to deliverying firey speeches through my associations 4) Modeling The Greats Got a project? There’s no point re-inventing the wheel. Learn how the masters did it and build upon their methods. You’ll quickly and readily discover how to get things done fast. Then you can move on to even bigger fish. 5) Practice practice practice You’ll never learn how to shoot a gun by reading a book. Drop that book after you get the theory down pat. Walk to your shooting range and squeeze a few shots! That’s when textbook learning leads to magnificent mastery. 6) Mentor Your Colleagues I’ve built my negotiation skillset by passing on tips to those who blunder like bulls at boardrooms. Know what? Each time I did so, I actually found myself weaving ever more enticing spiels that led to more satisfying win-win outcomes! Teach others and you grow. Empowerment is mutual!
Peace, The Balm To Soothe Troubled Lives And Times
In his masterpiece, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Viktor Frankl writes, “Every age has its own collective neurosis and every age needs its own psychotherapy to cope with it.” There is a collective neurosis in our world today, it is the cry for peace emanating from individuals, groups, communities and nations, impacting the mass consciousness. The cries and marches for peace, power and freedom that marked recent decades, present a backdrop for today’s human conditions of stress, anxiety, insecurity and turmoil. There are as many civil wars and wars between nations. From the individual perspective, the cry for peace is heralded as respite from the turbulence of today’s hectic lifestyle. In the past four to five decades we have lived in such a way as to create challenging situations in our lives and create even more havoc as we try to solve the resulting problems. There is a popular bumper sticker that states, “Peace begins within,” and a hymn that is sung in thousands of churches world-wide on Sundays, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” Yes, peace begins within the heart and mind of every person. Until we reignite the flame of peace, love and unity there can be no lasting peace in individuals, among people and nations of the world. Frankl, who lived a life shaped by war, states that, “Man is questioned by life and he can only answer to life by answering to his own life, to life he can only respond by being responsible.” The question of whether or not we have lived responsibly in recent decades, has spawned national and international debates. With the widely reported impending consequences of global warming, catastrophes of war and economic collapses, the outlook is bleak. These impact the human condition as they are fed in large daily doses at breakfast, dinner and all throughout the day. Conditions of fear, stress, anger, frustration, rage, insecurity and strife are the results. For individuals to have lasting peace they must live their lives from the inside out. This idea might send off alarm bells with shouts of hogwash. Well, let us see how real this is and how easily it can be accomplished. “Be in the world but not of the world,” was prescribed by one of the great enlightened spiritual minds, eons ago. Is this possible you may ask, I dare to say it is. To the degree that we become caught up in the dictates and excesses of the outside world, is the extent to which we will experience chaos and turbulence and lack inner peace. I had first hand experience of this two decades ago. For a while I worked as a journalist and it is a well known fact that the profession is demanding and can be stressful. My publisher and editor was an excess living, driven workaholic, who was always in conflicts, off deadlines and antagonistic to life and everyone in it. He would often ask me how I remained so calm and in control, “Nothing seems to bother you,” he would state. My response was always the same, “Be in the world but not of the world.” He was fascinated by the idea and wanted to know how I accomplish that. He had no knowledge of spiritual matters and showed no interest in learning. He later became an appendage who watched, studied and leaned on me for answers and solutions. Years later he became feeble, sick and broken. Stress is a natural response to the excesses that overwhelm our physical and emotional capabilities and life. The real or reality of us lies within us. Strength, courage, peace and power all emanate from within. Our minds that create the thoughts that become things are within us. The learned and great apostle Paul admonishes us not to conform to the world but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we may prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. He knew over zealousness, rejection, defeat and triumph, but through renewal of his mind, he left us a legacy in spiritual transformation. When we conform to the world we allow the dictates of the world and its appearances to control our lives. The real of man is spiritual and divine, not the ego driven personality that responds to the whims and fancies of every Tom, Dick and Harry. Stress and conflict occur when the inner spiritual self and its outer personality self are in opposing viewpoints. Frankl theorizes that mans search for meaning is a primary force in his life which is unique and specific in that it must and can be fulfilled by him alone. Our greatness as human beings lies in our ability to change our minds and the conditions of our lives. What is so great about living in a free, democratic country is that it affords us the privilege of freedom to be all we want to be. Individually we must desire freedom and make the choice for freedom as we live our life. The great author and self help guru, Stuart Wilde, teaches that we should “Concentrate on ourselves and leave the world alone. As we strengthen ourselves we save all of humanity, because we are all linked to one another.” We must desire a change from the stress and turbulent lifestyle we live today. We must dare to rise up, declare, pursue and claim peace for ourselves. This will impact the lives of family and friends and spread out to our communities and our world. The pursuit of peace is perhaps the most followed path to spiritual enlightenment. A peaceful disposition calms the rough and tossed seas of turbulence, strife, fear and discontent. The book, “Anchor in the spirit as God Beings – More than Mere Human,” is presented as an easy to follow guidebook for spiritual transformation. It clearly sets out the conditions that support transformation and offers major tools that will help achieve it. The aim is a changed consciousness by acknowledging the need for change and practicing and living a lifestyle that foster peace, confidence, love and compassion within ourselves. This we then radiate out to touch the lives of others and transform our world. Individually transformed lives will create a mass consciousness of peace and there will be peace on earth, beginning with every one of us. What better time than the upcoming holy season and the new year, to reignite the flame of peace, love and unity within the hearts and minds of persons and radiate it person to person to blanket our world. It begins with one person, one step at a time, let your new year commitment be to take that first step.
Gratitude Journal: Keeping The Thanksgiving Spirit Alive Year-Round
Some people make New Year’s resolutions. I make Thanksgiving resolutions. Every year, I resolve to resume my practice of keeping a gratitude journal. And every year, about three weeks later, I lose the journal. Not that this stops me. I just write my entries in some other journal, or a notebook. You may consider this weird, but for me, the act of writing things down seems to be the important part. It’s almost as if the writing action alone does something to the synapses in my brain that helps me process and store the information. Like everybody else, though, I get those warm fuzzies more at the end of November than at any other time of the year. As it turns out, I’m hardly alone with my seasonal preoccupation with gratitude. At Thanksgiving, people all over the country sit around tables filled with turkey, brussels sprouts, candied yams with marshmallow topping, cranberries, and pumpkin pie, and take turns sharing with their loved ones the things they feel grateful for. A wonderful tradition indeed – but what about the rest of the year? Lately, with our growing understanding of the Law of Attraction and especially The Secret, we’ve become so much more aware of the importance of gratitude and appreciation, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day. We know that expressing appreciation lifts our spirits and raises our vibrations. And with that, it seems to change everything around us – we start to draw to us things that we want, people that are friendlier, meetings and plans that go more smoothly. In short, things work. Still, sometimes it can be quite a challenge to feel grateful. Deadlines have a way of getting in the way as does frustration with red tape. Annoying colleagues and bosses do too, as do incompetent or aggressive drivers, infused with road rage. Ultimately, there are simply too many things on everybody’s plate. It has gotten so bad that some people’s idea of a really great time is a good night’s sleep. I dare you to try an experiment. On a day when you’ve gotten up on the wrong side of your bed, and things have gone from bad to worse, take a few minutes to reflect. What is there in your life, right now, for which you are grateful – or could be, if you made an effort, a really hard effort if necessary? Yes, it’s hard to find things to be grateful for when things are scary and not going well. But the happier you can make yourself feel, outward circumstances notwithstanding, the more likely you will be to get a new job, especially a new job is one that will work well for you. Sometimes I think of it as some kind of grateful pill that makes everything better. Of course, that’s when I remember to take it. Here’s where the challenge comes in, though: how to make sure I remember? We don’t seem to have too much trouble with taking prescription drugs or other kinds of medication every day. How do we manage to remember that? Before I started taking the pill for the first time, I was very worried that I’d forget. And you know what? Over those 10 years I took it, I forgot it maybe twice. What helped me then was the same thing that will work here as well: creating a routine. Probably the easiest way to do that is by keeping a daily gratitude journal, with emphasis on daily. Just keep it on your bedside table and write into it every night. That’s how I remembered the pill. That, and a little flower sticker on my bathroom mirror. The important part is this: every time you see it and write in it, it will realign your thinking. And once you do that, your vibes improve, and the Law of Attraction will, once again, begin to attract the things that are in line with what you really want.