In my St Albans Motivation Courses, I offer Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching. Hypnotherapy is a deep state of relaxation that allows unconscious changes to be made easily. NLP stands for Neuro linguistic programming, which are different techniques and strategies to help you communicate more effectively to yourself and others, and have greater control over your emotional state. Life coaching is a means of establishing where you are now, where you want to be in the future and setting up goals or steps that will help you to get to wherever it is that you want to be. Once someone has decided upon their course of action, they may want to stick with that (so decide to only use St Albans Course for Hypnotherapy) or to use a combination of the different therapeutic interventions to gain maximum advantage. Almost all one to one sessions are Ј65.00. Quit smoking sessions are Ј120.00 and that particular session is a one off session with 6 months support, during which time you can come back for free if you need to. St Albans quit smoking courses have an 85% success rate with one session, a 98% success rate with 2 sessions and 100% success rate with 3 sessions. All of the St Albans quit smoking sessions are conducted using hypnotherapy. During the St Albans Motivation Courses of treatment, I recommend between 2 and 6 sessions, but it really is individual. What I say to the people I treat is “You will I when you feel better. Then you can tell me.” I always think that the individual is the best judge of how they are feeling, more than I am, so if you want more sessions you can have more, if you want one and come back for top ups every now and again, that that is fine too. The key is to have flexibility and find out how St Albans Motivation Courses will work for you. Of course, it is not just adults that have lack of motivation problems. Children can feel a lack of motivation too. That I why I am very pleased to announce that St Albans Motivation Courses, will be discounted to Ј55.00 for children. Prior to qualifying as a hypnotherapist, NLP master practitioner and life coach, I worked as a nursery nurse (NNEB) for over 10 years. This means I have full Criminal Records Bureau Clearance, along with my insurance and many years experience with children and young people. If you have a child who has issues with their levels of motivation, it is a good idea to have this problem treated as soon as possible. Of course some motivational problems can be due to life circumstances, such as during the teenage years, and these sorts of problems will usually pass, however there are other times when it is worth seeking further help, particularly if the child is: 1) Aged under 12 years and not feeling motivated 2) Due to be taking important exams 3) Has had an emotional trauma, such as a loss in the family, divorce or illness. Allowing these sorts of issues to remain un resolved can have an impact on that child’s future and later life. I can shape the direction they choose to take in life, as well as shape their beliefs about people and how to react in stressful situation.
Yearly Archives: 2012
Forcing Your Goals Versus Empowering Your Dreams
Many people understand the concept of setting goals in life to empower themselves. What most people don’t know is that goals require a constant stream of force behind them to keep them alive. In other words, you need to push them all the time to make them come true.What do I mean by force and push? To force something is to compel through pressure or necessity. To push a goal is to apply enough force to the goal to keep it fresh and empowered. This constant pushing of your goal, while necessary, is also a detriment to effective manifestation of the goal itself. Goals are artificially created by the mind and backed up by concepts and beliefs in order for them to work. Take away the concepts and beliefs that give them the foundation to live and they will evaporate in no time. How does this look like in practice? Let’s assume you have a goal to lose weight. As you may already know, it is important to set your goals precisely. So let’s say you want to lose 25 pounds over the next 3 months, starting today. This goal needs a foundation to work. You need to have some sort of motivation that encourages you to do this. Let’s look at some reasons you may want to do this: * You want to look attractive to others * You want to look attractive to your partner * You believe that you are overweight * You want to fit into your favorite dress or pants again Whatever the reason is, you absolutely need to have one, otherwise you won’t have the motivation to start. And the mere act of starting is the challenging part as you need to change some of your usual behavior and concepts in life. We all know what a challenge changing your behavior and concepts can be! Behavior is changed in the physical domain, concepts are changed in the mental domain. This double whammy of physical and mental change is what makes a simple thing like weight loss such a challenge to bring off successfully. Successful goals always come from a corresponding change in the mental domain. Why is this? Simply, it is because your mind and your thoughts are what create your reality. If you change only your behavior, you will have only short-term success. In time, you will fall back to your old pattern of behavior – the very thing you tried to change in the first place! So lets assume you are in the second month of your weight loss goal and your partner leaves you. What happens to your goal about losing weight? It doesn’t work anymore, it vanishes and evaporates into thin air. You just took away the foundation and the motivation for your goal. As you can see, the problem with goals is that they depend on life circumstances – and they are always forced by mental concepts. How About Dreams? Your dreams are powered by source, by the ultimate power of consciousness. Your dreams are the recognition of what you can do with your unique gifts and talents you have brought into this life. Every person comes with a unique set of talents. These talents lead to a unique way of expressing themselves through various forms of creativity. Universal creativity is really what powers everything behind all manifestation. Occasionally, we utilize unique properties of this creativity in specific ways. With this creativity you are able to serve other people and in return you get rewarded with a form of energy. In our western civilization, the most common reward is often money. In summary: You discover your strengths, gifts and talents. You find ways to use them that very practically enrich and support society. You are in service to others. By the way, being in service in this way is life’s ultimate purpose. Your dreams are powered by your unique creative abilities. These abilities are like a never-ending fountain, the wellspring of your life. They will always be with you, in good times and bad. They are completely independent from mental concepts. They are powered by your true nature. You can deny them, but you can’t get rid of them. Even on the worst day of your life, your dreams still exist. If you don’t live your dreams, you must constantly suppress them by mental concepts like: * I am too old to start * I don’t know how to do it * Nobody will be interested in it * My friends will hate me when I do it * You name it! I have used the words force and power to associate them with goals and dreams. To understand the concepts behind these words I highly recommend David Hawkins book “Power Versus Force. Here are a few definitions from the book that help define the idea of power versus force: * Force is associated with the partial, power with the whole * Force must always be justified, power requires no justification * Force always creates counter-force and its effect is limited by definition * Force is a movement, power is a skill * Force always moves against something, power doesn’t move against anything at all * Force is incomplete and therefore has to be fed energy constantly * Power is total and complete in itself and requires nothing from outside * Force constantly consumes while power energizes, supplies and supports * Power gives life and energy, force takes these away * Power is associated with compassion, force is associated with judgment * Force requires proof and support, power is inarguable and not subject to proof People who fulfill their dreams are the happiest people on earth. They do what’s in their nature. It is completely irrelevant what kind of dreams you have. Dreams don’t need to fit into anything. They don’t need any approval. They don’t need any money to start. Goals are temporary fixes of your mental desires that do not provide you with lasting happiness. The new car will get old and rusty, the new house will lose its charm over time, and if your goal is to create the perfect partner you will begin to see your partner’s imperfections over time as well. Your dreams are a recognition of what you truly are and how you can contribute to this world. You will never do anything else in your life but this. There is no true retirement from the contributions you can make in this life. You live this dream to your very last breath. Embrace the dream! Be the dream!
Levels, Phases And A Closer Look At Hypnosis
In a Hypnotist practicing Therapeutic use of Hypnosis, important qualities required are: Imagination, Concentration and Motivation. These are also the qualities desirable for a subject. Hypnosis is sleep of the nervous system. So there is a decrease in the rate of respiration, decrease in blood circulation thus sluggish brain waves. Under the normal consciousness, the brain waves are at Beta wave level. However, with hypnosis, brain waves slow down to alpha waves than to theta waves. Delta waves are brain waves possible in children, & generally no adult can experience the slowing down to delta wave level. Hypnosis can be practiced one to one i.e. one Hypnotist & one subject, or it can be one to many. This is the case of group when persons has gathered with the main motive of experiencing Hypnosis. Hypnosis has excellent power of releasing subconscious mind. It is time taking learning process & requires regular practice. After learning it can useful to advance many facets of your life. Different Levels of Hypnosis Everybody can not practice Therapeutic hypnosis as it requires highest state of concentration. However, the basic or medium state of concentration also brings benefits of relaxation and peace. While lighter level hypnosis gives feelings of relaxation and calmness as level goes higher individual can experience physical effects such as tingling sensations in the fingers, blinking eyelids, a sensation of heaviness in some parts of the body. The intensity of these feelings boost up after few weeks of practice. In initial phase hypnosis most people do not have good perception of time with more experience they can have better awareness of the passing time. In the medium level physical perceptions becomes more enhanced. The subject has pronounced tingling sensations in the fingers, blinking eyelids, a sensation of heaviness in some parts of the body. Some subjects even experience floating sensations. These feelings appear as being very existent by the subject. In medium stage the Hypnotist has better access to subjects mind. In this stage Hypnotist can bring more benefits of hypnosis to the subject. As the level gets higher further the conscious awareness grows fainter leading to top level i.e. the somnambulistic (sleep awareness) levels of hypnosis. This level leads to the best mental and physical responses. In this level several physiologic responses associated with deep sleep, such as the Rapid Eye Movement, can be observed. In this stage the subject experiences complete conscious forgetfulness. It makes the subject virtually absent from the real surrounding. This level brings hallucination. The effect of the illusion remains even after the hypnosis. Hypnosis is most often used for the following purposes: – Weight Loss and Maintenance – Health eating – To cease bad habits like smoking and drug abuse – To overcome phobias & anxieties – To suppress pain during medical procedures In short, hypnosis comes to your help in case some normal point of view or logical thinking becomes barrier in solving any problem of yours. It frees you from problems you want to while in conscious or subconscious state. Learn more about how Easy Hypnosis can help you and your loved ones, friends and others improve the quality of your lives. And share the news with others, too.
Gratitude Journal: Attracting Abundance And Prosperity By Expressing Appreciation And Gratitude – In Writing
Keeping a gratitude journal can be a key part of living a happy and prosperous life. How so? Acknowledging all the things, events, and people we appreciate will quickly get us out of the “whining” mode and right into “happy” mode, increasing our vibration. And with that, we’ll begin to draw more of the things we’re already happy about. The law of attraction says that whatever we focus on we draw to us. And if you have ever any doubts about that, just give it a try. Ever notice how your days go from bad to worse as you grumble and resent all the things in your life that make you miserable – or that you THINK make you miserable. We won’t get into justifications here. It’s clear enough that if you think enough about them, that’s where you’ll stay, and that’s what you’ll keep getting. So what if somebody else had a hand in it? Do you really want to give them the satisfaction of successfully making you miserable too? You can turn things around. Express appreciation. In writing. For the unlikeliest things. The only condition: you must find a way, any way, to actually feel some appreciation. One of my favorites: I forgot who it was, but in response to tough times, someone said he would give thanks for the challenges that make life such a growth experience. Oh, look, another growth experience! Thank you! So let’s give thanks for all the learning lessons that bless our lives. But it doesn’t just have to be challenges. Sometimes the simple things, the things that we normally take for granted, work just as well as objects of our appreciation. Did you have a good meal today? Or yesterday? Are there people in your life who would miss you if you were gone? People you would miss? Express gratitude. Can you see? Hear? Walk? Talk? Express gratitude. Is today a beautiful day? Did the sun appear when it was supposed to? Express gratitude. Do you own or have access to something, anything, you enjoy? A book, a CD, a piece of clothing or jewelry (no fancy metals and minerals required)? Express gratitude. Chances are there are many things that deserve to be written into your gratitude journal. And why write them down? There’s something about the writing process that makes things so much more real. You’ve probably read all about the power of written-down goals. Well, gratitude, especially as a path towards greater prosperity and abundance, works the same way. Then watch what happens. Your vibrations will go up. You’ll feel happier. Things start working better. Maybe some new signs of prosperity come very quickly, maybe they’ll take a while. Either way, you can be assured that as long as you keep grumbling, you’ll keep swatting any incoming signs of prosperity away like flies. So stop grumbling and welcome all the good that’ll be flowing into your life.
Motivation With The Help Of Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a powerful tool in self improvement and can help you change many factors of your life and personality that you dislike. Along with other forms of therapy and life coaching, hypnosis can be very useful as a motivational technique. The methods of hypnosis that help you set, visualize and obtain goals are great if you are striving for success but having difficulties getting started. When beginning hypnosis, it is most important to find someone you are comfortable with and who is a competent professional. Hypnotherapists are powerful people that have the ability to work wonders in the human mind, as long as you trust them. You may find it helpful to find recommendation from peers or professional associations. If that is not a possibility, then research the different types of hypnotherapy, decide which method sounds best for your needs and find a professional that can assist you with that. Once you have found someone that you trust and that understands your reasons for hypnotherapy, you can get started on your road to a more motivated and successful lifestyle. It will be easier to address your motivation issues with your hypnotherapist if you put some thought into it before the session. Be ready to tell him or her what you aspire to be or do and what road blocks you currently run into. However, keep an open mind. You may be surprised to find out that what you thought was holding you back from your successes was not it at all, and that your lack of motivation stems from somewhere completely different. Many people find difficulty in self-motivating because the goal they have set seems so unattainable. Hypnotherapy can help with this through visualization techniques. Under hypnosis, you may be instructed to visualize yourself in the situation you are trying to achieve. Because Hypnosis deals with the subconscious mind, picturing these things under Hypnosis will implant the vision deep inside your mind and make it much more realistic to you. The more realistic it feels, the more you will believe you could achieve it, and the more motivated you will be. Hypnotherapy can strengthen the will of the mind and teach it to bypass the things that have kept you from the success you have sought your whole life. By instilling motivating thoughts and pictures into the mind, it works from the inside out to help you in your accomplishments. However, Hypnosis is not a miracle cure and cannot be expected to work on its own. As with any other form of physical or psychological therapy, it should be combined with other methods for best results. Motivation begins with positive thinking and positive actions. Do not think that you are the only person in the world that is not self motivated and that is lazy at times. It is human nature to be this way, and also human nature to want to do something about it. Hypnosis in the hands of a skilled professional can open the mind and ready the spirit for the successes that will come flying your way once you’ve found your motivation.