Abraham Lincoln was a man that found himself smack dab in the middle of a fight he didn’t want nor create. But it was a fight he could not run away from; for it was a fight concerning a universal principle on which he should have remained inflexible. That principle was, that men and women are all equal and must be treated with the same respect; the principle of “Independence”. Now this universal principle was not a man made law at that time. No laws had been written concerning slavery. So how was one to know what the truth was? If it was so universal, why did half of all Americans at that time side with the South who wanted slavery? With no law to hang your hat on, it is very easy to side any way you choose for the moment for there is always the excuse one can make “I didn’t know sir. Is there a law that says we should not enslave our fellow man?” But Universal principle nevertheless exists and it does also demand a price even when no law states so. When we go against universal principle we sin against nature and our consciousness bears witness with us that we have committed a foul deed. There really is no place to escape. You know it as well as I. You may out-wit the law, but how do you live with yourself afterwards? How do you sleep at night knowing you have committed a wrong deed? Lincoln made a decision not based on law, but based on principle, a higher principle of the universe. When we discover the universal principles in life that may or should not be broken, we should wisely conform to those principles. It is when we try to ignore those universal principles that we eventually run into a stone wall or a world of trouble. I am a teacher and in my classes when I teach I usually use an exasperating example to illustrate how universal principles work. I stand in one place and drop a pen and then pick it up again. I repeat the action. I repeat it over and over again to the point of near irritation to the participants. I then stop and explain my point. The point is that it would be rather senseless if I kept doing the same old thing wouldn’t It? You just can’t fight gravity. It is one of those universal principles. So I would do well to obey the law instead of trying to fight it all the time. The correct thing to do is put the pen down on a surface and when you need it again you can always pick it up again. I would save time and energy and would seem a lot less stupid wouldn’t I? Well that is true with all universal principles. The example of the universal law of gravity is an easy one to acknowledge. There are no toes to step on, no greedy pockets to be robbed, and no human pain to be inflicted. But there are other principles, some not as easy to recognize immediately but they are nevertheless important for us to observe and obey. In the case of the universal law of independence, Lincoln chose freedom over slavery because it was the right thing to do. In the end it benefited mankind by creating a space for freedom to flourish. We may not have complete freedom but we created growth in this space for all kinds of things to flourish. The industrial era began leading to the technology of mass production, mass transportation, aerospace development, computer technology global marketing, the communication era we live in today. All of this came because of freedom. We must choose the right thing to do every day. When we come up against universal laws like “Love they neighbor as thyself”, we should obey that principle. There may be no law to define in detail what actions should be taken during a special situation, but there is always the universal principle that exists. Follow the principle. Obeying universal principles is empowering. It is empowering because the universe acts in harmony with those laws. Together you and the universe conspire together to bring about good things in the space where you are. Today as you go out to face the world, make it your priority to obey universal principles. Doing so will empower you to meet your challenges and who knows what might become of that!
Yearly Archives: 2012
How To Make Balanced Environmental Ethical Decisions? (Not Fanatical And Not Ingorant)
Majority of us are hesitant to become aggressive environmental activists. We have our own occupations and activities that consume most of our time. At the same time, environmental ethical considerations (especially those linked to global warming) can not be ignored anymore. How should an »ordinary person« like you and me (assuming we are ones) incorporate eco-friendly thinking and habits into her/his own lifestyle and decision-making? There are lots of advice and messages on what to do and especially on what not to do to become more eco-friendly or to »go green«. With lots of imperatives one can become confused, suspicious or even downright hostile to the »environmental gospel«. Assuming you want to avoid this attitude but at the same time you are not willing to go lay down naked on the glacier in protest or block the airports with demonstrations etc. there are some important issues you need to think about. In ethical decision-making we are prioritizing our values within our value systems. Some concerns are more important to us that other ones. For most of us, for example, the immediate survival of our families is more important than glacier melting. Majority feels that one needs to survive with skills and opportunities one has at present, be ethical, yes, but thinking about environment usually comes only after other ethical concerns. If environmental imperatives (such as, “do not use a car if not necessary”) are directly in conflict with other imperatives we act upon (such as driving your children to specific school at the right time) and those imperatives are more important to us, then environmental concerns simply can not make it to our decision-making process that easily. We all have to face such dilemmas and there are no prescribed solutions. Few thoughts are helpful though. We can (we need to?) see the human race as a family that collectively struggles for survival and quality of life. Several authors including Martha Nussbaum argue for global ethics and »world citizenship« – as world citizens we have ethical obligations to humanity as a whole. Assuming that such obligations exist, it is still true that local and immediate (family-wise, ethnic, patriotic etc.) imperatives are more concrete and easily felt than global ones. We need some ways to connect with the awareness of global human family in order to give the environmental ethical concerns – which are a part of global ethics – any higher priority (I don’t mean higher priority than family concerns but »higher than zero« or »higher than we are used to«). Letting environmental activists to make us feel guilty all the time is not a very constructive ground for making changes in becoming more eco-friendly either. It is wise to make a slow but steady progress, to gradually incorporate changes into your lifestyle. Recycling and buying saving light bulbs does not, for example, cost much sacrifice and can be easily realized. Further down the road one might think about using public transport or a bike instead of a car at times, and switching off lights and other devices in your home and in your office when actually not using them. Majority of us though, are not at the stage where we would choose more expensive and several days long train and ship travel instead of a flight on a plane (although plane emissions are by far greater than those of any other form of travel). I assume that for considering such options seriously the negative consequences of air travel would have to be much more clearly present and also directly felt by us individual travelers. We need to be realistic and good to ourselves and at the same time gradually incorporate the eco-friendly thinking into our everyday life. The extreme positions tend not to last long. In the case of extreme environmentalist activism (like cutting the tyres of the big cars or pouring paint on them) it can do much harm and put off many people from actually taking appropriate action.
Take Control Of Your Financial Future Using The Law Of Attraction
Steadily rising prices and competition and downsizing are just a few of the problems many people experiencing. Due to this many people finding themselves in difficult financial situations. Some are heavily burdened by credit card debts and other financial obligations. If this has been one your experience you may learn more about the Law of Attraction and how it works. Countless people have already got started to use the Law of Attraction to turn their financial matters around and have succeeded in doing so. The Law of Attraction has made conversation everywhere. Just recently the Law of Attraction has been talked about in shows like Oprah and Larry Kind live. Many people have listened to the information about the Law of Attraction with much interest. So how can you use the Law of Attraction to take control of your financial future? How can you finally become affluent? It has been stated that like attracts like. The Law of Attraction works exactly in the same way. This law only responds to your feelings and emotions. It is not so much what you say but what you feel when you say it, that will set things in motions. So if you constantly complain about money, or you are constantly worried about bills, that the bad feeling that you are vibrating will bring more of the same back to you. Knowing this you can be a deliberate creator of your financial situation. This may sound different from anything you have heard but there are countless people who have experienced the truth of this statement. If you are tired of experiencing financial difficulties you have a chance right now to learn more about the Law of Attraction and how it really works. There are some steps that you may want to take to get started first. Here are some helpful tips of what you need to do: 1. Make a list of all the monthly bills and financial obligations. As you write your list you need to write the amount of interest that you are paying for each month next to the amount you owe. When you are done with this you now have a clear picture of your financial obligation. Now you may sit down and think about a reasonable payment plan. Do this every 3 month and compare the old list with the new list and se how the amounts that your financial obligations becoming smaller. This will help you to visualize your continued success until you are debt free. 2. Say affirmations that will help you to stay focused on money matters and that will help you along the way. You could say something like this: “I am money conscious and I have money all the time”. This may be a little difficult for you to say because your current money situation does not match what your affirmations are saying but it matches your goal when it comes to your finances. The Law of Attraction only responds to your feelings and thoughts. When saying affirmations like this you are creating new thoughts and feelings about money. This will help you create the money situation that you want. 3. Read up on some information about money management and how to invest money. Check out some books about people who went from rags to riches. This kind of information will help you to make good decisions when it comes to money and it also helps you to continue on the road to financial independence. 4. Try to avoid making more debts! This would be contrary to your goal! Before making a new purchase ask yourself the question how often would you use this item, or do you really need this item. Asking questions like these can help you in managing your money better and in succeeding with your goal.
Self-Improvement – Marketing Yourself As A Brand
We are all familiar with name brand products in the stores. Companies have learned they can sell more of their product if they can make you associate the name closely with a particular service or advantage. Branding yourself is a relatively new concept in the world of employment, but basically it uses the same strategy, only this time the product is you. Branding yourself is a way of making it clear to potential employers or clients what, in particular, you might be able to do for them. Successful products have slogans, and so can you. When someone asks you what you do for a living, do you answer with your job title? Do you say, for instance, “I am a manager.” This is hardly inspiring. Or do you say something like, “I work for the What’s-it Manufacturing Plant.” That mentions them, but it does not identify you. Branding is a way of identifying yourself with special qualities, just like short advertising slogans will identify a product with special qualities. Mercedes Benz is, “Engineered like no other car in the world.” Holiday Inn is, “Pleasing people the world over.” With Polaroid, “The fun develops instantly.” When someone asks you what you do, rather than responding, “I am a manager,” it could be, “I turn management around in companies so that they can profit again.” Or rather than just a teacher you could describe yourself as, “I teach children to enjoy learning.” This short but positive association can make you more attractive and encourages them to want to know you better. Your brand can be communicated in your conversations and be suggested with examples in your resume. A brand for you can identify you to a potential employer as having a most special quality or advantage and impress them that you would make a most desirable employee. There are advantages and disadvantages both to working for someone else and in working for your self. When you work for someone else, you do not have to be making as many decisions about what you should be doing, because the big decisions are decided for you. Usually when you work for someone else, a great advantage is receiving a regular pay check. Whether business is good or poor, you know you can count on a certain amount of money each pay period and you can budget accordingly. This takes a lot of stress out of your life. You may also have the advantages of working regular hours, and may be able to leave at a certain time and not worry about work until the next day. In general, when you work for someone else, there is less responsibility. But there are also aggravations to working for someone else. You don’t get to decide how things will be, you need to please your employer, and the company can end your employment at any time. When you are self-employed, your income is directly related to the success of your business. Most businesses take some time, perhaps a few years, before they start turning a profit. There may be tremendous profits, or not. Without incorporation, there may even be debt. There will not be anyone to pass the big problems to, but must resolve them yourself. Your job typically will not end at a certain time. When things need to get done, you must do it. There will be stress. But the potential advantages of being self-employed are tremendous: wealth, pride, independence, and satisfaction. Four reasons are common for self employment. Many people choose self employment when they cannot find other employment. When no one will hire you, you can always work for yourself and try to make it profitable. Many successful businesses begin this way. Some people choose self employment because they desire to get rich. Your chance of accumulating wealth is greater if you own your own business. Some people start their own companies in the same kind of business where they have previously been employed. They like their work, but they want to be able to do it their own way, and do it better. And some individuals have a vision. They dream of being able to do the kind of work they wish at last, or wish to help others.
Today I Will Take Care Of Myself
Each day I will take care of myself, but today I will think just of this day. When I wake up I will think of the work I hope to get done to make my life better, but I will also think of things I can look forward to and enjoy in this day. I will plan at least one treat-time for myself, perhaps an hour to read a good novel, or making a phone call to a loved one, or spending time in the garden putting in flowers. I know that when I take good care of myself, physically and emotionally, that I am being kind to one of God’s loved ones. Today I will look after my health beginning from the first moments of the day. I will take time for a healthy breakfast, because I know this sets the pattern for my eating in a healthy way throughout the day. I will take a moment to plan lunch and supper, so I do not make unhealthy choices when I am over- hungry and rushed. I will also plan some exercise for myself that is just right for my present level of fitness. I will love myself for who I am right now. Perhaps I will go for a half hour walk so I can also enjoy the outdoors. Tonight I will relax before bed and give myself enough sleep for the next day. Today I will do my best to speak kindly and encouragingly to myself as well as others. Just as with everyone else in this world, I need this kindness to be at my best. I accept myself as I am because I know I am a good person, sincere, and I make an effort. If I make mistakes or can’t get everything done, I will forgive myself easily and try again tomorrow. I will praise myself for everything I do well, and everything I try to do. I know that it is encouragement that will help me to grow as a person and be my best. This day I will protect myself from harm. I will not cause harm to myself by treating myself badly or being harsh and judgmental. I will not let others do that to me, either. I will protect myself from influences that make me feel bad about myself or discouraged or depressed. At the end of this day I will give myself credit for a job well done. This day I did my best, whatever that was. Each day I practice taking care of myself, I will get better at it, so each day I practice, I am getting better. I will think of those things I enjoyed today and things I did well, and look forward to a new day tomorrow. I will remember the love my loved ones have for me, that I have for me, and that God has for me. Today I will make my life better. Today, I will spread peace and love in this world. Today, I will speak my heart and for my soul.