For establishing a guide to health and wellness, a person has many resources at their disposal that will provide help them in many areas. Most illnesses occur from exposure to outside sources but people are more susceptible to the illnesses because they lack the proper diet and nutrition to fight off the diseases naturally. The self-help efforts of medical professionals, healthcare administrators, and family can have a dramatic effect on the life of an individual. Some medical professionals might recommend a vitamin regimen to improve the immune system. They might also recommend that a sleep study take place to rule out any sleep disorders that might be affecting the person’s health. Vitamins, nutritional supplements, and the proper amount of sleep each night can enhance the body’s immune system and diminish the threat of illnesses dramatically. Identifying the causes for some symptoms might require a lifestyle study of the individual. People can access information about nutritional supplements through a multitude of websites established on the internet. The internet is filled with millions of self-help resources that are reliable and will give the correct dosages of vitamins that will give a person more vitality and improve their quality of life. There are many articles about health and wellness published throughout the year and people can gain access to these self-help resources by purchasing a newspaper each day. People can use health and fitness magazines as self-help resources to learn about healthy diets or they can turn to health care professionals that specialize in nutrition and can supply several diet plans that will be quite suitable for people of all shapes and sizes. Using these self-help resources at any time is quite easy because they do not look out of place in a work or home environment. Health and fitness magazines are widely accepted self-help reference materials that are affordable and can be useful to every member in the family. The subscription rates for self-help magazines make them one of the best self-help tools available to the public today. People can find helpful hints on fashion trends or gain a wealth of information about a personality disorder. Some information in the pages of the magazine might help obese people find meetings to attend or inform them about surgical procedures that can be used to lose weight. Any type of deficiency can be improved upon with the help of the self-help tools in these articles. Some people use internet chat rooms as a self-help resource. In this anonymous environment, a person can build up confidence levels and learn to express feelings without threat of exposure or fear of failure. The topics that are discussed in the internet chat rooms will vary from day to day, and the confidence gained by the exposure to others with the same problems in this controlled environment has been known to help treat many social disorders. This type of cyber therapy is a great tool for friends to use to help those that suffer from some mental disorders and the chat rooms serve as a low cost method of finding self-help support for many problems.
Yearly Archives: 2012
The Purpose Of Suffering
Today’s world is in turmoil and rapid transition, with larger scale changes on the horizon. In many of the spiritual teachings that have been coming to the Earth in the last 20 years, we are told that suffering is not necessary, or is the result of faulty belief systems, insufficient self love, or a hidden inner desire to suffer. Though each of these statements contains a kernel of truth, the larger spiritual reality of human suffering is a much more complex situation, that has at it’s root the fundamental choices made early in the evolution of humanity, to separate consciousness from the Oneness of the divine Creator. At the highest levels of God’s truth, all is one and there exists no separation. At the levels of human, embodied physical reality, life appears to be filled with the experience of aloneness, separation from God, from love and from truth. This current reality we experience however, is in the process of transformation as we speak. A new and unprecedented increase in the presence of spiritual light on the Earth has been gradually, and with increasing speed, opening the spiritual awareness of humanity. At the same time, this same light is having a cleansing and purifying effect, causing us to look both within ourselves and around us, to see where we are living out of alignment with love, with truth, and with ourselves. Dearest Ones, the very fact of existing within a physical body exposes you to the experience of suffering. The body is created with internal programming designed to keep itself alive through a series of biological needs that must be met, such a clean air to breathe, pure water to drink, and healthy food to eat. The body’s signals create suffering each day, which motivates the human, embodied self to meet their needs. Emotional and mental suffering are also a part of the human experience, because the spark of light that is the soul essence of a person, entered into human form for a specific reason. In order to find that which the soul desires to learn, an inner feeling or experience of discontent or suffering arises that motivates the person to seek that which its soul desires. There is another aspect of suffering that is related to the process of cleansing and purification that is happening on the Earth right now. Imagine you burned your hand years ago, but at the time did not have access to medical care. Your body tried to heal the burn, but it still has a scar is inflamed and painful. Now, times have changed and you have access to medical care, so you go to the doctor and ask for help in healing this old would. The doctor has to lance the wound, open it and drain out the inflamed tissues, in order to relieve the pain. Once this is done, the wound can heal perfectly. This process of purification that is happening on the Earth right now is opening the individual and collective wounds of humanity. It is a challenging process, because the pain of the past re-surfaces as it is being healed. You may feel for a time that there is more suffering rather than less, and wonder if it will ever end. The good news is that in today’s world, the presence of greater spiritual light is creating more opportunities for complete healing of relationships, old and previously stuck behavior patterns, physical conditions and emotional difficulties. If you are experiencing a healing process, it can help a great deal to hold an attitude of trust and acceptance in relation to the suffering that may emerge. Rather than berating yourself for not being spiritually evolved enough to transcend the pain, or for other limitations you may perceive yourself to have, let go of your thoughts and judgments. Breathe into the suffering, rather than avoiding it. None of us likes to suffer, but if we can relax around the process, there is less pain because we are flowing rather than rigid. Be humble and sincere in your prayers, and ask for healing. Accepting and breathing into suffering does not mean you don’t try to find relief. We are human, and no one likes to be in pain, whether it is emotional, physical or energetic pain. Be practical and do what you need to do to help yourself, but hold everything you are experiencing in God’s loving embrace. As you move forward and find a path of acceptance for the challenges as well as the joys of spiritual life, you will discover a new level of inner peace, and a strengthening of your faith and trust in God. Your suffering is known by God and it will end, for it is but a step in the process of wholeness in the journey to Oneness with God’s love.
Are You Susceptible To Hypnosis?
A person’s susceptibility to hypnosis is dependent on several factors. Whether these factors work together or oppose each other is entirely in the hands of the individual. There are factors that are outside of anyone’s control. They come down to the individual makeup of each person. For instance, if someone is naturally susceptible to suggestion in their everyday life, they likely will carry along that susceptibility in the hypnosis process as well. Everyone is susceptible to some degree, but this is one of the variable that will contribute to a person’s likelihood of achieving hypnosis easily. But there are varying degrees of depth of hypnosis, and hypnotherapy doesn’t require a deep state of hypnosis. It can be beneficial at varying levels of depth. The self hypnosis CDs and downloads that I have produced are designed to take someone from a completely awake state into some degree of hypnosis. Susceptibility to suggestion is also impacted by repetition. The more you hear a message, the more likely you will be to able accept is as fact, to buy into it, whether consciously or not. This is also true in everyday life. Some people take to hypnosis quite effortlessly, while others need a bit more practice. Their degree of susceptibility might be influenced by other conditions around them, and they may find they need just exactly the right circumstances to achieve hypnosis. But the most important contributor to someone’s susceptibility to hypnosis is really their attitude. If someone tries it and has immediate success, that’s terrific. But if the first time you listen to a hypnosis CD and you do not achieve hypnosis, some people will stop at that and conclude that it doesn’t work. That’s unfortunate, because if people are willing to commit to listening to the recordings regularly, and to finding the ideal conditions for themselves, they will achieve some degree of hypnosis, which will benefit them. Hypnosis is about suggestion, and there is a degree of suggestion to all forms of therapy. If there are any prerequisites to qualify someone as a candidate for hypnosis, it’s attitude first and foremost. Sure other intellectual variances may factor in, like concentration and imagination, but they would likely affect the level of hypnosis, rather than the ability to achieve it in the first place.
Helping Others Gets You What You Want
“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed”, Napoleon Hill. There are a number of quotes or ideas similar to this one that I have heard over the years, but this quote represents the earliest appearance of this idea in secular literature I can recall, it was in the late 1950’s or so. Napoleon Hill is considered to have influenced more people in success and self-empowerment than any other person in history. Napoleon Hill was a journalist who was hired by one of the wealthiest business tycoon’s of the time Dale Carnegie, to put together the first real book on success and self-empowerment, which became the “Philosophy of Personal Achievement”, an outline of the best success and self-empowerment ideas and practices ever. Hill is most famous for the book, “Think and Grow Rich’ one of the best selling books of all time, which is where our quote comes from today. Think and Grow Rich was the result of interviewing some of the best minds in the world at that time such as Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Eastman, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Charles M. Schwab, F.W. Woolworth, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and many others. W. Clement Stone, originally a successful Insurance magnate (Combined Insurance) is another person who was influenced by Napoleon Hill’s philosophy and started having all of his insurance sales people trained by Hill. Earl Nightingale read a copy of “Think and Grow Rich” and instantly turned his weekly radio talk show into a radical success based on Napoleon Hill’s self-empowering ideas. Together these four original gurus of positive thinking, Hill, Carnegie, Stone, Nightingale pioneered the way of self empowerment for the next generation of motivational guru’s, authors and sales people that came along. Among some of the greatest were Zig Ziglar, Toni Robins, Brian Tracy, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and Maxwell Maltz just to name a few. I received my sales and self-empowerment training from several men who were the third generation of self-help gurus who came along. Another quote which is my favorite take on Hill’s idea about helping others leads to success came from Zig Ziglar who said; “You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” This idea is delicious to me.” All I needed was enough people to sell”, I thought to myself, “and I would be in business”. After years of selling believe me I know that it is true because I have tasted it myself. I know that in a very real way I always got what I needed and wanted after I helped others to succeed. In its most basic form, this describes most company’s remuneration systems. Salesmen get their commission after selling products to customers. Employees collect their pay after they have provided a service to their employers. However, there is something that goes deeper than just our salaries. There are other ways to get paid in life. There are ways we don’t even see. For example, if we maintain a good rapport with our customers and our customers go back and tell our bosses, our bosses often reward us for our extra effort by promoting us. That is pay isn’t it? The opposite is also true; if we treat our customers badly, we shall reap the whirlwind for that because it all gets back to the boss, doesn’t it? But I think our positive thinking gurus had something even more delicious in mind. I think its much more altruistic than that. I think our actions are seen by the unseen in our world. I think that they also report to a bigger chief, one who is also invisible. I think that we get our due compensation from him ultimately in due time. For example, if you are dishonest and you tell your customer a lie, the customer winds up eating the loss but refuse to shop there again. You get mugged outside by a stranger as you go to your car. Two totally unrelated things have happened here; or are they really unrelated? You have heard of “Bad Karma” right? Could this be your bad Karma? You see the whole universe conspires to help you no matter what you do. The universe also can work against you. Not to say that God has arranged for you to get mugged, no! I’m not saying that. It was actually you who worked to conspire with the universe, not the Almighty. In Wayne Dyers’ book, “The Power of Intention”, he describes this phenomenon as the spirit in the universe actually being part of us as we are a part of everything that lives. Dr. Dyer’s point is that our spirit within us knows what’s wrong and what’s right. It is part of the universe and so the universe works with our spirit to accomplish what we set out to do. In the case of us doing wrong, if we are righteous at heart, the universe seems closed to us or negative in some ways and indeed it is we who have shut the doors ourselves. We are in touch with the darker side of the force, if you believe the genius of George Lucas and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Even if you can’t accept that idea, what about this one; you have little money in your pocket but you give it to a starving man you see on the street. Later that month you find a twenty dollar bill in some pocket in some jeans you wore a long time ago; two unrelated incidents right? I don’t think so. I believe that good catches up to you just as bad has a way of catching up to you. I have experienced it myself over and over again. Sometimes it is right after I help someone; sometimes its months later but the truth is I get help or something wonderful happens to me because I lets say gave something to the church when I had nothing left to give. This is called the power of Tithing in my church. Ouch, was that a religious overtone! I find it interesting that this idea about getting what you need by helping others get what they need is even in secular literature. This is after all a very religious idea. As a matter of fact if you look at the original ideas that came from Napoleon Hill, or Dale Carnegie, or others I spoke about, you will find many more spiritual ideas than these. They were very spiritual men. Carnegie gave Napoleon Hill a list of 500 of the most successful people to find and interview before collecting his thoughts in a book. What about those successful people; were they all religious? I don’t know, but I am willing to gamble that most of them were spiritual. I believe that there is no mystery in the fact that one of the richest men in the world would contract a stranger, Napoleon Hill who was one of the best journalists to write a book about the most successful ideas that makes a person self-empowered. He sent him off to interview from a list of 500 most successful people in the world some great souls who have experienced wealth, success and happiness. It’s not a mystery to me, because God wants us to learn all of that. He wants us to be wealthy, because wealth certainly goes a long way in getting things done in this physical world, doesn’t it? I tell my students, money solves a lot of problems. My students are usually the poorest of the poor, welfare recipients who have been collecting welfare for years as their mothers before them did, as did their mothers before them. I don’t think it’s a mystery that God wants them to know how to be self sufficient. But before we can become successful, we must learn how to change our behaviors which means changing what we believe sometimes. No wonder God took one of the wealthiest men in the world to get a journalist to investigate how to get wealthy the best and easiest way possible. It is further not a mystery that all of this knowledge trickled down to me, a teacher of the poorest of poor. If that doesn’t get you to wonder I don’t know what will. God wants us to be empowered. He wants us to have what it takes. He wants us to learn what we personally need to do to make that happen. That is the nature of self-help literature and all motivational speakers and seminars you might attend. How about you? Are you ready? Do you want to learn? There are many more truths like this expressed on my website. To subscribe as a reader go to http:
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The Great Gambling Addiction
Won at a slot machine after spending some dollars. You think the machine is lucky for you and you buy some more tokens for gambling. You experience hard luck and you don’t win. Probably thinking of buying some more tokens, then some more, and at the end you lose even your winnings. Next day some more, then more and more, and this just seems an endless pattern. Now you are addicted. Yes that’s right! The term addiction was previously used for the addiction to chemical substances like alcohol, nicotine or drugs. With new research on how our brain functions there’s been findings that state that many substances can be addictive even though they are not chemical in nature. One such addiction is the gambling addiction. It seems that addiction is resultant from the pleasure derived from abusing a substance but addiction can begin because of depression or some kind of emotional problem. The reasons are many and they are different and unique for every addict. Gambling Addiction or pathological gambling is often referred to as a hidden illness. As there are no physical symptoms visible the American Psychological Association refers to gambling addiction as a mental health disorder as there is no impulse control over it. There are two types gambling addictions, one is action gambling and other is escape gambling. Action gambling is when a gambler is addicted to his thrills of taking risks. Action gamblers most of the time are busy playing with others to prove themselves a winner. Escape gambling is due to imbalance of a persons mind or when he is emotionally hurt. Such gamblers prefer playing alone. They are most of the time at the slot machine or playing black jack. They don’t like others playing with them or they don’t want anyone around them. It’s found that the teens are more than three times likely to be victims of a gambling problem as compared to adults. So it is necessary to make them aware about the dangers of a gambling problem at an early age itself. There are phases of gambling addiction. At first comes the winning phase were gamblers often win a big amount or win a few times. This in turn prompts them to win more as they begin taking great pride in their winning ability. As a consequence, they may choose to increase the bet amount. Then comes the losing phase, when gamblers begin to lose all their money. Don’t take anymore gambles in life. Get the help that you need today. Why not have a shot at a tried and test approach? Hypnotherapy might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of getting your gambling under control, however it is more than likily your best bet. You can even get Hypnosis downloads these days so you can get the results that you desearve in the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. Do something different today – get the results you need and deserve.