I decided to write this Master Mentalism review after seeing how easy it can be to master the tricks professional magicians wow crowds with. If you’re shy and looking for a way to meet new people or if you find yourself wondering how to approach the cute brunette who lives a few dorm rooms down, you’ll find this review particularly interesting. Hopefully, after reading this you’ll have a good idea of Master Mentalism is a product you should look into on your own. I grew up idolizing David Copperfield. Any guy who can make the Statue of Liberty disappear and then reappear just a few minutes later is pretty cool in my book. I’ve seen him in person several times, and have always wondered how his magic tricks are done. We all know there’s no such thing as magic, but it sometimes seems as though there’s no other explanation. Now, with Master Mentalism, you can find out how it’s all done. Combining actual cutting edge professional level magic skills and mentalism with showmanship is the key to looking like David Blaine or Criss Angel. Master Mentalism is a 200+ page comprehensive guide to making even the most difficult magic tricks look effortless. An e-book that walks you step by step through the process, even the shyest kid can look confident using the skills outlined in the book. Master Mentalism even outlines secret short cuts that will make even the most taunting magic trick simple to do. Written by a professional known only as “Mr. X” (it’s easy to understand why he’d want to remain anonymous!), after reading the book you’ll be able to do street magic, mind reading, levitation, hypnotism, card tricks, remote viewing, spoon bending and more. Plus, you’ll even find out how David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear! With Criss Angel and David Blaine interviews, Master Mentalism has it all. I highly recommend reading the book if you’re even slightly interested in learning cool tricks to impress people with. Immediately, you’ll be the envy of all of your peers!
Yearly Archives: 2012
Of Course You Have Skills And Talents You Can Use In Retirement!
I can’t tell you how often I hear people who are contemplating retirement say, “but I don’t know how to do anything except my job.” Baloney! You have skills and you have talents. You might have buried them in the back yard, but they are still there. What is more, if you held a job or ran a household — YOU HAVE SKILLS AND TALENTS. Some people seem to think that the moment they retire, either they forget everything they know and everything they know how to do. Then when they they want to find a way to become involved in the community or a non-profit organization, they think they have nothing to offer. When they think about finding a part-time job, they think they have no skills or talents anyone will want. Many even think they can’t discover new and meaningful ways to fill their time. The challenge for many people is in understanding that all the skills and abilities and talents they learned and cultivated through the years are still important and applicable to new situations. It is really a simple matter of learning to value ourselves, our abilities, and think differently about how our talents can be used. For example, if you ran a household with several children, you are probably an organizational wizard. You have time management skills, planning skills, counseling skills, communication skills, plus quite a number of other useful skills. You simply need to learn to think about the responsibilities, functions and tasks you performed day after day and break out individual skills. Once you have done that, you need to think about them in the abstract. If you managed to get three children to afterschool activities in different parts of town at the same time and got them all back home again, you have planning and time management skills. Those skills are adaptable. You can use those skills to figure out other logistical and time management challenges. You might be an excellent delivery planner for a floral shop — you can chart out a logical order for the deliveries to be made that will meet all the deadlines, save gas, and save time. You’ve been doing it for years! Now, if you want, you can do it for a little extra income. Were you the person who ran all the fund raisers for school activities for the PTA for a number of years? Are you good at figuring out what needs to happen in what order to put together a successful school fundraising event? Did you break records in finding ways to raise money for band uniforms and travel? You have event planning skills and fund-raising skills. You would be very valuable to a non-profit organization or a community organization. Do you love art, know a great deal about it, and love sharing that information? Why not volunteer as a tour guide for an art gallery or museum? The possibilities before us in re-firement are limitless. We simply need to think more creatively about the skills and talents we possess and explore opportunities to use them in new and exciting ways. If you are stuck breaking free of restricting thinking about your abilities and talents, call me. I’ll help you rediscover your abilities and find exciting and fulfilling ways to transfer your skills and talents.
Law Of Attraction: The Power Of Gratitude
Before the law of attraction can work, you need to be grateful of your present condition. Whatever your current situation is, be grateful for that. Do not resent your life situation no matter what state of condition you are currently in. There are people who are far less fortunate then you are and they are not feeling resentful. Before the universe can address your desires, you need to show gratefulness. Being born into this world is already a privilege. Life is a privilege and you must keep on blessing your life and show a lot of appreciation. Just accept your present condition with gratitude. And when you go into deep meditation, which should be a daily ritual, thank the universe for it. You see, the universe was the one who gave you your present condition in the first place based on your previous thoughts, and resenting that is like telling the universe you are not grateful to it. Bless your condition every morning when you wake up and every night before your go to sleep. Being grateful with your present condition is like starting over on a clean plate. Like in a bad marriage, you start over by forgiving what you had done in the past and forgiving each other, and promising to forget what happened before and start something new. Well, this works in the same way. Forget the past, appreciate your present condition and work on changing for the better. Being grateful takes no more energy than feeling ungrateful. So why feel ungrateful? You get a far better result, because the universe is going to give you whatever your desires are and life will be wonderful. Once you accept your present condition and each time you go into meditation, you are taking yourself to a higher plane or dimension. Each time you feel grateful and tell the universe that, you are on your way to becoming a fourth dimensional person. When this happens, you can attract what you desire quickly and elegantly. The sooner the universe knows that you want to change, the sooner that your requests will manifest. People who are already successful using the power of law of attraction, are seldom negative, temperamental or resentful. In fact they are the complete opposite and always want to share their successes and guide you through the same path. They are not selfish or arrogant because they know the law resent that in them. You can see them on television today. These successful people promote the value of the law of attraction to help people all around the world because they know that by helping and sharing, they also get abundance. What a wonderful way to live when all you do is being grateful and help people. Should not everyone be like this? If everyone knows this law and practices it, we can eliminate war, hunger and poverty, and this world will be a great place to live, much like what is was intended to be when it was first created.
Manifesting Money
Do you ever get the sense, that if you could just make more money, all of your problems would be over? Do you ever feel like money controls you, instead of you controlling your money? Money gives you things, yes, but more importantly it gives you freedom. Freedom to spend, freedom to have, and freedom to just be. You want money so that life can be and feel easier…You want money so you can have the experience freedom. Isn’t it funny…how we all want to manifest more money in our lives, (and not have to work for it!) – but so many of us hold to the belief that in order to have an abundance of money in life you must work very hard for it?! The key is, if you feel that you must work hard to create money, you will. Isn’t is funny- how we all want to manifest more money in our lives, so we will feel better about who we are – but so many of us hold to the belief that the rich are evil or stuck up? The key – if you feel negative feelings about those who create money around you, you will repel abundance and money away from you. What is your dominant belief or feeling about money? What do you think you are “vibrating” or “resonating” about money? What are you putting out there? Are you inviting money to come into your life, or are you repelling it away from you? Have you been stuck in the same place for a long time? Manifesting, or creating for that matter, can be explained in a few short steps. You ask, you receive, and you allow “it” to come into your life, whatever “it” maybe. Whether it’s a new car, a relationship, health, or money – those are the simplified steps to creating anything you want in your life. You have heard the expression, “be careful what you ask for, you might just get it!” True. So it may sound too easy and simple. We ask and we receive? Boom, just like that? Yes, just like that. What we struggle with is “allowing” the manifestation. How do you hinder money from coming into your life? You hinder the allowance of money flow into your life with contradictory thoughts, beliefs and feelings. You say, “This year I will make $50,000. But, I want to (or wish I could) make $100,000 or more.” Which of these projections do you think will manifest? So many times it is the limited belief that is manifested in life, because it holds the bigger focus for you. By the Law of Attraction, what we focus on gets bigger. If you are focused on lack, you create lack. If you focus on abundance you create abundance. If you focus on nothing, you create nothing. If you focus on what is, you create more of what is. If you would like to consciously create in your life, it calls for a shift in focus. A shift towards what you want vs. what you don’t want. Here are a few tips to get you started – so that you may begin to attract the money that you would like in your life – so that you may experience the freedom you desire. How to Increase the Flow of Money Into Your Life 1. Be conscious of the Law of Attraction: Abraham defines the Law of Attraction like this – “That which is like unto itself is drawn. ” So what you are radiating and vibrating in your life with your thoughts, words, emotion and beliefs you will attract to you. Again, focus on abundance, get abundance. Focus on lack of money – and you will create more of a lack of money. Also remember that first you ask with your desire, you receive, and then you allow “it” to come into your life. 2. Say YES to money: Have you made a decision to have money in your life? Have you said YES to money? Remember that when you say yes to money, you include that in your vibration, and you will attract money. If you are saying NO to money – with your feelings, thoughts or beliefs, you will also include that in your vibration. Decide to say YES to money. Line up what you want with what you feel. Don’t settle for what life throws your way – create your life just as you want it to be. 3. Consciously vibrate positive feelings about your money: As you think about your money, focus on what you have, vs. what you don’t have. Allow what you “don’t have” only to serve as a light in helping you to see what you do in fact want to create. Think positive thoughts about the money that you do have, see it growing, see it flowing in and out of your bank account with ease. See that you have enough, and that we all have enough. Come from a place that lack will only be our experience if we believe and project lack. See money as a wonderful source of energy that is a God given form of exchange. Get excited about creating money and feel good about it. Nothing is more important than that YOU FEEL GOOD when you are creating your life. 4. Be aware of where negative beliefs about money sneak up on you: Negative beliefs have a tendency to sneak up on you. Pay attention to your emotions – they will guide you. If you are not feeling good, check out your thoughts behind it. You may find a negative belief. If you find yourself feeling angry that someone makes more money than you, examine what your belief is. If you find yourself feeling sorry for another is not as prosperous as you, and you feel bad, examine that as well. Begin to unhook from negative beliefs through awareness, reframing, or shifting focus – which will allow you to flow your energy positively. Looks for as many positive aspects of a situation that you can possibly find. Write them down. 5. Make sure that what you want, and what you are vibrating, are the same: This of course ties in with your beliefs. People tend to have mixed attitudes that stem from greater belief systems, when it comes to creating money. You might say, “I want to create an extra $500 to pay for that seminar I want to take…” But then you might find yourself saying, “There is no way I am going to get that extra $500….or, I can’t afford it….or, it’s too much….or, I have no idea how to get it….or, it’s probably not worth it anyway….or, or, or. Those beliefs or attitudes are in no way a match to what you actually desire – which is to go to that seminar. Can you feel the difference in the vibration even as you read the words? You make sure that what you desire, and what you are vibrating (about that desire) be in alignment. 6. Clean up your money clutter: When you clean up any space in your life, including you money space – you create space for more of what you want to come in. If you are wanting to create more money in your life, it is important to create space for that money! Pay your bills, pay those you owe, ask for payment for those who owe you, straighten your files, create a plan for your money, or handle your emotional issues around money. Remember that you will, as an end result feel clear. When you feel clear, you feel good (it’s like cleaning the house). And when you FEEL GOOD, and are coming from a good place about your money, you will be vibrating a pure vibration which aligns you with what you want — more money! 7. Love and appreciate your money: You may have had the experience, as you sit down to pay your bills – that you HATE to pay your bills. You see your bank account drain once again, and the fury builds from within. It’s important to note that what you love and appreciate you will attract more of, and what you depreciate you will repel. If you want more money, match your vibration to what you want, and the best way to feel good about something is to appreciate it, and allow your self to love it. Society tells us that it is not ok to love your money — in fact it’s not right even to talk about it. Break the chain of societal beliefs about money. 8. Love and appreciate yourself: It was said before, nothing is more important than feeling good. When you feel good, and happy, and passionate, and peaceful, and aligned with you true self , the process of manifestation can begin! Part of self appreciation is honoring yourself enough to look within for the “answers”. It is tuning into your inner self and your intuition. It is paying attention to your emotions. If you feel negative, then you are not in alignment. If you feel good, then your are in alignment with your true self and your desires. Self appreciation also comes from choosing your thoughts, belie
, and feelings – and acknowledging your power as the creator of your life!
Inactivity Can Be Depressing
Have you heard the expression, an idle mind is the Devil’s workshop? There is a lot of truth to this. Our minds are powerful and the things you think about can make or break your attitude towards life. A good example of this is the person who looks forward to retirement, but get depressed months afterwards and returns to work. One would think this would be the best time of your life having the ultimate flexible schedule. Unfortunately it doesn’t always work out this way. Another example is the college student who looks forward to having the summer off, but then spends most of the time at home having trouble getting out of bed or being chronically irritable. Not everyone has trouble with downtime, but some people need more stimulation than others. In fact, we are increasingly becoming accustomed to continuous mental stimulation with the availability of portable entertainment devices such as ipods, etc. But even these devices aren’t enough, they’re only fillers. We still need a major purpose to keep us occupied. For many people this purpose is their job, school, child care, etc. If you are in a position where you have lost your major purpose – that is the thing that takes up the bulk of your mental space – you need to replace it with something else. This would be the time to embrace a hobby or do volunteer work. Develop projects that give you a purpose for the day. When you create an agenda, don’t get too focused on whether or not what you are doing is making a difference in the world. This can only serve to distract you from doing things that give you pleasure. Just as we nurture our physical health, we also need to nurture our mental health. Filling up your mental space with purposeful activities can help distract you from the negative thoughts of the bored, idle mind.