Every once in a while life throws us some curve balls. There are however times when we are unable to deal with all of these stresses and problems. When this happens we begin to feel depressed. As time passes, generally the depressed feelings will pass. For a few individuals these feelings become depression disorders and they may need medical help to recover from this phase. There are some symptoms of depression that can tell us if the depression is a disorder or just normal feelings of depression. Every one who has depression disorders will not experience the symptoms in the same manner. There are different types of depression disorders. For each of these depression types the individuals will feel the same symptoms in different ways. Although the symptoms of depression for the different disorder types will vary somewhat, there are some common effects for all of these. To be able to have your treatment done properly you need to have a doctor examine you and see if you do have a depression disorder. The general symptoms of depression include restlessness, irritability, thoughts of death, suicide, suicide attempts, insomnia, early morning waking, oversleeping, changes in appetite are linked to a weight gain or a weigh loss. Other symptoms of depression include decreased energy, fatigue, physical and mental sluggishness, feeling guilty, worthless, pessimism, helplessness, persistent sadness. Also the individual will feel empty and have anxious moods. While these symptoms are present the severity of the symptoms will vary with each person. The symptoms of depression can last for 6 months or even years. Not all symptoms of depression need to be found for a diagnosis of depression to be made. You also need to be aware that the symptoms can change over a period of time. You will need to talk with your doctor to find out what sort of treatment you might need should you be suffering from depression. As there is a large variety of medication you will need to know the side-effects that these medications can have on your body. Once depression has been identified, you must not expect the many symptoms of depression to just vanish without any further complications. The treatment of depression takes time. During this time period of treatment you should not become upset if you do not become cured of depression quickly. After depression has been completely cured from your life you can begin to rebuild your life anew. By an unforeseen occurrence if you do begin get some symptoms of depression once more then you know what needs to be done and can get medical help accordingly.
Yearly Archives: 2012
Lying To Yourself… And Loving It
Thinking positive can be a lot like lying to yourself. You tell yourself things that are not true in order to change your state of mind. Friends who tell you to think positive are sabotaging you without even knowing it. Negative and limiting emotions are the playground for imbalance, unsure ness, worry and anxiety. When you are caught up in your emotions, you are making decisions based on what you see through those emotional glasses. What we want to be able to do is to take off those emotional glasses so that you can make more clear choices based off of higher unlimited emotional states such as courageousness, acceptance and peace. And once your there anything is possible. There are a lot of times that we cannot reach for what we want based off of the principals of the movie “The Secret”. Letting go of the emotions that hold you back are ways of implementing the movies guidelines so that you become everything it is that you want to be. The trap that we fall into is all of the oppositional thoughts that come up when we use the principals of “The Secret”. All of those thoughts that say it’s not true. Such as: “I have all the money I need to pay my bills” “I am living in abundance” “I am moving more and more towards financial freedom” “I am truly happy every day in every way” It looks good on paper but notice the resistance that engenders when you say those phrases. Often times it is right in your gut or just below the sternum. It’s different for everyone. Sometimes you break out in cold sweats and bang your hand against your head like Rain Man…wait…that was me 5 years ago. Sorry. Now the quickest shortest way towards your goals is to say it to yourself just like the movies suggests. You vision it, feel it. Just as if it were happening to you right now. Again though, that is tough for most of us because it feels as though we are lying to ourselves. Most of our responses to the above statements are, “Yeah right.” “Whatever” and the ever famous, “Bulls***” Those thoughts, needless to say, don’t serve you. What if you tried to phrase it just a little differently? What if you could phrase the goal statements in a way that allowed for the possibility of having abundance or being truly happy? Try this. “I allow myself to have all the money I need to pay my bills” “I allow myself to have abundance” “I allow myself to be truly happy” Notice how that feels? Can you feel the space opening up within? See how now it’s not such a stretch for you to reach your goal. When you allow for the possibility then you don’t have very far to go before you can kick it up a notch and say, “I am living in abundance.” I am truly happy.” Remember, your emotions and feelings don’t want you to be happy. They would rather have you stay in the security of your suffering than to be out in the unlimited possibility of the unknown. Grasp this, and you will well be on your way to mastering your own mind and creating the type of life you deserve to have. To find out more about how to discover the passion that’s already within you…You might find it helpful to sign up for my free 6 part Email course. Just send a mail to the address below to sign up: discoverpassion@bobbyspiritspeak.com
Anxiety Panic Attacks – Anxiety Self Help
Most of us through out our lives have experience stress or just feeling anxious. Sometimes when we are so worried about something in our lives in ends up we have an anxiety attack over it. That feeling when you first have one is such a horrible experience we don’t know what is happening to us which makes us feel even more anxiety because we panic and don’t understand what’s happening. Some symptoms’ may include heart palpitations’, sweaty hands, a feeling that we want to run. You can experience many different sensations through out the body. Then once we experience this then we get scared about it happening again so then we end up in a viscous circle of being worried about having an anxiety attack and then when we do have one we hold on to it, or tense up and so it prolongs the anxiety attack even further. So we tend to live each day worrying about whether it’s going to happen again. I have experience all this myself and felt it was just controlling my life. Till one day I said to myself is anxiety attacks going to control me or am I going to control anxiety attacks. I found a couple of books and read them. These are couple of points that helped me. • The biggest and best you can do is first let it go. When you have an anxiety attack just allow it to happen, don’t hold on to it. I know that it is very hard to do but believe me when I first let it go I could not believe how fast it went away. Just allow it to happen, feel what’s happening in your body, don’t hold on to what’s happening just let it go. • By breathing normally or best is have a mint, eat something, or start talking or sing to the music. It tends to get your breathing back to normal. That is one of the reasons we feel light headed or dizzy when we have an anxiety attack is because we are breathing so fast there is to much oxygen in the brain. So concentrate on your breathing and just breathe nice and slow. • Vitamin B complex is great it helps you relax, get out and do more exercise it helps you release your frustrations it also induces endorphin’s which is the feel good hormone that is released through the body when we exercise. Notice after you exercise how good and relaxed you feel. • Take time out in your life each day and think about your life, are you happy? What could you do to make it change? Ask yourself these questions, only you can make yourself happy. Don’t rely on others to make you happy that is not their responsibility it’s yours. So take control of your life and don’t allow others to control you. • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a great technique to use. You can use it in all aspects of your life. From Anxiety Attacks, Health, fitness, wealth. Go to emofree there is a wealth of information there for you to get started with this great technique. Just remember Anxiety is not a physical condition it is an emotional condition and it’s a way for your body to tell you that your mind is not healthy. So take what your body is saying to you and do something about it before it does turn into physical sickness in your body. I experienced anxiety for about 10 years myself; I have been there and done that. I never thought I could get rid of it. Until one day I made the decision that I am going to control it, it’s not going to control me. Buy some books read them, take the advice and try what they say. You DON’T need drugs to control anxiety only you can control Anxiety. “Change happens not by making ourselves change but by realizing what’s not working”
Is It An External Agent Or Can Motivation Only Come From Within?
Motivation is thought to be an action from the heart; to be capable of finding it from inside your self and to have the capability to move ahead on a belief is something larger than yourself. It is conceivable for most human beings to become motivated, but not necessarily to be able to motivate themselves. Whenever the question is asked, does motivation come only from within ourselves or not? We must be able to foresee what it will take for somebody to personally succeed in their life. There are indeed a lot of facets to motivation. In almost all cases, motivation is a personal determination. It calls for determination and purpose. There is no elbow room for buckling under to damaging conducts or ideas. Being successful is a crucial factor in the idea of yielding to the reality of how a person evolves into becoming motivated. Then the inquiry, “does motivation only come from within a person or not” would seem to be the most prevalent answer to these elusive concerns. It vividly manifests itself in the case of an athlete. Even though an athlete prepares for a sporting event, he or she must dig deep within themselves to stay competitive in the event. Discipline and training can become a very tedious and some of the times discouraging due to the stringent agendas and difficult work demanded. A reason to come to one of many conclusions concerning the resolve to the question, “does motivation come only from within the person; is inspiration. Someone additional that you may want to emulate has the ability to also inspire you. If it is conceivable to acquaint yourself with what has inspired that person to become successful, then you are able to make efforts to find out if these are the forms of inspiration you need to acquire for remaining motivated. Searching From Within Motivation must first begin with the understanding of why you are commencing something. Therefore to obtain that resolve, you have to search from within. The following step is to arrange goals to achieve the task beforehand. This will call for you to do a lot of thinking and the thinking process must include a look from within yourself. You must always be faithful to yourself and ascertaining the truth requires that you search honestly from inside yourself so that you are able to evaluate the inquiry, “does motivation come from within yourself.” Whether or not you are prepared to understand what you have discovered by your evaluation will ascertain if you truthfully believe that the question, “does motivation come from within yourself,” isn’t necessarily a means to force you into a conclusion. It is designed to make you think about motivation and how it bears on your mentality in the agreement that you will have to search from within yourself to find the answers to your desire for motivation. Since the procedure of evaluation has allowed for us to ascertain the resolution to the inquiry, “does motivation come from within,” we now understand that the thought process and the need to achieve is the key to keeping us motivated. Motivation for those who work alone or who work from home is always a large factor in achieving true success. But it is not one that is difficult to achieve.
Near Life Experience
“Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own submerged inner resources. The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths.” – Epictetus, Greek Stoic philosopher (55 AD – 135 AD) World renowned peak performance trainer, Jack Canfield, was once asked in an interview which book most influenced his life. He replied that Dr. Raymond Moody’s book, Life After Life, made a tremendous impact in his life as an author and coach. Canfield went on to recount how Dr. Moody studied several hundred people who had near-death experiences in which they were clinically ‘dead’ for several minutes. Dr. Moody found they all experienced a similar phenomenon of this lifting out-of-body sensation traveling through a dark tunnel, and at the end of the tunnel, encountering a spiritual being of light that loved them unconditionally. The part of the book that really struck Canfield (reading this sent shivers through my spine!) was when he recalled that, according to Dr. Moody’s research, these people were asked just two questions by this loving being of light: “How have you expanded your capacity to love?” and “What wisdom have you gained from your experience?” [Taken from Barnes and Nobel’s “Meet the Writer” section for Jack Canfield]. Dr. Moody’s book title leaves us with a clue that perhaps these so called near-death events should actually be called ‘near-life’ experiences because the people undergoing this phenomenon are brought closer to the real meaning of life and the experience of being truly alive. After stripping away all the non-essentials, isn’t that what life is really all about? Love and wisdom. But when life hands us a particularly difficult challenge, instead of making out of it a hearty stew of love and wisdom, we often become like dead people walking – draining our life force by angrily fighting the challenge, or by complaining about it, or denying it, or numbing ourselves from the pain by popping pills, drinking, or indulging in other distractions. Every challenge, every difficulty, every misfortune – whether it’s dealing with a difficult boss, an unexpected layoff, a hostile relative, a bankruptcy, an illness, a divorce, or a bitter foe – all these events are special gifts from the universe to help us grow as spiritual beings who are truly alive to the human experience. Embrace these challenges as rare opportunities to help you expand your capacity to love and gain ever increasing wisdom. Small goals and small problems don’t really help us grow all that much. Welcome the big ones! You have to tear muscle to build it by lifting a sufficient amount of weight. Welcome the big challenges as character-building exercises to help you grow beyond your perceived limits. The Hero’s Journey is all about courageously facing these life-challenges and assimilating them into ever expanding spheres of love and wisdom to re-connect and tune with the higher Self. Delve deep within and you will find yourself bathed in this all-enveloping, all-forgiving, all-accepting field of love. As The Journey author, Brandon Bays, likes to say, “You are the love that you have been seeking.”