The next time you head to you mirror and detect that annoying sheen, you may want to consider a different facial cleanser. With so many of these products on the market, which one will meet your needs and control the oil that continues to seep from your pores? Allouette makes a clarifying facial wash that could very well end your oily skin worries. This product is specially designed for oily skin or skin affected by acne. This wash will unclog your pores. It will also treat blackheads and those disgusting whiteheads that result from your oily skin. With its use you will be able to lift those impurities out of your skin while hydrating your dermal layer. Alpha and Beta hydroxides will gently remove dirt and dead skin cells without damaging the layers underneath. The Clinique Derma White Purifying Bar is a gentle option created for combination oily and oily skin. This product draws the impurities from your skin while providing a soothing moisturizing effect. The end result is cleaner skin, clearer complexion and healthier skin color. Burts Bees Garden Tomato Complexion Soap for Oily Skin is product that is milled by hand with natural ingredients. If you haven’t guessed already, the main ingredients in this soap are tomatoes. Tomatoes have always been considered to be natural sources for AHAs and lipocene. These chemicals assist in balancing the pH level of your skin. This product also has a toning effect and can deal with enlarged pores. Considering the natural basis for this product, you can feel confident that you are not putting some lab experiment chemical on your face. Neutrogena Dermatological Bar Soap is an old and trusted partner in the fight against oily skin. This product is developed specifically to possess hypoallergenic properties. This is a positive selling point for those with oily and sensitive skin issues. Customer reviews put this product near the top of its class in performance and satisfaction. Neutrogena is cheaper than the Garden Tomato Soap mentioned earlier, but is developed in a lab. If this is a concern to you, you might want to explore other products for your oily skin. L’Oreal provides their oily skin answer in the form of their HydraFresh Gel Cleanser. They recommend this product for nearly every skin condition and state that it is safe against must irritating effects. Unfortunately this product requires that you use other L’Oreal products to achieve maximum effect. This sales tactic can leave you penniless before you can get your desired results. This makes the HydraFresh Gel a product for people who like to fill their medicine cabinet and drain their bank account. If none of the above interest you, you may want to try more natural alternatives recommended by physicians. For instance, mudpacks are great to drawing out oil and impurities. Remember the darker the mudpack, the better it is at drawing out oils. Please note that masks are not meant for deep pore cleaning. Good old hot water can be utilized, often with the same result as expensive store products. Combine the water with a little gentle soapsuds and you have a skin care answer that does not cost an arm and a leg. Remember that oily skin is hereditary and not necessarily the result of bad skin care. If you continue having oily skin issues after treatments, you should seek out a physician to see if there are other prescribed methods of oily skin control.
Yearly Archives: 2012
Controlling Stress At Work
The every day excitement of life tells everyone that it is a game of the best on top. If you want to be the one that is on top you will need to be prepared to tackle anything that comes before you at work. You will need to become ready to deal with many types of stress that will come from work. New developments in the workplace have made stress higher than it was before. Knowing this bit of information is also realizing that the well being of the workers is in a decline. At work, many different kinds of stress are faced. In 1996, the World Health Organization released a report that stated that stress is thought to be a global problem. It is also known that over three hundred billion dollars are used up each year to pay for situations that are caused by stress. These include the workers ability to do a good job, late workers, those who do not show up at all, and health problems. Dealing with stress at work has now become one of the priorities that are dealt with. You may question what the real cause for stress at work is and what a worker should do to cooperate with the boss to find a way to deal with that stress. Helpguide is an internet site that will provide information of work related stress. Stress at work is caused by our thoughts turning to all the burdens at work being to large to handle. Work gives so much anxiety that the workers can not deal with them correctly. Most of the stress that comes from work is more visible when the satisfaction of the work is gradually starting to be aggravating and tiring. When these thought get worse and is too much for the workers to deal with, stress in the beginning will cause the flu, colds, coughing, headaches, and stomach problems. Some other things that may begin to expose themselves are tiredness, muscle cramping, anxiousness, and anger issues. Work related stress control must be able to deal with these things before they are a real crippling and upsetting problem. For more info see on Stress Management Program. The HelpGuide will give you distinctive types of work related stress. They are: 1. Detailed work situations – to much work to handle, irrelevant work or responsibilities, no regular break times 2. Your surroundings – excessive noise, lack of proper air flow, 3. The structure of your job – unreasonable demands on the quality of the work 4. New developments at work – working more hours and not getting paid much for it 5. The relationship with others at work – Too many people in one area Workers are able to deal with stress in better ways if they are given the right situations. These include: 1. Clearly stating what is to be done in that particular job 2. Expectations that are not met 3. Few people who are in charge 4. Addressing the concerns of the workers about loosing their jobs because of cuts and layoffs 5. The ability to move up in the company Work related stress is something that should take precedence to make sure that the workers are at top form. It is true that creating a human resource in your company will be the best thing to start with.
Skincare Tips To Slow Down Aging
An appropriate and effective skin care routine can be the answer to the bogging problem regarding formation of wrinkles and spots due to aging. As always, good skin care regimen, healthy lifestyle and a good well balanced diet would be ample in making the skin look more vibrant and much more beautiful. While it is a fact that there is no means to prevent aging, proper care could help slow the natural process down and make it a graceful occurrence. Skin aging is a natural effect of the skin cells’ wear and tear processes. Being reminded that there is definitely no existing skin care product in the market that could prevent skin aging so beware when some manufacturers claim that their products do so. However, several goods will surely help in skin repair. Understanding the natural process of skin aging set a good start. There are two different types of skin aging. Intrinsic aging is internal and is caused by the genes that are inherited from parents. The process can also be extrinsic or external that may have been caused by factors in the environment like exposure to air and water pollution, to the harmful sunrays and to chemicals from skin care products and medications. It would be helpful if you would take time to fully understand the concepts so that you will be able to determine the reason behind your rapid skin aging. Wearing and tearing of the skin that may result to evident skin aging can be helped by observing the following simple guidelines: – Consume more alkaline food. It would be advisable if you would include in your diet alkalinizing food like onions, lemon, garlic, olive oil, whole grains, nuts, dark-green vegetable leaves and seeds. To back the effort, reduce consumption of acidic foods like dairy products, meat, refined carbohydrates and sugar. – It would help if you would have calcium-mineral and pro-biotic supplements. – Hydrate the skin more by taking in ample amount of fresh water. Between six and eight glasses of clean water each day is the ideal ratio of water intake. By doing so, you are helping your body flush out toxic substances from the body and help prevent skin aging effectively. – Having regular and tedious exercise routine would help prompt the capillaries to function more effectively, in turn, bringing more oxygen to the skin. The sweating also helps bring out natural and accumulated body toxins. – Taking a more stress free and cheerful lifestyle would help. As you all know, many experts have already warned that stress from many sources result to dry skin that rapidly ages. In relieving body stress, the body would be made to function better and you always be in the good mood to do other skin care regimen to slow skin aging. Above all, observing proper skin hygiene is a complementary skin care measure. By keeping the skin healthy and clean, you are contributing to making your skin free from harmful radicals that in time may accumulate to affect the quality of the skin surface.
How To Listen To Your Angels?
You can feel protection and safety. You can sense the answer to a question that is bothering you but you haven’t even verbalized. You feel like you are being given messages and chances to follow a certain path. When you feel comfort in trying times or a sense of happiness when you are sad, you may be feeling the power and presence of your guardian angel. When you feel alone and don’t have the comfort of feeling protected, then you may not be able to feel the presence of your angel. If that is the case, then you can do something to help you feel and hear your angel’s messages and communication. There are simple ways to increase your reception of Divine communication with your angels. You need to be prepared to listen and feel their presence. In order to be aware of an angel’s message, you must place yourself in the reality that we do have angels trying to communicate with us all the time. Have you ever felt that you need to make a phone call, stop a particular thing from happening, or do something that you hadn’t planned to do? Those can be examples of our angels directing us. Sometimes the directions are clear and the outcomes can be seen and understood. Other times, we don’t know why we feel or act a certain way. We need to make ourselves ready to receive help from our Angels. We can ready ourselves by letting our mind and body relax when we feel an outside power is with us. We need to breathe, slowly and deeply. It seems when we are uncertain in stressful situations that we start to have shallow breaths. That can hinder any communication, whether from a physical source or a divine one. By taking slow, deep breaths, we give our body, brain and soul more oxygen. Many wonderful things happen when we have a surplus of oxygen, one being that our angels can travel to us more easily. It’s been said that the more fresh air we receive when we breathe, the better we can feel the messages of out angel. That is why we feel so good when we are out in nature, walking, sitting, watching and enjoying the outside and all the fresh oxygen. Angels love the fresh air and are more available when we are filled with it. It’s why we feel their presence so readily when we are one with nature. So, two of the most important things to realize when we want to feel our angels are to RELAX and to BREATHE deeply. When you are relaxing and breathing deeply, it is much easier to hear and feel your angel’s message, comfort, or protection. Once you are relaxed and breathing lots of health oxygen, you are allowing your body and mind to hear your angel talking to you. Sometimes it is not what we want to hear but it is still very important to us. Our angels stay around us to protect and guide us, so it is very important to FOLLOW THEIR GUIDANCE. If you are being receptive in your relaxed state and asking for help and guidance, your angels will let you know what you should do. Whether it is something about your health or something you should be doing to improve your life, it is essential to listen so you can hear their voice. If it is personal like improving your diet, it is because our bodies are sensitive to the chemicals and processed foods that we eat, which makes it hard for the us to have a clear open line of communication. Since angels are the best teachers to guide us on how to better hear their voice, we need to listen carefully so we can learn the best way to hear them. It is important to ask for guidance and follow whatever guidance you receive. We need to ask for signs from them to know if we are following their advice. Asking for specific signs is not good, because we all receive different signs. Our angels created unique signs for each of us and creatively use wonderful signs that each of us can easily recognize. There is loving sense of humor that angels display in their use of signs and they speak to us in many creative ways. You can feel an angel message if you are quiet and relaxed, and you will start to notice more messages all around you, even when you aren’t trying. Putting your mind at rest to feel the angel’s messages and signs will allow you to be successful in recognizing the signs with confidence.
Where Would You Look?
Recently I have been reminiscing about my grandfather and all of the lessons he taught me. The funny thing is, I don’t even think he was aware that he was doing it. It wasn’t until much later in life that I became aware of what was being taught. For instance, one warm day in Santa Cruz, California, I was helping him out in the fields near his property. With the neighbor’s permission, his plan was to expand the size of his field and add more crops. Back then a handshake and a gentlemen’s agreement is all that was needed to use each other’s land. There I was, his proud assistant and like all assistants (especially grandchildren), I was sent to ‘go-fer’ this or that. This particular day he wanted me to go to the tool shed and bring back a certain tool. He needed a scythe, which was a long-handled implement with a curved blade used for cutting tall grass or grain. I’m standing in the tool shed looking everywhere for that scythe. As does a typical child I yelled out “I can’t find it.” He yells back in Italian “и lа dentro,” translated as “It’s in there.” I hollered out again, “I don’t see it.” At this point I think he became irritated with his little assistant. He came into the shed and exclaimed “Antony!” in his best broken English and waving his arms wildly, “You look uppa here, it’s a notta uppa in de air. Aye yi yi, you no looka in the right place.” He continued to rant “You notta find anyting on lessa you looka where it is down here, notta up dare.” Yes, back when I was young Italian was our main language, even for me. Whether he spoke good English or not I think I got the picture that day. With his help I finally found the tool. We both headed back out into the field where he showed me how to use it working with long smooth strokes close to the ground. I worked until sundown. What an accomplishment for a young boy. As I continue to reminisce I wonder if as adults, sometimes we look in the wrong place for our own tools; such as talent, self-esteem and even love. Are we generally looking around high and low to see where our tools are, only to find that they’re not there? Maybe we should be looking within ourselves for the tools to bring our attributes out, instead of way up on the top shelf of the tool shed. God and the Universe gave each and every one of us something very unique and special like no one else has. Our perception of who we are lies within. If we keep looking for it in other places, we won’t find it. © Tony Masiello 2006