We have thousands of choices we can explore in order to reach our ultimate destination. Some of these pathways appear safe, so many of us prefer to try this route. And while this path can be blissfully easy for awhile, and we feel safe, we fit-in, we have friends, family and jobs that are pretty “normal”….we can eventually run into a boulder that life has placed somewhere along the way. And it refuses to let us go around it. We can’t ignore it, we can’t pretend it isn’t there, and we can’t go through it unaware. We can try to forcefully move this boulder….but it’s too heavy. We can find some lever to propel it away from us….but the boulder is heavier than any available lever…….So….what can we do? Perhaps because we have no other choice, we alter our pathway. We go off the safe byway we have grown so accustomed to and we venture into the “wilderness”…where there are no boundaries, no guarantees, no other beings….It can be a scary time. The confusion. The fear of the unknown. The deep sense of loss. The indecisiveness about how to move beyond this nowhere place. It’s dark. It’s lonely. We are frightened at first….perhaps afraid we will get lost. But usually (what I have found) is that in taking this detour we grow braver. We see there are no monsters out there. We become more determined, We discover that each new off-shoot provides us new information about the world, the things that are possible in this world and even to our own astonishment of how much we have changed in our minds, our hearts and our thoughts. Some of the things seen on this alternate route will be things no other person will ever be able to see in the exact same manner that we have seen them. We soon discover we would never go back to that “other” pathway again, for while it is indeed “safer”, it is so much more limiting and so much less colorful than the path that we find ourselves routing. All of us have the capacity to be innovative. However a obstacle to getting us started may be a belief that we do not possess whatever genes it takes to be imaginative. If one believes they lack any sort of creativity, it is difficult to engage in the task of seeing things in a new light. And when one labels oneself a “noncreative” person, a self-fulfilling prophecy is set in motion, often prompting a person to retreat from considering even small changes in their script. It is for this reason that one might consider not attempting to make major alterations in ones behavior all at once, but rather take small steps. Each successful small step serves as a reinforcer for taking the next step. Success breeds success. Remember, a creative step need not be measured by its length. From a distance, you can see things you can’t see when you’re up close and personal. The difference is in working ON a circumstance rather than of operating IN it. It’s all too easy to plug away at something but miss the important distinctions needed to create an elegant result. From high among the clouds, homes and highways appear tiny and toy-like. Looking out the window while riding in an airplane lends a unique perspective. Suddenly, our crowded and important cities seem like just a small part of a busy universe. Change of pace techniques like listening to calming music, taking a long walk , and meditation are all possible ways to disengage. Traveling to another location either actually or through a favorite book or film are also good ways of finding a new perspective. You open the door to greater intuition and increased serenity. With a shift comes new perspectives, insights, and ahas. These sparks of insight are the reward for entering into and making friends with the dark unknown. Over time these sparks join together to illuminate a new vision for your future. Indigenous people created a ritual space to help them handle the dark days of winter while waiting for the shift to increasing light. In the process they devised a way to hold the darkness so that it created a space of profound insights and hope. Within The Seasons of Change, the Winter Solstice represents the time of darkness, the dark night of the soul. At first people feel lost, afraid, worried, even frantic because they can’t find a way out. It’s when they surrender to not knowing the answer that they relax into the darkness and merge within it in a way that changes how they see themselves. To ones grateful astonishment this does for you what you were certain you could not do for yourself. It solves the dilemma; it finds the way. And, all you need to do is follow. Explore areas of your life that you love, and others that you fear. And don’t mind making some noise in the process….if that’s you. Feel life, choose to experience the power of the moment when you achieve something previously thought impossible and relish every single minute of it. You will know you have found your harbor, physical or otherwise, when you feel in your heart that you have been reborn into a life that is in this moment is just the right shape, size, and composition.
Yearly Archives: 2012
Sprouting Paper Seeds: Manifesting What You Want
I lived on my grandpa’s farm as a kid and he taught me some very important life lessons including the Biblical verse: As you sow, so shall you reap. There is a magic to growing things from seeds which we’ve planted. When we tend to sprouting seeds, when we give them fertile soil and water, when we nurture and care for them, these seeds grow into a bounty of life. This can be taken both literally and figuratively. There is a caution when we start growing something to tug at the sprouts in an attempt to make them grow faster, we kill the life that has started. Instead, allow it to grow at it’s own pace. With a figurative seed the growth can be immediate or it can grow quickly, others need time coming to fruition and will only manifest as quickly as you allow it to. You can’t go beyond where you have not yet begun. Simply, in order to grow your plant, your idea, your relationship, your business–you have to start with the seed of inspiration. Without further ado, now for the sowing. . . This is a fantastic exercise. You’ll need to buy some 3 x 5 cards in different colors. And for each idea, thing, relationship, etc., that you want to manifest, (this can be small and simple, like a language pattern or an affirmation that resonates with you), write out a card. The best way to make compose the sentences on your paper seeds is to apply them to an internal state. Here’s one in relation to persuasion: ‘I am aware of the things I need to do to persuade in every interaction I have with everyone I come into contact with.’ You’re aiming at your awareness in this affirmation. My students and clients tell me all the time, ‘Kenrick, this persuasion stuff is great. I love it. I’m thrilled to be studying with you. Yesterday, however, I was interacting with a new prospect and I completely forgot to use what you’re teaching.’ I still hear this from people who have worked with me for years. And I tell them all the same thing, ‘It’s okay. The conscious mind is a fickle thing. It takes time to remember to use the techniques.’ So now that you’ve got your statements written, take the card and cut it up into fifty tiny pieces. The next step is to take those pieces and tape them up all over your house. Stick on the steering wheel of your car. Stick them on your elliptical machine or treadmill. Stick a few up on your bathroom mirror. Get creative. Put them up and leave them there for at least seven days. Every time you see one of the pieces, tell yourself that you’re going to think of the affirmation that you wrote. Think out the affirmation in full. No shortcuts. You’re going to internalize and actualize this affirmation a hundred times faster than you would have otherwise. Think about it–fifty little reminders, telling you to repeat it once again to yourself. . . can you see how this would really sink it into your mind? You can use this strategy to push anything into your brain in order to act more quickly and assuredly. I’m absolutely certain if you try this, you’ll have amazing flowering gardens of success.
Wheelchair Wheels: Tube Be, Or Not Tube Be?
Wheelchair wheels pay a dual role in the operation of a wheelchair; they both act as shock absorbers both increasing the comfort of the wheelchair user, and decreasing the stress on the wheelchair to reduce the level of future maintenance it will need. Many wheelchair users, however, see their wheelchair wheels as one of their chair’s most important stylistic features, decorating them with designer hand rims and spoke guards. This is in spite of the fact than most wheelchair wheels are constructed of gray rubber, which has been treated to prevent it from scuffing floor finishes. And many of them share their pneumatic construction with ordinary bicycles. Pneumatic Tires Those wheelchair wheels which contain inflatable tubes like those found in bicycles cushion the wheelchairs’ users’ rides and enable the wheelchairs to maneuver through past closely situated obstacles and tight areas. But pneumatic tires puncture easily on broken glass, nails, or even sharp stones. This is especially true for motorized wheelchairs, which are heavier than manual ones. Having a flat tire with no spare when on a solitary outing is no wheelchair user’s idea of a good time. Solid Tires Wheelchair tires of solid rubber are a terrific alternative to pneumatically clad wheelchair wheels, because their rubber is sturdy enough to handle event the roughest terrain. Solid rubber will not wear out and need replacing as quickly as pneumatic tires, and unlike the pneumatic tires, rarely become deflated. But, like all good things, solid rubber does have it s flaws; it will, for instance, let you experience every jarring jolt when you are traveling on unpaved terrain. This discomfort, however, is insignificant given that those wheelchair users who have pneumatic tires who and use their wheelchairs frequently normally have to replace their wheelchair wheels every two to three months. There has been a recent advance in wheelchair wheel technology, which offers users both a comfortable ride and amore durable tire. Some solid rubber tires are designed to hold a rubber insert which substitutes for the pneumatic tube. This new tire needs no inflating, meaning that it will never become deflated. Disabled people who have manually operated wheelchairs have reported that this new solid rubber tire with the tube insert provides them with a more cushioned ride, and motorized wheelchair users have also made favorable comments about it. If you are a wheelchair user who is tired of jarring rides and flat tires, this new tire may be the answer for which you’ve been waiting. People who are able to get out and about might want to buy a collapsible transport wheel chair which can be used for excursions and will fit in a car’s trunk. The transport wheel chair must either be pushed, or maneuvered by the user’s feet. Power wheelchairs are not collapsible, and people who use them usually travel by van with specially designed wheel chair lifts. Before you buy a wheel chair, measure all the tight spaces in the user’s environment through which it will have to fit; widen the necessary doorway and move what furniture you need to.
Your Face: You Be The Judge
This story was told to me. A woman in her thirties went to a cosmetics demonstration party. The Mary Kaye representative showed the small group all the newest products in their line. Some of the women ordered products and some were not sure. She gave everyone a small catalogue to look at. It listed all the products they sell. She also offered to go to any one’s home and give them a free facial. That would allow them to try the face cream without purchasing it. She told the group there was no obligation to buy unless they liked it. Three women made an appointment. On the day of Victoria’s appointment she welcomed the Mary Kaye representative into her home. She served coffee and then they prepared for the facial. Although Mary Kaye chatted on about how good her face looked and didn’t the face cream smell terrific, Victoria felt an uncomfortable tightness on her skin. She mentioned it and Mary Kaye just said “We’re almost finished.” The cream was being applied with upward strokes of Mary Kaye’s fingers and finally they were finished. Mary Kaye handed her a mirror and told her what an improvement the cream had made on her skin. Victoria didn’t agree but bought some of it anyways. She used it for a week. Mary Kaye came back to see the results. Victoria said she was going to go back to using her old brand. Mary Kaye tried to convince her that “her skin was going to adjust to the new product.” Anyone can see that makes no sense. When choosing cosmetics of any kind or color you are the one who makes the decision as to what looks good on you. You buy what you like. It is your face and your skin and should feel comfortable to you. The idea of you having to accommodate the product by adjusting to it is preposterous. If you are ever given free samples at a demonstration party, remember you are under no obligation to buy anything. If you are given a free service — it should be just that — free. A certain brand of cosmetic may work wonders for 99 other women but if you’re that one woman that has a bad reaction simply try something else. There are about a gazillion brands on the market to select from.. There is a company named Yves Rocher’ that has some fine products. Their full line of baby products and men’s section will make it easy to find everything you need in one catalogue. They offer a face creme and eye creme for three different age groups. There’s also a shampoo for every hair type and every hair problem. That includes dandruff shampoo. The shampoo and conditioners have a wonderful clean scent. Add a container of the foot “rejuvenating gel” and they really do have you covered from head to toe. They often have gifts that are included with your order. Once they gave away free quilted cosmetic travel bags and another time a light-weight fleece blanket. Its’ a good place to find inexpensive gifts such as scented body wash that has a matching bottle of cologne. Everything is packaged for gift-giving. Then if your total order is a certain amount (it was $42 at one time) you get free delivery. This company makes it easy for you to shop and save time. It is also a fun experience
Learning How To Fight
Single Christians who want to be in a long lasting romantic/dating relationship need to learn how to fight, if that relationship is to survive. I know that sounds like crazy advice, but the top reason why both dating and married couples breakup is precisely that they don’t know how to argue and fight. This is very important, so let me reiterate this dating advice a different way: Learning how to fight and argue successfully is the best way to a lasting and happy dating and/or married relationship. Why? Because conflict in this life is inevitable, so you better learn how to deal with it. Single Christians who never learn the art of fighting and arguing will most likely fail in any romantic relationship they enter. This is true whether they seek a soul mate through an online Christian dating service or any other way. Additionally, ever meet that dating perfect match who look so good together, and claim they never argue or fight? Don’t believe it. That romance made in heaven will be headed south soon unless they acknowledge the reality of conflict and arguments, and learn how to fight. Whether you a single person already dating or only hoping to, the following dating tips on learning how to argue and fight will be helpful: Fighting Tip 1: Honestly and lovingly confront the problem, but leave out the personal attacks on your dating mate. If the argument or fight devolves into attacks on person hood, the battle (and possibly the dating relationship) has been lost. Adam did this in the Garden after God confronted him with the problem of eating forbidden fruit. Instead of honestly acknowledging the problem, he put personal blame on both Eve and God: “This woman you put here with me-she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate.” (Gen. 3:12) Honestly addressing conflict sometimes means swallowing our pride by admitting we are part of the problem. Ever wonder what God would have done if Adam honestly admitted his part? Fighting Tip 2: Listen to what the other person is actually trying to communicate. That means having earnest eye to eye contact as you open up your ears and heart, because communication can take place verbally, by action or body language. So, it’s important that you understand all these forms. Many dating singles have a lack of communication in the area of conflict-resolution because they’re too busy thinking about their argument response rather than listening from the heart. Don’t forget there was a reason God (James 1:19) told us to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. He wrote it in part to help us avoid the pain of making further jackasses out of ourselves. This is what happens when we are clueless and careless about what others are thinking and feeling. Which brings us to our next tip. Fighting Tip 3: Rephrase your boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s feelings and words back to them. Rephrasing accomplishes several important things: 1) It’s lets your date know that you are really listening, and are in touch with their feelings. 2) It ensures you that there is no mis-communication. After all, if you have to have a fight with your date, make sure you are arguing over the same things. Here’s an example: “Sue, what I hear you saying is that you are feeling upset and hurt that I went out with the boys instead of with you Saturday night. It makes you feel sad that I would rather be with them than you. Is that right?” Sue’s response back will then give you further information on how to address the problem at hand. Of course, if a rolling pin pops out at this time, you may want to run for the hills! Fighting Tip 4: Commit to solving the problem together, which often calls for compromising on the non-essentials. This also means going over “fighting ground rules” with your dating partner before a conflict actually arises. It may sound silly now, but it will save you heartbreak in the future. Some suggested helpful dating ground rules on problem solving together: 1) Putting a time limit on “the silent treatment” and/or anger. Remember, the Scriptures in Ephesians 4:26 encourages you to “not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” It’s your choice, but prolonged anger will destroy any romance in a hurry. 2) Winning an argument should never be the goal, but forgiveness and reconciliation is. Overall, please understand that you do not have to agree on every little issue. In fact, could you imagine how boring that would be? Finally, even if not currently dating, singles can still benefit from these dating tips by going over scenarios on how they would react in given circumstances in the future.