Hi fellow baby boomers – Are you too busy earning a living to make any money? Are you like most baby boomers frightened about your future? If the answer to this is YES – read on. Chances are you are up against hard times – I was in the same position as you are now. It’s not your fault. Life happens too quick and all of a sudden here we are after spending all our lives spending, the reality hits. How are we going to continue living the lifestyle we all have come to enjoy so much? Like myself, very few of us planned our financial future. We meant to but we were too busy working for a living …..it has all happened so fast. If you want to stop worrying about just “getting by ” and are ready to do something about it, I can help you Marketing on the web is a relatively new form of business – that means all the people who started in this business knew as little as we do right now, yet they all made millions from it. In fact it is still the fastest growing segment of new millionaires in the world today. I knew nothing about it but dreamed of making money on the net from home and being in control of my own destiny. Instead of sitting around dreaming I decided to do something about it. I spoke to a very great friend of mine (also a baby boomer) who suggested I look to the experts on the web themselves. He told me to go to his favourite ebook superstore and do some research. There are many opportunities out there – finding the right one for you is the trick. We baby boomers have something the young gurus do not have and that is life experience itself. The years on this planet have taught us something that other people want. I thought I could use all my past negatives – health problems and money woes into guides to help other people. Still I had to find an expert who could set me off in the right direction. If you know in your heart you deserve a better life than you have right now then keep on reading!!! As I said we already possess something web users are lining up and paying top dollars for. All I had to do was find an expert who could point me in the right direction and show me how it all worked. This lead me back to the ebook superstore to research . I found an ebook on there that gave me all the answers. The writer was the 2007 Internet Marketer of the Year and gave a 1005% guarantee or money back. Why is this writer giving away all his secrets? He says he doesn’t want to give up the gold to people who don’t do anything with it. He believes boomers have follow-through, and anyone who has been an active member of society 43 years or more will possess the key ingredients to online marketing success. It doesn’t cost him business to show you his tactics….. The Internet is a very vast marketplace where demand will outweigh supply for a very long time. What are you waiting for? Don’t hesitate!! I did it because I had this dream of being financially free! You all will have your own reasons. It has worked for me and it is so lovely everyday to check my computer when I wake and see my back account rising. I am no genius just another baby boomer like you who has gone and had a go and IT WORKS!! More information on this subject can be found on my website http://www.gr8riches.com/boomers or you can contact me at sharon@gr8riches.com Good luck!
Yearly Archives: 2012
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 41 )
Before considering further how devotion to duty helps us in our spiritual progress, let me place before you in a brief compass another aspect of what we in India mean by Karma. In every religion there are three parts: philosophy, mythology, and ritual. Philosophy of course is the essence of every religion; mythology explains and illustrates it by means of the more or less legendary lives of great men, stories and fables of wonderful things, and so on; ritual gives to that philosophy a still more concrete form, so that every one may grasp it — ritual is in fact concretised philosophy. This ritual is Karma; it is necessary in every religion, because most of us cannot understand abstract spiritual things until we grow much spiritually. It is easy for men to think that they can understand anything; but when it comes to practical experience, they find that abstract ideas are often very hard to comprehend. Therefore symbols are of great help, and we cannot dispense with the symbolical method of putting things before us. From time immemmorial symbols have been used by all kinds of religions. In one sense we cannot think but in symbols; words themselves are symbols of thought. In another sense everything in the universe may be looked upon as a symbol. The whole universe is a symbol, and God is the essence behind. This kind of symbology is not simply the creation of man; it is not that certain people belonging to a religion sit down together and think out certain symbols, and bring them into existence out of their own minds. The symbols of religion have a natural growth. Otherwise,why is it that certain symbols are associated with certain ideas in the mind of almost every one? Certain symbols are universally prevalent. Many of you may think that the cross first came into existence as a symbol in connection with the Christian religion,but as a matter of fact it existed before Christianity was, before Moses was born, before the Vedas were given out, before there was any human record of human things. The cross may be found to have been in existence among the Aztecs and the Phoenicians; every race seems to have had the cross. Again, the symbol of the crucified Savior, of a man crucified upon a cross, appears to have been known to almost every nation. The circle has been a great symbol throughout the world. To get more information visit : http://www.spiritual-simplicity.com
Your Divine Soul Purpose — Manifesting Your True Life's Mission
The new times that are arriving on the Earth will require a new kind of human being to navigate through the stormy waters of present day challenges and to create new solutions based on the spiritual principles of harmony, balance, and respect for life. At this time on the Earth, many souls are awakening spiritually, and coming to more deeply understand and experience their own unique and divine spiritual origins. When a soul, embodied in human form, begins to awaken and realize their inner connection with spirit, a new path is forged within the body, mind, emotions and consciousness. The awakening human being begins to experience a greater depth of communion with spirit, and many new questions arise. One very important question the soul asks is, “why am I here?”, and “for what purpose did God create me?” For some on the spiritual path, an inner understanding of divine soul purpose emerges relatively early in the spiritual journey, guiding and supporting them in the directions needed for optimal growth and manifestation of their life’s work. For others, knowledge of divine soul purpose eludes the human embodied self for quite a long time, necessitating a period of “walking in the desert” with little outward or even inward support that can be perceived. This period of seeking is purposeful on the soul’s part, but may cause deep suffering to the embodied human self that feels empty, meaningless, and worried that they may be going in the wrong direction. The manifestation of your divine soul purpose is as unique and precious as you are. The best way to discover that which is the guiding essence of your life purpose is to look within at what desires, dreams, aspirations, hopes and longings you carry most closely in your heart. God created you so carefully, and uniquely for the sacred purpose you embody. Think of the beauty of a newborn baby, the precious nature of their tiny fingers and toes, and the sweet wisdom in their eyes. We can see the divine blueprint of the soul clearly in the radiance of their simple and innocent being. In this same way, you are created uniquely for your spiritual purpose, with every finger and toe, every hair on your head known and accounted for by God’s infinite wisdom and grace. Small children naturally begin to embody their soul purpose, even at a very young age. They are attracted to certain people and situations, and they relate to their environment in their own unique fashion. They may love animals, or spend their time drawing and painting, or they will play with cars and trucks, heal the neighborhood cats, or lead groups of children on the playground. They may enjoy singing and dancing, or they may read voraciously, or tinker with their computer. All the natural tendencies within, if allowed to flourish and expand, will lead a child to manifesting their divine soul purpose. And what of we adults, who may have grown up in less than optimal circumstances where our natural tendencies were not supported? Perhaps we have forgotten what we most loved to do as a child, or perhaps even thinking about this brings up the pain of what we endured as children. How can we discover our divine soul purpose? It may comfort you to know that you have not lost anything, even if you no longer feel in touch with your inner desires. The deep inner longing of your heart is never extinguished, even in the most difficult of circumstances. This is a quality of the soul that is eternal, that will lead you to manifesting your soul’s purpose. If you are feeling uninspired, disconnected from your divine soul purpose, it is possible to re-connect, by praying for this and creating a sacred intention to re-connect with your inner being. The prayer and intention activates a path of healing that will lead you towards that which you desire. If you have been disconnected for a very long time, you may find yourself experiencing deep emotions of grief or pain, as the re-connection to yourself is restored. If you can breathe and be with these emotions, without repressing them, but simply holding them in god’s light, this will create a healing and a freeing up on inner space. The discovery of your divine soul purpose lies within your heart’s desire. What do you most deeply long for? If you could do anything in the world what would that be? The path to manifesting your unique gifts in the world begins here, and then expands outward, as you begin to take actions based on your heart’s calling. Your true life’s work is this, to listen, follow, share your gifts, and manifest all that you are in the world of physical form. For this reason you came to the Earth at this time, to share all that you are with all of life.
Are You In A School Daze?
All around the country along about now, the kids are going back to school. While it’s primarily their event, it impacts the whole family, as everyone adjusts to new schedules and routines. As you maneuver your way through this yearly adjustment, here are some tips to keep in mind. When To Loosen Up, When To Tighten Up Establish the new routines consistently and firmly. Go over the new organization that’s required – preparing for school the night before (clothes and supplies organized and ready to go for the next day), a sensible bed time, whether they bathe in the morning or evening, getting up on time, cleaning teeth, getting dressed and eating a good breakfast, and being ready for transportation on time. At the same time, relax about other things not so important. Remember that your child is under stress, adjusting to a new routine, new teacher, new classmates and classroom, and perhaps even a new school. You can let up on some things for the time being, such as keeping their room spit-spot. Expect some regression in behavior. That’s what we do under stress (and you may be doing it as well!). Your child may be a little more on edge than usual and more emotionally reactive. That’s why being firm about the new routines are important. Allow for outbursts, remaining calm yourself. Remember you’re always modeling emotional intelligence, whether you mean to or not. They will also be picking up some new habits. Who among us hasn’t had their child return home from school the first day with a lovely new word you can’t believe they learned, and never want to hear again. Go back over the rules of the road for your household, and the fact that “Freddy does it so I can too,” doesn’t compute. My mother used to say “If Freddy sat on a hot stove, would you?” (Eventually I figured out the meaning of this metaphor!) Processing School is school, just like work is work, but when there’s been a hiatus, and when certain parts of it are new, there is always emotional processing going on. Just as you ask your child for facts — about their teacher, classmates, and subject — ask them about their feelings. Then listen. Provide support and perspective as needed. A comment such as, “I hate school,” should be calmly investigated. It may turn out, as happened to me once with a little one, that the lunch served that day had been “yuchy,” though everything else, once pursued, appeared to have been keen. If you precede this with “How are you feeling about your new teacher?” you will get a chance to experience the level of your child’s ability to express their emotions, and can help him or her sort them through, which is invaluable. Make emotional-expression vocabulary a part of your child’s learning experience. Children as young as 3 can learn to respond (when having a tantrum): “Are you angry?” “Yes.” “Can you tell me why?” I’m frustrated.” It’s More Than Getting A’s As you get into the first weeks, check and see how your child is doing in their social adjustment. Friends and being able to get along make such a difference in their self-esteem, happiness, and ability to function well at school. A’s are important, but children with higher emotional intelligence and better interpersonal relationships tend to do better academically. With patience on your part, and instruction, and the passage of time, much of the turmoil will subside. Before you know it, you’ll all be settled into the new routine!
Appreciating Christmas
What a wonderful Christmas it was this year. My oldest son asked me what about this Christmas did I enjoy and I answered, “Just having you here”. It is true, seeing my family around me was the biggest joy of my life. I missed one son who could not make it, but to have the majority of my family with me brought me supreme joy. After they all left my wife and I cuddled for a few moments with a cup of hot chocolate and our thoughts to just appreciate the moment of happiness we both felt. It is about appreciation I must write about, seeing it is directly after Christmas. William James, a pioneering American psychologist and philosopher once said, “The deepest craving in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” I knew it was true of me of course for I know my soul so very well, but to imagines it is also true for others is a bit of an eye-opener for me. To think that all of us, each and every human being on earth craves being appreciated more than anything else, even heavenly beings! Wow! It makes so much sense though as I consider this point, that appreciation is so important to everyone. It makes the wonder and magic of Christmas come alive with explanation. It is the essence of all great writings having to do with Christmas such as “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. Also “The Greatest Gift” written by Philip Van Doren Stern which became one of the most endearing and enduring Christmas stories ever put to film by Hollywood, in “It’s a Wonderful Life”. These stories are all about appreciation. I will leave out the greatest Christmas story of all and the real meaning of Christmas for just a few minutes longer as I continue to tell you of my appreciation. I am struck with a spirit of love and appreciation that is so strong during Christmas. If I had the money I would shower everyone with gifts. In our family we have a great gift-giving-arrangement which takes all the waste out of Christmas, we tell each other what we want and we get what we want at Christmas. No one is too extreme in their requests as we follow the unwritten rule that we would not ask of others what we ourselves could not give. Everyone is happy. We all get the “presents-thing” out of the way and we go on to enjoy our relationships and have fun. This year my youngest son dazzled us with a mind teaser game that made everyone think and laugh. Of course Christmas is not always fun. There are the moments of emotionalism that are tied to past hurts, anger and guilt, and marred relationships that we must deal with; however these often turn into opportunities for healing. Some of us have no families and we spend Christmas alone or with other families and that makes for lonesome times and unhappiness. I feel sorry for those who are alone, and my wife and I try to make room for such ones to enjoy with us the holidays if possible. Overall I am glad for Christmas though I have been known to be somewhat of a scrooge myself in dragging my feet in putting decorations up and getting in the spirit; but in the end I am always happy that Christmas has come with all of it’s emotions bad and good. I didn’t get to spend Christmas with everyone I would like to this year, but I did spend it well with those I was with. Though my wife had to put up the tree herself this year, I eventually showed up for the celebration. It is because during Christmas I eventually find the power of appreciation. I am reminded of the things I am grateful for; small and large – and that is what Christmas should be about. The real Christmas celebration is about appreciating the birth of one that came to be our savior. And in truth it is not the birth alone we celebrate. The birth was important for if it had not happen we as a race of people would be doomed to death. That is why we celebrate along with the angels and praise his name and sing our glory Alleluias as the angels did that very first Christmas night; however, he was born, lived, and more importantly died so that we would not have to stay in our graves but would be raised up as he was to live life eternally if we choose to. This is what we should really be appreciating and celebrating with our families. Life! Not life as we know it in this corrupt dying world, but life eternal in an incorrupt world. This is the greatest gift of all! The gift of eternal life is what we should appreciate. The birth of that Hebrew baby in Bethlehem was the birth of our hope and the beginning of our salvation. Santa Clause, Rudolf the Red-nose-Reindeer, the ghost of Jacob Marley and Scrooge are all just make believe characters that help entertain us and also help the grand marketers to exploit the advantages of our giving spirits during the holidays. If we are not careful, they can consume the entire holiday and block out the true meaning of Christmas like a magic trick right before our very eyes. Don’t let that happen. Keep the holidays, but keep them as they aught to be kept by remembering the Christ child’s birth and what it means to mankind. Our appreciation of this fact should illuminate us and make us want to give to the poor and needy, just as Scrooge eventually did with his recourses. As I ponder over what William James said, that the deepest craving in human nature is to be appreciated; I can only wonder if this applies to the Christ who was born human himself. Surely if we were made in God’s image I would say it is highly likely that He too longs to be appreciated. As they look down upon us during this Christmas season from their high station above, I hope my appreciation is seen. May I prove it through my own giving this holiday season. May this holiday find you showing your appreciation too.