Many entrepreneurs hate selling. The trouble is you can’t have a business if there are no sales! So what would it be like if you didn’t have to sell yourself at all? There’s an old marketing mantra that says, “It’s not the sausage that sells, it’s the sizzle.” What would it be like if you and your personal brand had so much “sizzle” that people searched you out? Here are five ways to shift from “selling” to “sizzling”: 1. STAY CONNECTED TO YOUR PASSION Running your own business takes courage. And there’s a good reason why you embarked on this journey in the first place. What was it? Remember why you chose this particular business as opposed to something else, because there’s something about it you really love. Think about the difference you’ve made to your customers lives, helping them to be more confident. Reignite your sense of passion and purpose, and you’ll notice an immediate shift in your attitude and enthusiasm. 2. CREATE A “BUZZ” ABOUT YOU We all know people who can walk into a room and create a buzz. There is something about their energy that is really compelling. And often they have an air of mystery about them. YOU are your product, and as a personal stylist you will invariably stand out at any event. That’s because your sharp sense of dress speaks volumes. Not everyone has that advantage. Add some “energy” to that, and you’ll be positively glowing. Get that “energy” by sleeping well, eating well, exercising well and drinking well. Try it, it works. 3. BECOME A “TIP DROPPER” “Tip dropping” is the same thing as name dropping, except that instead of casually mentioning names of important people, you’re casually giving out valuable tips. You can comment on someone’s dress and then say something like “just a tip for you, did you know that you could really enhance that by….” This one tip could totally wow them, and make them curious enough to ask questions about you and what you do. A great door opener. 4. FOCUS ON YOUR IDEAL CLIENT It’s easy to get desperate and cast your net wide. But this is rarely effective as a small business with limited resources. Instead, get smart and get focused. Think about the type of client you just absolutely adore working with. Now typecast them; describe their general age, sex, where they live, what they do, where they hang out and what they read. Give this group a name (e.g., “the corporate flyers” or the “the divorced divas”). Then make sure your marketing message “speaks” to the needs, wants and desires of this group. 5. NOW JUST GET IN FRONT OF THEM! Why be the best kept secret? You offer a great service and you’re passionate about what you do. There are people out there that really need you. So how can you make it easy for them to find you? The best way is to go to the places where they hang out, or write articles in the magazines they read. Once you’re there, let your enthusiasm and passion shine through, and then nature will do the rest. At the end of the day, people buy people, and they buy people they like and trust. So make it easy for people to find you and instead of thinking “selling,” think “sizzling!”
Yearly Archives: 2012
Depression Chat Rooms: Will They Be Effective For You?
If you are a technology-savvy person, you will benefit greatly from depression chat rooms that serve as a haven for people who are seeking for a group to understand their feelings and emotions, and join them as they walk through a difficult phase in their lives. The people who started these chat rooms intend to help others who are suffering from anxiety, depression and other types of mood disorders. They provide information materials, stories and news that can widen a person’s perspective and help him achieve and develop a healthy mindset. Spill it out People who are get into depression are usually those who are always quiet and do not have a healthy and open conversation with other people. Having constant conversation with others is one way to avoid depression. Talking it out and spilling what is on your mind is like liberating yourself from thoughts and situation that can trigger the onset of this unhealthy condition. It is also good to collect people’s point of view about certain situations, events and circumstances, especially those that weigh heavily on your mind. Knowing what other people think about it can help you feel better about it. Depression chat rooms provide one form of therapy that can help: a talk therapy, as members of these chat rooms would say. Members from these depression chat rooms extend a helping hand for the healing of depressed people. Nonetheless, it is not a substitute for a professional medical assistance or psychological therapies. It is only an alternative solution or another avenue to which a depressed person can widen his perspective about the situation that he is into. The person should also seek help from professionals. Ask Questions In a depression chat room, you can help yourself feel better. Depression chat peers will talk to you and can provide answer to your questions or give you tips on how to clear your mind from confusing thoughts. There are websites that provides comprehensive listing of different chat rooms available, along with a description of what you can expect from such chat room. You can see that even chat rooms were designed for specific needs of a person. Hang out sites Some websites serve as discussion forums that cater to people with mood and personality disorder. These forums are good places to hang out. If you want to know the depression issues that the community has tackled, it can be provided to you for download. There are also sites that can serve as your support group. You open up your problems, just like in a group therapy session and they will give their advice about your current dilemma. Post Messages You can post messages in depression chat rooms directed to people who want advice on how to attack their anxiety or depression. If you have any advice to give via these messages, you can help ease the pain, sadness and hopelessness of another member. Inspire Others You can give back to other people what they have given freely to you. In the depression chat room, inspire people by telling them the battles you have fought with depression and how you defeated this debilitating mental disorder. Share with them the method of treatment that have worked for you, the depression treatment center that has been a big help in your recovery and the medication that you took and how you experienced its side effects, adjusted to it and reap its rewards. This way, you reveal a part of yourself, a very vulnerable spot in you that can make a difference in the lives of other people. You might ask: in doing so, am I not opening myself to invasion of privacy? The answer is No. You can retain your anonymity while surfing depression chat rooms. You can name yourself in codes. And when you do tell your story, you can replace names to protect the privacy of those who are close to you. In fact, depression chat rooms encourage people to remain anonymous. This is a way of providing protection to their members.
How To Overcome Anger And Road Rage
Recently it was reported that a 41 year old driver was shot because he pulled into the exact change lane and a driver was angry with him for his slowness? Yikes it is terrible to read about this and so sad the desperation and daily blow ups that occur. This can happen alot when someone drives slowly in left lane, sees a tailgater or watches someone else steal a parking space. Why else do we have road rage reactions? Seeing someone ignore a traffic sign, excessive honking, watching someone on their cell phone who is oblivious to traffic patterns and excessive speeding are other reasons. We even feel anger growing inside of us as we see others being aggressive on the highway. What does that ell us? The truth is that when people are doing these activities they are already themselves in need of an anger management strategy, but it’s a chain reaction then where observers around them get enraged as well by having to be subject to these behaviors. Is there a way to gain more control over our reactions that are the common cause of road rage? Can we stay calm if someone is making an obscene gesture on the highway? Why do we take things so personally when they are from a stranger? As a therapist, I find that seeing the highway as a time to view one’s mind with humor and to practice compassion and patience is a very good habit to get into. I’ll try to think about the fact that people are struggling with fears of being late, family tensions or job issues and this contributes to poor and inattentive driving. I try to give someone a break. Don’t take it personally or think someone is out to get you. Gaining perspective is very important and I also remember that I won’t be thinking about this situation an hour from now and it is going to pass. It is not permanent, you won’t see these people again and it is temporary. You may ride this road daily to work but you don’t even see the same people. I’ll breathe in slowly and exhale twice as slowly. This helps to calm the mind and is a good tool for stress control and staying centered. Relaxing music is calming and also using audio tapes on books or self-help lessons are great ways to use the driving time for self-growth. There is no point in getting into a state while driving where you are sweating, have stomach cramps, look glaringly at others or have your heart racing. Just bring yourself back to your own breathing and how this situation isn’t worth stressing over. Road rage can be helped with anger management skills , techniques and tips so that your day is not carrying these dark feelings but you instead learn skills that keep you balanced and can make you a more harmonious person in all situations. It is so worthwhile to cultivate because if you master this, you also master other situations such as a friend being late, a child picking on his younger brother or a significant other raising his or her voice. This is a true skill you can carry with you everywhere.
Using Irrational Belief as a Tool of Mind Control
You’ll find that most people are in some way irrational, even superstitious. They may be “superficially” superstitious and base their behaviors on things that have no basis in reality. They may be literally superstitious and think that some action or inaction will irrationally effect their desired results. Uncovering someones irrational belief is easier that you might think. Simply observe and you’ll see it. You can also test it out. What would happen if you could uncover their irrational belief and use it as a tool to drive their thoughts and actions? You would be using their “map” of the world to influence them. That’s true mind control. To influence someone in this way, it’s important to just assume that people have some irrational fear, belief or superstition. Then uncovering those fears, beliefs and superstitions is all a matter of just observing and asking yourself “Does this persons response have a logical origin?” What you’ll find is that answer is almost always “No.” Most people will in fact behave according to events based on automatic reactions that are completely irrational. They often do this because that reaction has worked for them in the past… sometimes only ONCE, but it’s enough for them to conclude that it’s the best response they have. Other people will be more overt with their superstitions and demonstrate what Karl Jung called a “complex” in which strong emotions are triggered automatically as if they were programmed to respond this way by trauma. Guess what? It’s very likely they were! Begin to look at peoples behaviors and run them through the “irrational belief” filter and you’ll see just how often this behavior occurs. You can test it by simply asking their opinion in a “what would do” type of fashion. Most people love to believe that you value their opinions and will tell you eagerly. To take advantage of this new information see what you can do to use it to influence them your way. You can do this by presenting them an two options one of which would trigger this irrational belief. In most cases it’s always best to only point out the irrational belief to them as a last resort of influencing them. Regardless of how you use this new insight you’ll always seem much wiser than you are if you act unaffected and “above it all” as if you are wise, compassionate and filled great wisdom based on a rich life experience.
Top 10 Prosperity Tips
Living a prosperous life is about much more than just having enough money. In order to be truly prosperous, you need to change your total mind-set from lack to abundance. You need to make a mental and emotional shift and start living your life on a more abundant level – in all areas! Below are my top 10 tips for doing that: Prosperity Tip #1 – Do What You Love When you spend time doing things you really love, you automatically feel happier. When you feel happier, you emit more positive vibrations, and attract the things you want more quickly and easily! Start spending more time doing the things you really love. This can include hobbies as well as transitioning to a more fulfilling career. Prosperity Tip #2 – Affirm You Always Have More Than Enough The more you focus on lack, the more lack you will experience in your life. Turn this around by constantly affirming, “I always have more than enough money for everything I need.” The more strongly you can come to believe this, the more your physical surroundings will shift to match your expectations. Prosperity Tip #3 – Take Action Action isn’t always necessary in order to attract abundance into your life, but it sure doesn’t hurt. Don’t sit around waiting for your circumstances to change – get out there and change them! Taking even one small step toward what you want can often trigger a flood of opportunities and synchronicities that get everything moving in a more positive direction. At the very least, taking action can boost your confidence and make you feel more in control of your circumstances. Prosperity Tip #4 – Gratitude and Appreciation An appreciative mind-set makes everything seem better. Not only do you feel more abundant, your very focus on the positive aspects of your life will naturally attract more things to be grateful for. Make it a daily habit to appreciate the wonderful things that happen to you – even the small things. The more you do, the more you’ll find good stuff flowing into your life as if by magic. Prosperity Tip #5 – Love, Love, Love Love is one of the most powerful, transformational forces. It can heal the most painful situations, transform lack into abundance, and inspire positive change in both the giver and receiver. Practice flowing feelings of deep love for everyone and everything in your life. Love your blessings, your friends and family, the difficult people you encounter each day, and even your illnesses and obstacles. When you love them, you heal and transform them into genuine blessings. Prosperity Tip #6 – Boost Your Self-Worth Your beliefs have everything to do with the things you experience on a daily basis. If you don’t believe you deserve abundance, you will continually push it away! Start improving your self-worth and affirm constantly that you deserve to be happy, healthy and wealthy. When someone tries to give you a gift or compliment, accept it with gratitude! The more you do this, the more you will open yourself to the blessings the universe wants to send your way too. Prosperity Tip #7 – Make Room for More If every nook and cranny of your life is crammed with clutter and disharmony, you’ve got no ROOM for prosperity to come in! One of the quickest ways to get abundance flowing more smoothly through your life is to clear a space for it. Get rid of physical clutter and release painful emotional burdens and unresolved issues. Clean up your physical, spiritual, emotional and financial affairs, and watch how easily they are transformed from stagnant to vibrant. Prosperity Tip #8 – Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life Besides poor self-worth, you may have other limiting beliefs that keep you from experiencing the prosperity you deserve. For example, do you believe you must work hard to receive a lot of money? Do you believe that rich people are rude and insensitive? Do you believe that having a lot of money would be a burden? Learn to examine and question your beliefs about prosperity – and change the ones that limit you. This is an ongoing process that can change your life in powerful ways. Prosperity Tip #9 – Fire Up Your Abundance Radar You’ve probably heard it said that whatever you focus on expands. Prosperity is no different! Get into the habit of seeking examples of abundance wherever you go. When you’re shopping, pause to notice the abundance overflowing from store shelves. Each one of those products began with a simple idea in someone’s mind and was created in physical form! Take a trip to your local farmer’s market and marvel at the abundance of produce available. Each one of them was started with a tiny seed planted in the ground and nurtured until it grew into a luscious fruit or vegetable. Take time each day to reflect on the abundance you see all around you, and you will attract more of it (in all forms) into your life. Prosperity Tip #10 – Positively Abundant Positive thoughts and emotions will automatically attract more positive circumstances into your life, including prosperity! Negative thinking is nothing more than a habit of looking at the less favorable aspects of every situation. But every negative situation has at least ONE positive benefit. The more you can train your mind to look for the blessings and remain open to possibility, the more blessings and possibilities you will see! Start a new positive thinking habit today and watch how it transforms you into a magnet for everything good. There are many more ways to attract greater prosperity into your life, but these tips offer a simple way to get started. Abraham Lincoln once said, “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” The very same thing could be said about prosperity. Make up your mind to be as prosperous as you want to be . . . and your perception of reality will have no choice but to comply with your wishes.