According to the US National Committee for Quality Health Assurance, more than 11 million Americans (about 1 in 20) have major depression. Interestingly, only about half of these are still taking medication six months after being diagnosed. If these wonder drugs are so great, why do so many people stop taking them? Could it be that they are not getting the results they want or people are getting fed up with the unwanted side effects? As no single antidepressant has been shown to be any more effective than any other, the choice of which drug to prescribe is often based on their different side effects! These often include weight gain, headaches, nausea, stomach pain, loss of libido – and the list goes on. All forms of depression affect a person’s thoughts, actions and physical health, and this is a condition that is experienced by an ever growing number in our society. Fortunately, today, more and more people are turning to other (healthier and less expensive) options to overcome depression (& other debilitating conditions), including relaxation methods, exercise, enjoying music, reading inspiring books, doing their own research to find out what works for them, counselling, and natural medicine. The habit of taking pills to make oneself feel better – to have more energy, to relax, and to experience a general feeling of well being – is now a widely accepted, daily habit/ ritual in many Western countries. The downside is that the underlying condition or reason behind the need or desire for drugs does not change or get better as a result of taking pill, and of course all the unwanted side effects. However, there are alternatives, and the good news is that these options come without negative side effects, and are not habit forming! The Physical Side While it is true that conditions in our physical bodies sometimes need prescription drugs, (or natural alternatives) to counteract the effects of imbalance which lead to high levels of stress, organic weaknesses, painful muscles, and even disease, it is also true that there is much that we can do to help ourselves and our bodies feel and work better. Much of this is related to the way we think, the daily choices we make, and the emotions that we regularly experience. Mental & Emotional Health As humans it is natural to desire the good things life has to offer: vibrant health, energy, good communication with others, a great job, financial abundance, the home, the car, wonderful vacations, and of course the ideal relationship. However it is difficult to be successful and reach our goals when our mind and emotions are out of balance; when we don’t have clear goals, or a system in place to reach those goals once we clarify them. Taking Back Control “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” –Walter Bagehot The first step in gaining control of one’s life, one’s health – physical, mental and emotional – and one’s destiny is a very simple one… to make the decision to do just that! The good news is that you don’t have to do this on your own; others have trodden the same path, faced the same (or similar) challenges and triumphed; reaching goals they previously thought were only pipe dreams, and living the life they thought was only possible for others– who were more privileged, clever or got the right breaks. And many of these individuals then chose to share the methods they found worked best for them, to inspire and genuinely assist others to achieve a much higher level of happiness and success in their lives – on every level. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” –Henry David Thoreau One such person is Genevieve Dawid: international consultant and mentor – to both individuals and blue chip corporations. To achieve the wonderful success that she now enjoys today though, Genevieve first had to overcome far more obstacles than the average person – born with feet both the wrong way round, orphaned at birth, dyslexic (difficulties in correctly reading and interpreting written words) and dyspraxic (severe difficulty performing tasks requiring fine motor skills such as drawing or writing) and diabetic – to name just a few of her challenges. With a wonderful support system from her adoptive parents, and a true indomitable spirit and inborn highly positive approach to life and all it threw at her, instead of giving up, or resorting to drugs (by far the easier option!) with great persistence, Genevieve overcame her many challenges. Later on she also experienced harassment from some senior executives in response to her dyslexia when working as a consultant in London, the deaths of several close family members, including her own triplets, and the severe depression that followed, which she described “like being down the darkest of holes.” In spite of all this, she always “knew” there was light at the end of the tunnel… Instead of throwing in the towel she continued to look to the future, learned how to think differently about things, and developed a unique blueprint for going beyond daily obstacles, and most importantly, attracting everything that she wanted to have in life ––boldly following her dreams. Now she has the luxury lifestyle she previously only dreamed about; including the man, the car, the houses, the vacations…! If you have a desire for change, but feel you need some direction and inspiration ––from someone who is not only highly successful and happy, but truly empathises with your situation; someone who can point you in the right direction and provide tried and tested methods for achieving the lifestyle you really want––I invite you to have a look at ‘The Achiever’s Journey,’at
Yearly Archives: 2012
I Will Stand By You Even If……
This is what John told me yesterday. Rule No 1: There are no rules. Rule No 2: If there are rules break them. Rule No 3: Before you break the rules make sure you ‘know’ all the rules. I asked John” How many years does it take to ‘know’ all the rules. And he said ” As long as it should take…” Think about it, It has been 24 hours since we launched Spiritual Simplicity. We have had members from China, Singapore, Ghana, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Malaysia, South Africa, UK, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The response has been phenomenal. Here is a mail from Dorie Wallace of China: “Hi Vish, I have just signed up as a member to your wonderful website. Wow! I logged on and was blown away at the abundance of videos,information, stories, books and articles! I have never seen such great value. I couldn’t’ and didn’t want to stop reading and checking it all out. You and John have done an absolutely amazing job!!! I live in China and getting any kind of spiritual reading material that is written in English is not an easy thing to do. Now I don’t have to worry about it at all. Whatever I need I am sure I will find in the pages of your site. ” Ask and you shall receive.” I asked and now I am receiving. Thank you Universe and thank you John and Vish!” Deepest regards Dorie This is what Rosemay Margueritte from UK had to say “Vish I’m so thrilled to join you and John on what I already feel will be a successful and exciting journey to spirituality and I am forever grateful and blessed to be a member of your website. Once again, thank you to John and yourself for your kindness and I look forward to sharing this journey with you.” Much love and affection Rosemay One thing more, because of heavy spam our first mail did not go out to many people. In that mail we had a FAST ACTION BONUS for the first 50 people who signed up. Now that number has already been filled. But since a good number of people did not receive the first mail, John has advised me to have another FAST ACTION Bonus for you So here is the deal: The First 50 who order today will get two things valued at $344 in addition to everything mentioned in the site 1. 45 minute PRIVATE TELESEMINAR WITH JOHN AND ME where John will reveal information he has never ever spoken of earlier in public. I can guarantee you that it will be life changing. (Valued at $197 this is free only for the first 50 people who order today) 2. On June 2nd week, John will be releasing the Power Pause Videos. I do not know how much John is going charge for it. The book itself sells for $97 so I guess it would be atleast $147 . You will get the free download link for watching this video, once it is ready on June 2nd week (Valued at $147) Now remember, you have to be quick as this message is going out to a huge list… Here is your link to prosperity. Break all rules today Bye for now With Love and Affection Vish P.S. Remember Rule No 3: Before you break the rules, make sure you ‘know’ the rules. There is no one better than John to teach you this subtle skill. So go right ahead and make the decision of your life. You won’t regret it.
Whats The Role Of Competitive Intelligence In The Modern World
Competitive intelligence or CI is necessary ethical discipline for the taking of decisions based on the understanding of the competitive environment. Research shows that companies with established programs of CI get greater profits for action than those of the same industry that does not have programs of CI. It is so important for that they to take decisions in companies of small or average port to know what it is for coming, as is for the presidents of the great companies listed in Fortune 500. Thus,is possible to a company to be practising some form of CI and not perceive it. Any employee who visits an event, he reads a periodical, or talks with friends of the same economic sector, is making research (one of the components of the CI). But other components of the CI generally do not meet in the businesses. Currently the CI add value to the collection of information and the strategical planning when introducing a system disciplined not only to the collection of information, but also when carrying through analyses and spreading its “findings” of form that are useful to the necessities of the decision takers. The speed of the technological development and the growth of the global commerce, means that the current environment business-oriented is transforming more quickly than before. The entrepreneurs and average small professionals of the e companies, cannot more give themselves to the luxury to depend on the instinct or of the intuition when they take strategical decisions in its businesses. In much sectors (especially where the competition is each bigger time), the consequence to take a decision missed, can be to take the company to lose sales or to the bankruptcy. Research shows that competitive intelligence increases the “level of comfort” of the strategical planning of the direction of the company. But after all what it is same Competitive Intelligence? Many confuse with Emotional Intelligence, others with Management of the Knowledge, others with Business Intelligence and still others speak in espionage. Prescott and Miller, comment that the “work of Sun Tzu on military intelligence, continues being read and are considered the father of intelligence. For journalist Larry Kahaner, competitive intelligence is a systematic program of collection and analysis of the information on activities of the competitors and general trends of the businesses, aiming at to reach the goals of the company. Therefore, Competitive Intelligence or CI is one necessary ethical discipline for the taking of decisions based on the understanding of the current and future competitive environment.
How We Sabotage Ourselves And What To Do About It
Everyone wants to be beautiful, young, healthy and fit. There is no end to the diets, workouts and health plans. Yet the most important diet of all has been overlooked. This is a diet that releases stress, relaxes muscles, offers sound sleep, diminishes appetite, and makes you look and feel younger; it brings you new friends, a happy work environment, good relationships, and adds years to your life. This is the diet from anger– one of the worst plagues facing our nation.Anger is a serious problem for one in every five Americans. Road rage, workplace violence, school shootings, domestic abuse and addiction are just a few of its many outlets. The reason such a huge proportion of our nation is on anti-depressants, involved in alcohol, and drug addiction, overweight, in broken relationships and involved in all kinds of destructive behavior, can be directly traced back to the effects of anger, particularly the hidden kind. It has also been well documented that anger strongly affects physical health and is directly related to heart attacks, blood pressure, back pain and many other physical disorders. This is called symptom substitution. We also turn our anger against ourselves in other ways. We become depressed or experience mood disorders, hopelessness, passive aggressive behavior, promiscuity, domestic abuse and many other forms of general misery. Sometimes anger converts itself into obsessive-compulsive disorders and individuals become unable to make decisions or choices about their lives. Anger is ruthless in the course it takes, attacking and disrupting our body, minds and spirits. As school and workplace shootings rise, the divorce rate climbs, people are on increasing anti-depressants. Many are increasingly unable to deal with the stress of 9-11 and an everyday terrorist threat. It is clear that anger is a societal problem, which is only growing worse. It is time we paid attention to the #1 terrorist we face: the anger we live with every day. At the present time many of individuals in our society are dependent upon medication of all kinds. Anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs, weight loss supplements, low blood pressure medication, blood thinners and antibiotics of many kinds are taken to ease the many symptoms of unhappiness, unbalance and disease we suffer from. On the face of it the symptoms seem to differ from one another. If we look a little deeper, however, we can see that beneath the various forms of distress that appear, anger is quietly smoldering. Today we fear many external enemies. It is not so easy to realize, however, that the worst enemy we face is this anger that resides within, the terror it causes us, and the ways in which this poison dictates so much of our lives. Anger has many faces. It appears in many forms and creates different consequences. Anger that is overt and clear cut is the simplest to deal with and understand. When we or someone we know is openly angry, we know what we are up against and can directly address the cause. Most anger lurks beneath the surface, however. It often does not even come to our awareness and manifests in endless, hidden ways – as depression, anxiety, apathy, hopelessness, and in many, many other forms. It is crucial that we recognize anger for what it is, realize when it is appearing and notice the devastation it creates. Then we have an opportunity to root out this underground stream feeds our misery, and the misery we cause others. When anger is allowed to remain camouflaged it holds us in its grip and easily erodes the entire quality of our lives. What To Do: Just as we work out daily in the gym to strengthen muscles and attain flexibility, it is necessary to work out and strengthen the parts of ourselves that can recognize and release anger easily. We must learn to give up the various forms of anger and replace them with a healthy antidote. Some healthy antidotes to anger include: letting go of blame, forgiveness, generosity, seeing the best in others, letting the other be right, (just for today), giving others the benefit of the doubt. Choose one antidote and work with it for an entire day. Then choose another. You will begin to feel so good, you won’t want to go back to the old ways. As we daily eliminate the toxicity anger provides to our systems, not only will the results be reflected in our mental and emotional well-being, but in our environment and physical health as well. Eventually it will become impossible for anger to maintain the hold it once had upon them. All teachings encourage us to be forgiving, but there is little actual instruction on how to accomplish this. Each of the antidotes listed above will help you along the way. Anger is the great impediment to forgiveness. When anger is rooted out, love and forgiveness arise naturally. Our lives and the lives of those around us then become hallowed and become all they are meant to be.
Don't Let Stage Fright Make You A Bad Speaker
Just because you have to deal with stage fright does not mean that you have to be a bad speaker. I don’t know anyone that does not have a difficult time speaking in front of an audience to one degree or another. In fact, a healthy amount of fear while giving a speech will help you to be a better speaker. So you have a choice to make, you can either fall apart because you are afraid to speak in front of an audience or you can use your fear to help you to be the best speaker possible. Here are some typical problems that many new speakers face that can make you a bad speaker and can easily be overcome with a little practice. Some people that have anxieties tend to take their problems to the opposite extreme. For example, if somebody is dealing with stage fright they may overcompensate by becoming overly relaxed. This will not come across as you being relaxed and poised to your audience. What it will do, however, is to make you a poor speaker. One classic example of this is that many new speakers that are nervous will overcompensate for their nervousness by leaning on the podium or becoming overly familiar with a strange audience. It is necessary to maintain your composure by standing up tall when you’re speaking and to build a relationship with your audience during the course of your presentation. Do not allow your nervousness to make you seem arrogant. Another problem that many people have is that they let their nervousness show up by using unnatural body inflections. I once heard a talk that was given by somebody that was supposed to be experienced yet the entire time that they were speaking they were jingling their keys in their pocket. This was not only distracting but it also showed that the person was nervous and was difficult to concentrate on the information that they were trying to convey. Nervousness can also show up in over gesturing or facial tics. One of the best ways to pick up on this kind of a problem is to have somebody videotape you giving the presentation in front of a group of trusted friends. You can then watch yourself for any body movements that come across as being unnatural. The most important thing in dealing with stage fright is that you do not allow your audience to know that you are nervous. Many speakers will feed off of the emotions of their audience and if they are able to control the situation they’re stage fright will disappear quickly after they began their presentation. This is something that is very important to remember because if you are dealing with severe stage fright you need to handle yourself correctly from the beginning in order to overcome it. Once you realize that you are in control of the situation it will be much easier for you to relax and to go through your information in a logical and comfortable manner.