The best way to seek a soul mate, or a life partner, is to use the law of attraction. The best way to seek your ideal mate is not through your conscious mind, a friend, a professional matchmaker or a computer, but your own subconscious mind. Your subconscious is already aware of your character traits, and the manifestation will take into account who best fits your character, because nobody knows you best than your own subconscious. To begin looking for the perfect life partner, make a list of the character traits you are looking for in a soul mate. Are you looking for someone who is soft-spoken, religious, a good cook, a good home-maker, love animals, or someone with a good sense of humor? Is this person you are searching for good looking, articulate, brunette, blonde, blue or brown eyes, sexy, a good conversationalist, animal lover, or love decorating? And is this person working in a bank, with the government or self-employed? Tell your subconscious exactly the person you are looking for as your soul mate and meditate as you would like all your other requests to the universe. You have to be clear in your choice of a soul mate and ask the universe to find for you this person each time you meditate. Never stop asking. Then imagine being married to such a person already. If you are sleeping on a king-size bed now, sleep on one side of it and pretend your soul-mate is sleeping next to you. Make some room in your wardrobe for your soul mate’s clothes. Do the same on the dressing table to make room for your soul mate’s stuff. Have the feeling of expectancy that your soul mate will be joining your life soon and you are making room for him or her. Your emotions play a key role in the manifestation process. If you go out shopping, buy something for your soul mate, however small it may be, like a scarf, or a hand towel. Make belief that your soul mate is already living with you. Make all these feelings real, and then go out and socialize as you would on your normal leisure time. Each time you socialize, have this expectancy of meeting your soul mate and each time you meet a new person, size him or her up and refer to your list of criteria which you listed down in the beginning, and check next to those criteria if this person meets your desired traits. For anyone serious in getting the ideal soul mate of their dreams, this is one strategy you cannot ignore. The manifestation process is like the universe sieving through the masses of people to bring to you your ideal choice. As the likely candidates appear before you one after another, you have to make the choice of acceptance. As the subconscious cannot speak directly to you, you have to rely on instincts or six sense, because that is the subconscious way of communicating with you. But it doesn’t mean that if you reject, the flow of candidates will stop. It won’t. The candidates will continue to appear before you until you make a conscious decision of selecting your ideal choice.
Yearly Archives: 2012
Gaining Self Esteem
When our self esteem is low, we tend to have the habit of picking at ourselves. Little self criticisms enter our thoughts constantly, and a lot of the time we do not even realize we are doing it! We just feel crumby. It is simply a bad habit to pick at your self, but since that makes us feel sad and incompetent it limits us from doing all we can in life. When we notice we are doing self criticizing, we can argue with the criticism and that helps. But if each evening we just think of three things we can feel good about ourselves, that would go a long way to building a more positive habit of looking at ourselves in terms of the good, rather than the bad and help us in life. We deserve to have better self esteem. And the stronger we are, the more we can help others and want to help others, so we should never feel guilty about feeling good about ourselves. It is not selfish. There is a big difference between healthy self esteem and being egotistical or insensitive to others. The egoist usually does not feel good about themselves. Their big words about themselves is a cover up how small they feel. Self esteem is often quiet. Some person with good self esteem is not threatened by others criticizing them. With healthy self esteem they can laugh at their own mistakes, rather than having mistakes make them unhappy and sad. So at the end of each day, write in a journal or an online blog at least three things that either you did today or ways that you are, that are things that you can feel good about or proud of. Maybe you were kind to someone or did a task very well, or resisted a temptation, or just simply did your best and tried, even if things did not turn out well. What kinds of things do you admire in other people? Did you do any of those things today? What qualities did you admire in your parents? Do you take after them in any of those ways? Are there other ways you chose consciously not to be like? Have you avoided addictions or crime? We already have many qualities we take for granted. Perhaps you received a compliment or two today, or a thank you note, and those are also good things to note. Do remember all these things in your daily life. Write three things a night for a week to start and then try to make it a whole month slowly and slowly. Every person has value, every single day. You especially need to write three things on those days when you feel less good about yourself, but if you miss a night, just start again the next night. In a month you will have a little collection. It can be a good thing to re-read when you are feeling low. And will feel a noticeable difference as you go through your day.
Hypnotism Help
Hypnosis is a therapy that can be used to improve the concentration levels and thereby achieving your goals and ambitions in life. Hypnosis helps to increase the self confidence and self esteem. If you have got more good traits but you are shy to express anything then you certainly need hypnosis therapy. You need not be arrogant or selfish, but you should possess self confidence to achieve your goals. For improving self confidence you should first get ready mentally to remove your negative thoughts and believe in yourself and in your capabilities. Consider these points about hypnosis: 1) You should learn to eliminate the unnecessary fears you have that are burdens in your career. For example, if anybody praises you and you do not feel that you are not fit for that, you need to learn to accept and enjoy admiration. This will help to improve your self confidence. In short, you should not think too much about what others will say but rather you should instead focus on removing your doubts. You can thus learn to make positive decisions and this will help you to attain self confidence and self esteem. 2) You can use hypnosis to get relief from worry, pain, stress and fear. Some people will have many fear and phobias. And such things can act as hurdles for self improvement. In these case, you can use hypnosis to get rid of fears and phobias. You can start either self hypnosis or get the help of a hypnotist. 3) You can also learn to be happy with the help of hypnosis. Life will be harder if you are indulge in sadness and worries all the time. You must learn to be cheerful. Be happy hypnosis will help you to eliminate your sadness quickly. You can remove your negative thoughts with the help of hypnosis. ‘Be happy’ hypnosis motivates to produce a world carefree and happy. The happiness starts from your inner mind. You should stay relaxed and set your mind to be happy. Always wake up with the smile. Tell your subconscious mind that you are self content with everything you have. 4) Many people think that hypnosis is a strange subject. But you can use even self hypnosis to change your behavior and thoughts. Many experts believe that our thoughts rule our body. So the more you think positively the more you can attain positive results. You must also learn not to focus your mind in negative thinking. This is because negative thoughts can have the same impact like positive thoughts. 5) Hypnosis helps the inner mind to relax. In this relaxed mind status you can tell our suggestions repeatedly to your subconscious mind. This will help you improvement in personal life or in business. 6) Hypnotism can help those people who really want to be hypnotized. It will not help you if you want not to be hypnotized. Hypnosis really relaxes you from your worries and stress levels. You can feel like you’ve had hours of sound sleep when you are in medium trances for minutes. In short, you can use hypnosis for nearly anything. Even if you want to lose your body weight you can do that with hypnosis. Hypnosis also helps to get rid of addictions to smoke, drinks, drugs, computer or video games.
Work Can Be Fun
Work is fun when it is part of our mission, our quest. Work however, loses some of its luster when it becomes part of the routine with little long-term value. Residual income opportunities have the ability however, to provide lasting financial security and keep work fun! It took me many years to understand a teaching of my parents that “work is fun.” It was a teaching that went well beyond my childhood imaginings in both concept, and reality. As I pursued a career, I had a mission and accomplishing this mission became the quest. A game of persistence, tenacity and ultimate achievement. There were certainly hard times but these were blended with a mixture of fun times and moments of exhilaration as the mission was accomplished. What comes next though? Is life a constant pursuit of one mission, only to achieve another mission? This mindset can wear the soul down and limit your ability to really “smell the flowers” and soak up the sunrays. So, with our careers achieved… many settle into “the routine.” A time where the adrenalin rush subsides and a relative constancy in life is achieved. However, inflation keeps climbing… kids come, dinners are more expensive, yearning to travel creeps in and the weekly paycheck remains constant. Then… our belief system tells us that the company owes us more for doing the same thing. A feeling of being trapped settles in and the fun disappears. The problem though is not in the career that we chose, not in the company that provides our income… but the subdued reality that we get paid for what we do today, and tomorrow we will get paid for what we do then. If we want to pause, take a breather, take an extended vacation, our income stops. We feel trapped, there is no fun. A few individuals have however, found a way to perform a task today… work hard and do it well… and continue to be paid for this very same task tomorrow, next week, the following month and the coming year(s). These people are all around you and in this type of work environment… you can really have some fun. After all, isn’t it nice to be on the beach, or relaxing in your own backyard knowing that you are still reaping the fruits of your past labor? Actors, musicians, insurance agents, landlords and business owners are just a few of these individuals. Now, the income these individuals earn in the beginning is usually a modest sum but as they persevere in their chosen field the earnings climb AND these earnings compound what is already being earned from past work. At some point in time, they have Multiple Streams of Income (MSIs) that will outshine any standard routine job these individuals have had as their Primary Source of Income (PSI). This is when they may choose to remain in their current job… because they have financial freedom (and security), they like what they do and get satisfaction from their chosen tasks. Some however, opt to take a year long sabbatical and think of new ventures, some pursue the next challenge with greater vigor and others find ways to help others; after all, Abraham Lincoln once said… “you cannot help the poor by becoming one yourself.” If you are looking for financial freedom, you should contemplate supplementing your PSI with one, or more, MSIs. MSI opportunities are many and most can be generated from the comfort of your own home on a part-time basis. Do a search on the Internet for passive income, residual income or home business opportunities and become a small business owner. With the right system, the right dedication and a sincere passion for building financial security… you can become independently wealthy. This combination of identifying proven systems and putting a residual wealth building formula in place means that you are working for yourself today, but you too will soon start to see your labor bear fruit more, and more, as time goes by. My parents were right… work is fun!
Distinctive Men's Suits Begin With The Right Choice Of Fabrics
Fashion trends have certainly changed in men’s clothing since our fathers’ generation. While the dapper dresser of the past always had his place, and men have always “dressed for success” to one degree or another, there is far a more aware and sophisticated approach to clothing today than ever. As evidenced by the explosion of fashion magazines and TV programs aimed at the subject of men’s wear and even makeovers, men today are much more aware of how they’re dressed than they were in the past, when fashion wasn’t much more than an afterthought. Many men are paying more attention to their wardrobes than their cars or traditional male hobbies in an attempt to achieve the respect the business world bestows on a well-dressed man. The best way to achieve this look, of course, is with a “killer” new suit. While style and cut is important, the deeper idea to be aware of is that the proper fabric is the most important component of the perfect suit. To decide which fabric is right for you, you’ll need to know how each will look, feel, and wear. The following descriptions of fabrics commonly used in men’s suits will point you in the right direction. Non-wools Linen: Probably not the best choice for a new suit. Linen is lightweight and has a look that will set you apart from everyone else, but it stains and wrinkles easily. It can create a suit with a nice line, but it won’t stay that way all day at the office. Polyester: The only reason to consider a polyester suit is if it’s blended with wool in order to reduce the cost. Polyester is made from chemicals, not natural fibers, and suits made from it were in style about as long as disco in the 1970s. What you’ll save on a blended suit isn’t worth the look. Microfiber: Fine for a Halloween costume but not much else. Stay away from any suit made from microfiber. Teflon: The same comments that apply to microfiber also apply to Teflon. Unless you plan to fry an egg on your sleeve, stay away from it. Wools Tweed: Now we’re into the fabric of choice for men’s suits, but don’t get too excited yet – tweed is not the first choice. While it will keep you warm in very cold weather, the fabric is too heavy to flow on your body. You may very well see tweed suits on seniors; it has a very old-fashioned look. But it’s best to avoid tweed altogether, as it will tend to make you look heavier. Flannel: Suits made from flannel are also pretty heavy, as they are made from corded wool. Although flannel is very durable and available in charcoal gray with pinstripes, it’s better suited for pajamas than suits. Tropical: Because this wool crepe is very lightweight, it’s extremely difficult to keep from wrinkling. This is not the fabric of choice for your new suit. Worsted: You probably figured out by now that we saved the best for last. Gabardines and mid-weight corded wools are Worsted fabrics that are durable and can be worn all year long. Make sure your next suit is made from Worsted wool.