I believe there are 4 essential steps you must take if you want to succeed with any project. A project is anything that requires a plan. It can be simple like making a plan to go to a movie, or could be complicated like setting up an Internet business. But simple or not, if you want your project to succeed you need to take the these four steps: Step 1 Picture the Purpose. Before you start any project you need to ask yourself what you really want. This might sound obvious, but it is amazing the number of people who don’t know what they really want when they start a project. When you have answered that question you then need to ask yourself why you want what you want. This is very important as many people want something but don’t really know why they want it. In the case of the movie your answer might be that your favourite star is in it. To the Internet business you might answer that you want to work from home so you can spend more time with your family. Step 2 Plan the Procedure. Once you have found the answers to the questions above you then need to ask yourself how you can get what you want. The best way to answer this question is to imagine you already have what you want! Now that might sound strange, but if you think about it, when you answered your first question you had some sort of picture in your mind. And when you answered your second question that picture must have become clearer. Now all you have to do is make the picture clearer still by imagining that you already have what you want. Then you ask yourself how you got it! In the case of the movie that should be easy. The steps to an Internet business maybe harder to see, but if you keep thinking, keep imagining you have what you want, something amazing will happen. You will start to see the steps you need to take. You will begin to see opportunities you haven’t seen before. This may sound like magic but it is actually the Law of Attraction working for you. This is the law that works for everyone who truly wants success. Step 3 Prepare with Patience. So many people fail to prepare a project. They have an idea and they plunge right in. Sometimes it works but mainly it doesn’t! You need to prepare both mentally and physically. If you are not prepared mentally the chances are you will fail physically. Preparation also requires patience. You would like to get going immediately but sometimes you have to wait. Maybe your project requires a lot of practice before you are ready to go. Or maybe you might have to rely on others who are not ready when you are. Step 4 Perform with Pleasure. So you now you know what you want, why you want it and how to get it. You have prepared and practiced and you are ready to go. However if your project involves other people, it may take time to get what you want. They may not have the same agenda or the same priorities as you. This is where you have got to keep focused on what you want to make happen. The way to do this is to continually imagine how great you will feel when you have got what you wanted. You must enjoy the whole “journey” to your success. Ask any successful person if they really enjoy what they do and I guarantee the answer will be yes! One last thing, keep records of your activity, they can help you when things are not going as well or as fast as you want. They can also remind you of the steps you took to get what you wanted.
Yearly Archives: 2012
Self Help Management
If you are serious about self help, you will have to develop a management approach to your personal development that you can turn to in times of need. Self help isn’t just about an occasional book or a brief visit to a group. Self help is about ongoing practices and long term devotion to certain principles that will eventually transform you into a better person. For this you will need a long term management policy or procedure to help you mark your progress and outline your plan of action. A management procedure often involves organizers, calendars, journals etc. These can all be used together to plan out your goals and practical efforts as you set out to improve yourself. Typically, people who are setting out to improve themselves don’t have a very good relationship with themselves and can’t always trust themselves to follow through on their goals. Just how bad are you at following through? This will be the first question you need to answer before you can make a serious plan for yourself. In fact, answering the question of how well you can trust yourself to follow through may be the central issue of your whole spiritual path. Let’s look at an example. You have a goal to lose a certain amount of weight but you know that every time you have tried this in the past, you have failed. A good self help management procedure will outline daily goals that are actually reachable. You should be able to honestly ask yourself “What is the best eating behavior I have ever exhibited?” Then, after honestly answering this question, you should set a weekly goal to try and achieve something slightly lower than this ideal behavior that you exhibited in the past. Don’t shoot for everything right away! You are trying to establish an honest relationship with yourself and this requires setting some reasonable goals first and accomplishing them. This will also involve the use of a calendar and an organizer to show exactly what you plan to do each day and how you plan to mark it off as you complete it. This calendar and organizer will become your “bible” of self help and, as you accomplish more and more, you will develop a relationship with this bible that will eventually become quite sacred! Self help management is more than just writing things down and keeping track of them. It is keeping track of your SELF! Watching yourself each day and developing a relationship with yourself wherein you can trust yourself to accomplish certain things is the foundation of good character. Along with the help of a coach, you can begin to develop this relationship with yourself and grow into the person you have always wanted to be. Success and failure are all part of the program but the most important thing is to keep a constant watch on yourself and get to know where your strengths and weaknesses are. Very few people actually know themselves or can honestly say what their abilities are. They imagine themselves to be capable of everything under the sun but they’ve never really kept track of their progress and set up a procedure for self help management. If you follow through with such a procedure, you will be amazed at the new dimensions that begin to open up in your life. Getting started on a real plan for self help can be a great adventure. There’s no need to wait for tomorrow. The pen and the paper are right there so pick them up and get started!
What Are You Doing To Acheive Your Dreams?
What are you looking for in your life? More peace, prosperity, someone to share your life with? What are you hungry for? I don’t know about you, but one of the things I’ve learned on this journey of becoming more of who I am – is that every person deep down inside – really just wants to be happy, to be with their families, have their friends around them – have successful meaningful relationships – be healthy and live the life they are meant to live. I don’t care what country you go to on this great big beautiful blue marble in space that we live upon – most people are good. You can make the argument by saying “look – look at the terrorists or the criminals in the world” – but did you know that those people actually only represent a small percentage of the rest of the world’s population? Think about it. There are 6.5 billion people on this planet. And of those 6.5 billion people, how many of them are really, really, really bad people? The point is this – there is far more goodness going on in the world right this minute than badness! All is well. All is really well. There is a flow of well being that comes to each and every one of us – we just need to learn to tap into it – plug in so-to-speak. Did you know that you have immediate access to that well-being regardless of what is occurring in your external world at any given moment? That well-being is called Source, God, Universe, Allah, Shiva, or whatever name you choose to give it but Source is available to each and every one of us at any moment regardless of the constraints any religious dogma tries to put on it. This is the true secret of living: understanding who you are and where you came from. Religious dogmatists would try to tell you that you must turn around three times and tap your heels together or say 100 Hail Mary’s or get baptized in water or deny yourself those things you want to attain true spirituality! Hogwash! You are a divine child of the Universe with the Source of Creation inside of you! Inside – not outside! Christ once said to his followers (loosely translated) “there will come a time when people will not worship in temples made by hands.” You are the temple not made by hands that He speaks of. In you is the Holy of Holies – a special place where you can connect and meet the Source of all Creation. Don’t believe me? Haven’t you felt those ecstatic moments of joy that seemingly have no reason for existing? You’re tapping into Source. What about the peace that passes all understanding that has come to you in the dead of night or in that moment you most desperately needed it? When you make a conscious decision to develop a relationship with Source – the most intimate on the face of this planet you will ever experience – your life can become one of meaning and purpose. Once you make that connection – everything is at your fingertips in a moment. Our true journey here is enjoying this temple not made by hands. To live our lives to the fullest potential of who we really are – divine children of the universe – and express that divinity in our own individual ways. Just like there are no two leaves, no two grains of sand, and no two snowflakes alike, there is nothing on this planet that is like anything else in its uniqueness. You are the gift Source has given you. So what are you doing with this gift of life right now? Are you complaining? Or are you thankful for the simple fact that you are breathing? The gift of life on this planet is that we can interact with this most beautiful and delicious world and everything in it through our thoughts, our feelings and emotions, our bodies and through all of our senses. You are here to live your life and enjoy it – not constrain it – not bind it all up in a set of rules and regulations that keep you from experiencing life! Take your faith out of the temples made with hands and realize that it isn’t outside of you – it’s inside – right in the core of your being. That faith is what powers you – keeps you breathing – keep it where it belongs – in the inner temple squarely in your heart where its true home is. And realize that faith is the substance of things hoped for the EVIDENCE of things not yet seen. You are a child of the Most High – a divine child of the Universe. Claim your birthright today! What do you dream about? ©2007 All rights reserved. You may use this article if you keep all links attached.
Your Song Is Your Success
It’s true – you have a “song” that you sing…all day long. That song, is your vibration, your resonance – and it is created right out of the feelings and beliefs that you are focused upon. Your song… is directly related to your success. Think about this — if your song is your success, then would you choose to sing a song that you loved and radiated out into the world that you are worthy, abundant, successful, beautiful, confident…. Or – would you sing a song that you were not aligned with, made you feel cranky and irritable, perhaps kept you feeling stuck, and kept you tapped into scarcity consciousness and lack? The Law of Attraction says that what you put out in the form of emotions, attitudes, beliefs, and ways of being – ultimately will be mirrored back to you in your life. The song that you choose to “sing” will be replicated over and over again…oh, kind of like a broken record. Who likes broken records?! If you want to change your life…change your song, sing a new tune. Life can be fresh and new if you are tapped into the stream of abundance and well being. Your song can uplift your life if you choose to let it – or something else. You – are the Mozart in this piece. What notes will you choose, what song will you sing? “You can begin right now to feel healthy. You can begin to feel prosperous. You can begin to feel the love that’s surrounding you, even if it’s not there. And what will happen is the Universe will correspond to the nature of your song. The Universe will correspond to the nature of that inner feeling, and manifest, because that’s the way you feel.” Dr. Michael Beckwith D.D – The Secret The “secret” to changing your tune and resonating a new song for success is not difficult in theory, but does take a few conscious choices on your part. Let’s talk about a few ways to jump start you: 1. Choose to be conscious. Pay attention to what you are putting out there. 2. Choose a better note – or whole song for that matter. Did you ever song stuck in your head…and in order to get it out, you literally have to play a new song, or change your focus. Same theory here gang. 3. Choose a song that makes you feel good – i.e….choose feelings that serve you, that make you feel better than where you are at right now. Find your ground – even when shock hits your life. You can find a place of ease – or at least relief. 4. I took my daughter to the eye doctor a few weeks ago, and as he flips through the lenses he says – over and over I might add…”is this better, or this better?” You can do this with your feelings as well. Does this feel better, or this? This or this…this or this…this or this…. Go with what feels better – and your song will change, and so will your level of success. This week, take note of your song, and make a conscious choice to just be conscious about what you are singing. Then ask, is that the tune I want to resonate? If not…start to make a few small steps in the direction of feeling a little better, or choosing a new perspective. Life unravels in amazing ways when you let it. Peace, Lori Hamann
How The Law Of Attraction Can Help You To Become Slim And Trim
The Law of Attraction has become the focus point of many discussions. It is true that already many people have experienced complete changes in their lives when they used the power of the Law of Attraction. If a slim body has been one of your dreams and you were for one reason or another not able to lose weight or lose weight permanently you can do so now with the power of the Law of Attraction. There are many weight loss program on the market that are promising good results. Many of them work as long as you stick to it. This is the hard part about any weight loss program. Some of the programs are also quiet pricey so not everybody can afford them. The power of the Law of Attraction has become a way for people to lose their weight successfully once and for all! There is a reason why sometimes weight loss programs only work for as long as you are on the program and why most people will gain their weight back after a relatively short period of time. The reason is your subconscious mind. You only use a small fraction of your mind consciously. The much larger part of your mind is working unconsciously. You therefore do not know what is going on in the unconsciously level of your mind. But you are not really helpless! You do not have to stand there and let your subconscious part of your mind make all the secret decisions. You can train and program this subconscious mind to do and think what you really want. You are still in the driver’s seat when it comes to your weight and how to lose it. So here is what you can do to get started to a slimmer and trimmer you: 1. Change the way you are thinking about food. Change your thought patterns about how you think about yourself! This is important. The way you are thinking right now has brought you to where you are. The reason that you are over weight has much to do with your inner person and how you think on the level of your subconscious mind. We all have been programmed from a very early age on. As a child you may have been taught to always eat everything on your plate and other eating habits have been instilled since infancy. So there is some mental work involved in helping you to succeed. The Law of Attraction always works and it is concise. 2. Use meditation and affirmations as tools to change your patterns of thinking. Write down times and places when you eat and do this for about 2 weeks. You will discover a pattern and trigger points this information will help you to evaluate your eating habits. You cannot expect results that come overnight but with some consistency and determination you will succeed when using the Law of Attraction. Always remember that the Law of Attraction responds to your feelings and emotions. Try to have positive thoughts and program your mind deliberately to help you to loose the weight that you always wanted to lose. Harness the power of the Law of Attraction! Ask for what you want and the Law of Attraction will bring it to you. Focus on the positive aspects of losing weight and becoming a slim person. The way you feel will make a difference in your progress of succeeding. If you feel good about losing weight your will have a better chance of succeeding than if you feel you have to deny yourself food or that you may have to wait a long time to rich your goal. Try to implement positive and happy thought. Vibrate in a positive way during the time of your weight loss and make it a great experience and the Law of Attraction will bring more of the same to you.