Today’s world is changing at the most accelerated rates ever, and our bodies, minds, emotions and spirits are all being affected by these larger changes. Have you noticed recently that you’re experiencing more intense emotions? Many people are feeling a heightened sense of emotional intensity, so we are seeing more incidents of disruptive outbursts and behaviors, and also more positive emotions related to expanding love, that are inspiring people to take more risks within their interpersonal relationships, and in relation to important life choices. The human heart is growing larger on a spiritual level, expanding beyond its perceived small boundaries of focus on the self. The growth of technology and the process of spiritual evolution on the Earth have created unprecedented levels of communication between people, and also between humanity and the planet Earth that we live upon. It has become clear that our previously self oriented behaviors have created multiple planetary crises that must be addressed. Each of us is being called by the time we live in, to step forward into greater self responsibility and a greater willingness to join with others to find solutions to our common problems. As the spiritual evolutionary impulse continues to transform us and to open the hearts of humanity, we are also seeing increased incidences of the worse of humanity as well. We see shocking examples of negativity expressing itself in large and small ways, which seem even more abominable as we become more spiritually aware and more sensitized to the world around us. This process which seems so harsh and difficult is known as the process of purification. As greater levels of spiritual light manifest on the Earth, the light acts both to open the heart and open spiritual awareness, and it also acts to illuminate what has been hidden and separated from the light of spiritual oneness. When the negativity is released, it floods our awareness and feels like it will never end. This is the most difficult part of the process, which we are in the midst of right now on planet Earth. Once the flood of negativity has subsided, we can begin to be able to feel the greater love, light and freedom that results from being cleansed at a deep level. The end result of the process of purification is a life that exists in harmony with oneself, with God, and with all of life. This process is happening both individually and on a global level, so that humanity can live at peace, in harmony with God and with all of life. Most of us carry within ourselves pain which we endured in our younger lives, or that we are aware of from within our hearts. As the spiritual atmosphere of the Earth becomes more illuminated, we may feel these emotions in a more heightened way. It could be a constant sense of anger, or despair or grief, that seems to pervade our consciousness no matter what is happening in our daily lives. It may be that little has changed in our outer lives, but suddenly we are beset by all these feelings which seem to emerge from an endless well. Or, we may have endured unexpected life crises which trigger deep and painful wounds that feel like they will never be healed. These intense emotions that are surfacing right now are a part of this larger movement happening on the Earth. Your inner being is a pure and divine child of light which carries within itself the inner knowing of what needs to be healed within you. If you can hold the awareness that the emotions you are feeling are a part of a natural healing process, then it becomes easier to breathe, and to remember that you are feeling the emotions but you are not your emotions. You are a precious and beautiful soul, created in God’s image with infinite care, to share something special with the world that only you can offer. Allow your emotions to pass through you like water, with trust that they will pass. On the other side of the storm is a new tomorrow with infinite possibilities that exist within God’s loving embrace of spirit. You are deeply blessed with the gift of God’s life, for a divine purpose. Trust this and follow your innermost hearts calling. Your body, mind, emotions and spirit will find a new harmony and alignment, and a new level of peace and inner fulfillment.
Yearly Archives: 2012
Everyday Creativity
Do you tell yourself that you are not a creative person because you can’t draw or play an instrument or write poetry? I often hear many of my clients bemoan, “I’m not creative!” This isn’t true! We all have the ability to be creative – it is a God-given gift – but you might not be noticing or enjoying your particular form of creativity. It’s important that you become aware of which forms of creativity are fun and fulfilling for you, because expressing your creativity is a powerful way of feeling filled up and joyful within. Creativity naturally pours out of my three-year old grandson, as it does out of all little children who are given the opportunity to express it. When I was spending time with him recently, he was playing with a children’s microscope that has little slides with various bugs and other little creatures that he can slide in. He slid in a little shrimp and then starting running around the room saying, “Grandma, the shrimp is in the heater! Get it out!” Once I coaxed out the little shrimp, it now magically appeared under the table, or in the lamp, or back in the heater! He delighted in running around pretending this little shrimp was everywhere and engaging me in his magical game, laughing as he thought up new place for the shrimp to hide! I could see the pure joy he experiences in expressing his creativity. How can you express your creativity in everyday ways? Perhaps you really love scrapbooking or making photo albums, creating ways of enjoying memories. Do you enjoy setting a beautiful table, or creating a lovely flower arrangement from flowers that you grow? Do you love creating a wonderful garden? How about creating a bulletin board in your home or office for others to enjoy? Perhaps you just enjoy putting on music and allowing your body to dance around the room. Do you love being in your workshop, making things out of wood for yourself and others? One man I know decided to express his creativity by carving a totem pole, even though it was something he had never done and had no idea how to do it! Maybe picking out fabrics and making clothing or blankets is fun for you, or knitting or crocheting for yourself, family and friends. Do you have fun making cards with stamps? Maybe you enjoy making collages with pictures from magazines. You might be a person who expresses your creativity through your kindness or through your humor. Perhaps volunteering is a form of creativity for you. Perhaps you have learned to express your creativity in saying something kind to each person with whom you are in contact throughout a day. The point is, all of us have many ways in which we can express our creativity, and expressing it is vital to our wellbeing. It is a wonderful form of play. If you spend all of your time just getting things done and do not allow time for your everyday creativity, you will not feel alive and content within. The old saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” applies to all of us. We feel dull inside when we don’t allow time for play, for creativity, for kindness to ourselves and others. Creative expression will occur naturally when you open your heart to yourself and others, allowing the gift of creativity to flow through you from the spiritual source that is always available to you. New ideas are always waiting to be expressed through you – you just need to open to them and allow the time for them. When you do, you will feel the joy and fulfillment that comes from everyday creativity!
Black Ops Hypnosis: Underground Hypnosis Course In-Depth Review
One of the first things that people notice about Underground Hypnosis is that the program is based on a concept that is referred to as Black Ops. This leads many people, at first glance, to think that the basis for Underground Hypnosis is something that is sinister, otherworldly, or even a scam. A quick review of the material proves that is not the case. While the name may attract a lot of people who think that the purpose of hypnosis is a tool to force people into doing something that the individual does not want to do, the truth is that the program is about quite a different approach. Taylor Starr has designed a series of sessions that begin with the basics and progress all the way through to using hypnosis as a steady tool to prevent manipulation from other sources. While providing some valuable insight on the way that unscrupulous persons use covert control, the material takes it one step further and turns the situation around. Instead of being manipulated by others, the application of Black Ops makes it possible to resist those manipulations and also alter the course of the interaction. This type of application makes it possible to exert influence that can improve relationships, create significant opportunities in the business world and in general improve the quality of life. A large part of Black Ops involves getting inside your own brain and learning what you are capable of accomplishing. During this process of self-realization, the student is expected to get a handle on what type of goals the individual possesses. Black Ops identifies strengths that can be applied to the task of achieving those goals, and understanding how to use verbal and non-verbal communications that result in the willing involvement of other people in the attainment of those goals. Part Four of the series is entitled “Black Ops Truth Extractor.” The session involves learning to pick up on verbiage that helps the listener to know how true the remarks of the speaker happen to be. Along with identifying indicators that something is not quite on the level, the session also gets into some exercises and verbal interaction that can defuse the dishonesty and prompt the speaker to begin revealing truths about the subject of discussion. If nothing else is gained from purchasing this program, the information contained in this one session is worth the purchase price. Also of a great deal of use is the section on common control techniques. As with Part Four, the session entitled “The Roots of Covert Control – The Majors” is presented in such a way that it is hard to not begin nodding in agreement while reading the text. Some of the indicators that are identified are so common that many people simply overlook them, out of familiarity. However, the session does not leave it at that. Instead, techniques that can take those triggers and use them to redirect the conversation and the thought process so that the flow of events is more favorable. A review of the Underground Hypnosis course will quickly demonstrate that the presentation draws heavily from a number of different sources. However, there is not any other place to get all this information in one place. To the credit of the author, the material includes several different approaches but manages to remain coherent throughout all the seven main sessions or parts. The information is arranged in a manner that allows easy review of earlier sessions when ideas are referred to later in the text. This ease of review is one of the little things about this course that help to make it much more informative and user friendly than many similar courses that are online today. While some of the terminology and the presentation are a little esoteric, the information contained within Taylor Starr’s materials is factual and definitely worth the cost.
Age New Spirituality – Inspirational Stories ( Part 61 )
In addition to meaning work,we have stated that psychologically the word Karma also implies causation. Any work, any action, any thought that produces an effect is called a Karma. Thus the law of Karma means the law of causation,of inevitable cause and sequence. Wheresoever there is a cause, there an effect must be produced; this necessity cannot be resisted,and this law of Karma, according to our philosophy,is true throughout the whole universe. Whatever we see,or feel, or do, whatever action there is anywhere in the universe,while being the effect of past work on the one hand, becomes,on the other, a cause in its turn,and produces its own effect. It is necessary, together with this, to consider what is meant by the word “law”. By law is meant the tendency of a series to repeat itself.When we see one event followed by another, or sometimes happening simultaneously with another, we expect this sequence or co – existence to recur.Our old logicians and philosophers of the Nyaya school call this law by the name of Vyapti. According to them, all our ideas of law are due to association. A series of phenomena becomes associated with things in our mind in a sort of invariable order,so that whatever we perceive at any time is immediately referred to other facts in the mind. Any one idea or, according to our psychology, any one wave that is produced in the mind – stuff, Chitta, must always give rise to many similar waves. This is the psychological idea of association, and causation is only as aspect of this grand pervasive principle of association. This pervasiveness of association is what is, in Sanskrit, called Vyapti. In the external world the idea of law is the same as in the internal –the expectation that a particular phenomenon will be followed by another, and that the series will repeat itself. Really speaking, therefore, law does not exist in nature. Practically it is an error to say that gravitation exists in the earth, or that there is any law existing objectively anywhere in nature. Law is the method, the manner in which our mind grasps a series of phenomena; it is all in the mind. Certain phenomena, happening one after another or together, and followed by the conviction of the regularity of their recurrence — thus enabling our minds to grasp the method of the whole series — constitute what we call law. To get more information visit :
Ask For What You Want – A Positive Mind Set For Positive Results
It’s surprising how much people ask for what they don’t want rather than what they do want. It’s seems counterintuitive, but it‘s the way we are. Most of us don’t even realize that we’re doing it. To explain what I mean, consider the way your mind works. When you see or hear something, your mind deals with images, pictures in your mind. You are able to think about something even if you don’t know the word for it (“You know, the little round things on the bottom of fishing poles.”) Your mind thinks in images. Even when we read something, we don’t think of the written words in our mind. We translate those words into images. Words like “no” and “not” don’t change the images they’re associated with. Telling someone else (or yourself) to not do something creates the image of what you don’t want in your mind as well as theirs. How could it be otherwise? This point is important because we tend to move toward what we think about. We hear about athletes who clearly imagine a perfect performance to help them achieve it. The same applies to everyday life. We may not actively choose our thoughts, but we will still tend to move toward them – even if we’re thinking about what we don’t want. An example I use at my seminars is also the only bit of parenting advice I’ll ever venture to give. (I don’t know who said it, but I agree with the sentiment expressed by: “Before I had children, I had seven theories of childrearing. Now I have seven children and no theories.”) Imagine you’re the parent of a 3 year old who is in the kitchen attempting the incredible feat of carrying a full Ѕ gallon container of milk from the counter to the table. Your psychic parental vision gives you an image of yourself cleaning up a large puddle of milk in the near future. You say to the child… Most folks say something like “Don’t spill the milk.” As you say that, what picture do you have in your mind? What image did you create in your child’s mind? In hypnosis circles, a statement like that is known as an “imbedded command”. The “don’t” in a statement like “Don’t relax any more quickly then you…” puts the conscious mind at ease and lets it accept the “command” to relax. In the same way, “Don’t spill the milk” is a command to spill it, and saying it increases the chance that you’ll get a result you don’t want. You, in fact, asked for it. How about this statement: “Carry the milk carefully and safely using two hands.” What image does that create? The difference is now you’ve asked for what you want, not what you don’t want. By doing so, you’ve dramatically improved your chances of getting a result you want. You decide. Which style, asking for what you want or asking for what you don’t want, is more likely to yield results that please you? Asking for what you want is the way to go. Yet most people ask for what they don’t want. Listen with this in mind and you’ll hear all sorts of examples. “Don’t forget your keys.” “Don’t stay out too late”. “I sure hope I don’t blow this presentation”. Now that you’re aware of this principle it will be fairly easy for you to change to asking for what you want. It’s a relatively small shift in mind set that pays large cumulative dividends. At first, it may take a little effort to catch your negative requests, but soon you’ll be asking for what you want. You’ll find the shift easy. After all, it’s much more fun to think about what you want than the things you don’t want.